jueves, junio 30, 2011

sobrevive como puedas ,( con herramientas ! )

bear grylls

cuchillo de supervivencia /Ultimate Knife $61.99

cuchillo de supervivencia que se dobla tipo navaja/Folding Sheath Knife $32.99

multiherramienta tipo alicates plegados/ Ultimate Multi-Tool $57.99

encendedor /Fire Starter $14.99

parang ( machete)/Parang $42.99

kit de supervivencia /Ultimate Kit $51.99

kit de supervivencia, explicado (en inglès)
Protection ClothingClothing is your first line of defense against the climate. In the cold, layers of clothing trapping air are warmer than just one thick garment. Keep your body’s core warm. Headwear is important. And a golden rule of cold? Act before you get too cold. Avoid sweating and keep your clothing dry. Wet clothing can lose up to 90% of its insulating properties.
In a hot climate, clothing and headwear may be your main protection from the sun. Keep skin covered to prevent burning. An improvised hat or head scarf can provide shade and keep the body cool if made wet. (Think urine or any fluids you can find –remember: survival is rarely pretty!)

ShelterShelter is one of the top priorities in any environment. As with every element of survival, you must think carefully before expending precious energy. Don’t waste time constructing a shelter if nature has already provided one. Take advantage of caves, overhangs, hollows and trees. In many situations, a man-made shelter may exist: a life raft, safe wreckage, abandoned structures, etc.
Location is everything. It needs to be stable and away from natural hazards like wind, rain, flooding, rock falls, animals and insect swarms. Study the terrain before choosing your shelter location.

FireFire will provide you with heat, light, comfort and protection. Choose the location for your fire wisely: relative proximity to your shelter and wind direction being the most important considerations.
A fire requires three ingredients: Oxygen, Fuel and Heat. Gather your fuel before you attempt to start your fire. Look for wood that is off the ground to ensure your best chance of it being dry. You will need tinder to get your spark going. Fluffy fibrous materials like dry moss or grasses make good tinder, as do cotton balls, tampons or petrol soaked rags. Once you have gone to the effort of getting a flame, it is vital to be able to keep it going, so be sure that you have gathered plenty of fuel beforehand.

LocationTry to put yourself in the shoes to the rescuers. What way will they be coming from? How will they spot you?
If it is safe to do so, STAY PUT. If you have a vehicle, stay nearby. (Too many people die by heading off into the unknown, only to be found dead within 5 miles of their car.) Be smart and make yourself safe and visible

SignalingLay out stones and objects to create an SOS near your location. If you have light or pyrotechnics, have them near at hand and ready to use. Any shiny surface can reflect sunlight for many miles to rescuers. Use this to signal them direct, or sweep the horizon if none is in sight. Smoky signal fires can also alert rescuers. Have them built and ready for quick ignition. Keep the fire dry by covering it with vegetation and have a damp or living wood or leaves nearby to create smoke. (You can also use oil, diesel, or tires for smoke.)

NavigationKnowing cardinal directions is an invaluable tool if you decide to move.
Shadow Stick
Place a stick in the ground. Mark where the tip of the shadow falls, then wait 15 minutes and mark again. The line between those two marks denotes a general east-west axis.

Wrist Watch
In the northern hemisphere to use your watch as a compass, point the hour hand at the sun. The imaginary line bisecting the hour hand and 12 o’clock is your north-south line. In the southern hemisphere point 12 o’clock at the sun and then bisect that and the hour hand.

water sourcesFollow game trails, animals or insects to surface water sources like rivers and streams. Look for lush vegetation as a sign that underground water may be present. Melt snow or ice. Plants and vegetation can provide fluids –even animals in extreme situations. Sucking liquid out of a fish eye may not seem appetizing, but it could just save you.

water collectionNever wait until you are without water to begin to collect it. Act whilst you are still fresh and have some supplies. Use any materials you have to aid in the collection of water. Large leaves or a sheet like this guide can be used to trap rain or dew. Condensation from damp ground or vegetation can be captured with a solar still. Be inventive –it is one of the keys to good survival. Improvise. Adapt Overcome

water purification

Water from arctic ice (caution: may be sea ice), a rain/dew trap or still will not need purifying, but other sources may. Always purify water when possible. Drinking water that makes you sick can be worse than no water at all, as it can make you weak and dehydrated. Boil water for 5 minutes if you are at higher elevations, (at sea level it is sufficient to boil the water for just a minute, and you then avoid wasting limited fuel through excessive boiling). Basic filtration can be achieved through a shirt, bandana or a sock. (I have even used my underpants before…now that made you smile didn’t it? Good, we are learning to survive!)

snares traps

Hunting wild animals should not be your first thought when looking for food­—instead snares and traps will use up less energy. Most animals can be snared with a wire noose in the right position, such as near a den or above a game trail. (But don’t set it too close to a den, as animals are wary when they first emerge from hiding.) Also remember: funnel the animal towards your trap, camouflage the snare, mask your scent, and then bait it. And the more traps you set, the better your chances of success. If there are rivers or other bodies of water nearby, these should be your first port of call for food.

There is no secret to the art of knot tying –just practice and patience. A few basic knots can provide a multitude of uses in a survival situation. And remember KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid! There is not much that you can’t so with these 3 simple knots.


The good survivor is a scavenger. Letting nature do the hard work is the best way to find food. Try to eat anything you can get your hands on that is safe – you can’t afford to be choosy – you don’t know where/what your next meal is. Generally if it walks, crawls, swims or flies –it can be eaten. Think smart. Your brain is bigger than every animal or insect. (Or at least it should be!) When storing food, be sure that it is out of reach of any animals or insects it may attract (especially bears).


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