sábado, febrero 28, 2015

javi motiva






Video triatlón motivación Javier Gómez Noya

Intenta respetar /Bam City manillar amortiguador/ Klepper el E-Kayak solar




Al que ves que es diferente,
Al que piensa algo distinto,
Al que juzgas duramente y no se lo dices de frente,
No merece ser tu amigo ,
Hoy culpaste a tu pie izquierdo,
Y mañana es el estrés,
Tal vez ese que hoy atacas,
Puede ser tu gran amigo,
Y en tu guerra no lo ves,
Tratar a los demás como lo harías contigo,
Con solo otra sonrisa todo es mas bonito,
Olvídate el rencor que te hizo andar perdido,
Tratar a los demás como lo harías contigo,
No culpes a los otros por pensar distinto,
Te digo,
No estás siendo razonable,
No sé lo que te ha ocurrido,
Vas jugando al tiro al blanco con el que se te atraviese,
Sin haberle conocido,
Te lo digo por voz propia,
Yo he pasado por lo mismo que tú,
Porque mientras no critico,
Juzgo menos y respeto,
El camino se ilumina de luz,
Tratar a los demás como lo harías contigo,
Con solo otra sonrisa todo es mas bonito,
Olvídate el rencor que te hizo andar perdido,
Tratar a los demás como lo harías contigo,
No culpes a los otros por pensar distinto,
Te digo,
Que importa las creencias,
Diferencias de colores,
No hay abismos con amor,
Somos lo mismo,
La vida,
Tratar a los demás como lo harías contigo,
No culpes a los otros por pensar distinto,
Te digo,

Buena canción y video de Carlos Baute con un mensaje a ‪#‎Venezuela‬ .

Bam City bar flexes to smooth out the potholes

By Ben Coxworth February 26, 2015

The Bam City handlebar flexes downwards to absorb vibrations and small bumps
When serious cyclists want a little more vibration damping (or lower weight) in their handlebars, they'll often shell out hundreds of bucks for a carbon fiber bar. French company Baramind, however, wants to extend the concept of shock-absorbing handlebars to everyday commuters, with the not-so-expensive but even-flexier Bam City.

Baramind has already been making small-bump-absorbing bars for mountain bikers, for three years now.

Those bars feature a flexible section in the middle, made from "a complex combination of fiberglass and carbon." Rigid inserts attached to the top of that section keep it from flexing upward, so it doesn't take up the rider's energy when they're pulling on the bars. This still leaves it able to flex downwards, although the extent to which it can do so is determined by another set of inserts on its underside – these are available in hard, medium and soft varieties, depending on the user's preference.

The new Bam City model works on the same basic principle, although it's made from a less-expensive "composite hybrid," which was reportedly created for use in the aeronautics industry. The bar was developed in collaboration with an engineering laboratory, a specialized material manufacturer and an industrial partner.

It tips the scales at 350 grams (12.3 oz).

Baramind is currently raising production funds for the Bam City, on Indiegogo. A pledge of €39 (about US$44) will get you one, if all goes according to plan. Should you be interested in the already-available Bam XC mountain bike bar, it sells for €169 ($189).

The Bam City can be seen in use, in the following video.

Sources: Baramind, Indiegogo




Klepper's solar-powered E-Kayak gives your arms a rest

By C.C. Weiss February 26, 2015

The Klepper E-Kayak at the 2015 Dusseldorf boat show (Photo: C.C. Weiss/Gizmag.com)
Image Gallery (9 images)
Paddling lakes, bays and rivers by kayak is a rewarding experience, but it can also be quite tiring. That's why Klepper offers paddlers the benefit of a solar-powered electric drive in its E-Kayak kit. The paddler can kick back and let the small motor take over the forward-floating load. The design adds a little modern-day technology and convenience to Klepper's classic folding kayak.

The Klepper electric drive system Klepper shows the E-Kayak with both rigid and folding solar panels (Photo: C.C. Weiss/Gizm...This non-motorized Klepper kayak shows a look at how the skin fits around the folding wood...The digital controller lets you control motor output (Photo: C.C. Weiss/Gizmag.com)View all
In 1905, a German architecture student named Alfred Heurich built a folding wooden-frame kayak he named Dolphin. While kayaking had been around for thousands of years prior to the Dolphin, Heurich is credited with launching kayaking as a sport. Two years later, Johann Klepper secured the patent from Heurich and went on to introduce the folding kayak to mass production and marketing. Klepper's eponymous brand has been selling folding kayaks ever since, playing a major role in popularizing the sport of kayaking along the way.

While it has a history like no other kayak manufacturer, Klepper doesn't rest solely on its reputation and past benchmark products, continuing to innovate and redefine the sport. At this year's Boot Düsseldorf boat show, we found evidence in both the modular Backyak backpack-kayak-catamaran-snow sled and the E-Kayak.

The E-Kayak is designed to let sore paddling muscle rest by replacing those muscles with motor power. The kit includes a high-efficiency electric motor with carbon propeller, an 18 Ah 12 V sealed lead acid battery and a cockpit-mounted digital control unit hardwired to the motor by a 7.5-foot (2.3-m) cable. The motor is integrated into the foot-operated rudder, which allows the kayaker to quickly and easily lower it in and lift it out of the water from inside the cockpit. The rudder also replaces the paddle in steering the boat while using the motor.

The E-Kayak is a nice idea, but as with any type of electric vehicle, a battery-powered motor only runs for so long. That's why Klepper also offers both rigid and folding solar panels that mount atop the deck and deliver enough battery power for up to an entire day on the water. An integrated controller prevents system overload, and the kit includes charging ports for keeping cell phones, GPS units, outdoor lights and other battery-powered gadgets topped off.

The E-Kayak motor is easily operated by way of the digital unit and foot-steered rudder sy...
Klepper estimates that an E-Kayak can travel up to 32 miles (52 km) when operated in slow, battery-saving mode (2.5 mph/4 km/h) with eight hours of sunlight. Alternatively, it can travel at speeds up to 5 mph (8 km/h) in top speed mode, slicing total range down to about 9.3 miles (15 km).

Klepper offers a number of motor kits and options, starting with the €2,329 (US$2,600) motor kit with 18 Ah battery, minus any solar panels. The solar panels are listed separately at €590 for a 30 W rigid panel or $652 for a 25 W folding panel. Note that the range estimates above are based on a dual 30 W panel configuration.

This non-motorized Klepper kayak shows a look at how the skin fits around the folding wood...
The electric motor drive and solar panels are designed to be used with Klepper's Aerius folding kayaks. The manufacturer offers kayak models with ash/birch wood or carbon fiber folding frames covered by fabric skins. The kayaks fold up to be carried in portable cases. The boats accommodate one to four paddlers and range in price between €2,890 and 4,890.

So for a full E-Kayak set-up with single solar panel, you'd be looking at a starting price in the €5,800 (US$6,500) range, €6,400 for a rig with dual solar panels. That's not prohibitively expensive when compared to the collapsible, fuel-powered, jet-driven MOKAI ES-Kape, but well above non-collapsible electric-drive kayak options like the Old Town Predator XL or Kayacht. None of those other options include solar panels, however, and the latter two don't include batteries.

Source: Klepper



viernes, febrero 27, 2015

entrenando para crevillente


Hoy tenìa pensado recoger el dorsal en crevillente y de paso entrenar allì pero la organizaciòn comunicò que no se podìan entregar hoy por falta de maillots y decidì hacer una salida tranquila por la sierra de santa pola.Salì por la carretera del camping y recogì al perro del vecino que se habìa escapado de casa, luego me fuì por la finca agrìcola hasta el clot y lo atravesè hasta el centro de interpretaciòn. Ahora quedaba ir por el sendero paralelo a la carretera del carabasì hasta santa pola, pero parè para fotografiar Tabarca. Ahora hay que subir a la torre del moro. Otra foto y para el faro donde hago las fotos que faltan. Se està haciendo de noche y despuès de unas vueltas por la zona enfilo la bajada del faro por asfalto y la carretera de santa pola para bajar al altet .En total fueron 27,70 km en 1:39:03 h. a una media de 16,76 km/h con un desnivel de 328 m.


hoy sàbado he ido a recoger el dorsal, el 1128 , luego dieron un nùmero que no tiene nada que ver,el 3572 en una cinta y una tira amarilla para la muñeca, un maillot y unos papeles .Mañana la carrera empieza a las 9 , con lo que con media hora para vestirse, otra media para el viaje y estando una hora antes de empezar hay que poner el despertador a las 7

triatlòn dubai gana bozzone, eneko 6º ,passuello 7º, javi abandona

Terenzo Bozzone y Daniela Ryf se imponen en Challenge Dubai
admin | feb 27, 2015 | 0 comments

Un ex campeón del Mundo, Bozzone, y la revelación 2014, Ryf, se imponen en la primera entrega de la Triple Corona Challenge, en un día con otra gran actuación de Eneko y peor de lo esperado para el resto de los nuestros.

Un día perfecto daba la bienvenida en el amanecer de Dubai, si bien a lo largo de la jornada se fue levantando viento y algo más de temperatura. Todo se iniciaba según guión en el segmento de natación de la categoría masculina, el americano Andy Potts y el australiano Pete Jacobs lideraban los 1900 m con un tiempo de 22:19. Gómez Noya justo detrás de ellos, en compañía de otros 12 hombres en 15 sg. Los nuestros venían en un segundo grupo también nutrido liderado por Pakillo a 1:05 en el que también esntraban Eneko y Raña a 1:20. Del Corral por su parte cede más de 6 m.

El ciclismo estuvo marcado por la norma de 20 metros de separación, algo que hacía más difícil los adelantamientos. Pronto Martin Jensen de Dinamarca toma el mando de las operaciones y en los primeros 20 km selecciona el grupo a 4 hombres en 13 sg, Michael Raelert, Manuel Kung y el alemán Knossella van en el cuarteto, mientras que muy cerca pasan Noya y Potts.

Según pasan los kilómetros el suizo Manuel Kung se pone líder en solitario con algunos segundos sobre Martin Jensen y Michael Raelert quienes se alternan en persecución, mientras que Gómez cede en bici yéndose por encima de los 7 m en el último punto de control, donde el primero de los nuestros es Eneko Llanos a 6 m.

Los últimos 20 km dan un vuelco con un fortísimo viento, Terenzo Bozzone, uno de los campeones del Mundo asistentes en la prueba, toma el mando y llega solo a la T2 con escasos 20 sg sobre Kung y Jensen, mientras que Michael Raelert entraba a 1:40. Dos ciclistas Passuello y McKenzie se bajan en el Top 5 a 4 minutos.

Eneko es el primero de los nuestros a 6:20 en un estiradísimo grupo por la lucha por el Top 8, mientras que Gómez Noya se baja a casi 10 minutos, y Del Corral a casi 20. El resto de los nuestros no alcanza la T2.

Los 21 km de carrera a pie son suficientes para el neozelandés Terenzo Bozzone que con un registro de 1:13:51 se hace con el triunfo aguantando el embiste de Michael Raelert quien solo le recorta 45 sg, entrando segundo a 1:04. La tercera plaza es para la sorpresa del día Manuel Kung a casi 4 m. El top 5 es para Tim Reed autor de una remontada a pie con 1:11:39, mientras que Andy Potts aguanta el Top 5.

Eneko Llanos es el mejor de los nuestros con el puesto 8 tras remontar con el mejor parcial a pie de todos los participantes 1:11:16. Victor del Corral acaba en el puesto 32. A falta de confirmación oficial, nuestros otros representantes no acaban la prueba.

ryfEn categoría femenina la americana Lauren Brandon, llegada de la ITU, daba la sorpresa saliendo destacada del agua con un tiempo propio de los hombres, 23:19. Tras ella a 1 m salía Jodie Swallow, mientras que a 1:50 el grupo de favoritas con Ryf y Frederiksen.

Los primeros kilómetros del ciclismo dan más ventaja a Brandon que pasa con 1:50 sobre Swallow, Alicia Kaye y muy cerca Ryf. En los siguientes kilómetros Daniela Ryf se va sola con un fortísimo viento frontal, mientras que Brandon aguanta la segunda posición a duras penas y es cazada por Wurtele y Swallow.

Ryf es la primera en bajarse a correr con 3 minutos de ventaja sobre Swallow y Heather Wurthele, mientras que la otra favorita Helle Frederiksen cede en ese punto 5 minutos.

Los 21 km de carrera a pie son un recital de Ryf que aumenta la ventaja con 4:05:01 y un parcial de 1:17:24, ahora si que casi con toda seguridad será invencible en el resto de pruebas de 2015. A más de 4 m entra Wurthele, mientras que Frederiksen remonta a la cuarta posición pero a más de 6 minutos.





eneko informa

Satisfecho con mi rendimiento hoy, buena bici y muy buena carrera a pie (mejor parcial creo), más flojete en la natación pero bien y contento en general. Aún esperando el resultado oficial. Soy octavo no oficial, pero está bastante claro por los testimonios de varios testigos que entre algunos de los primeros en bici ha habido un recorte (involuntario) del segmento ciclista. Hay varias reclamaciones puestas y nos encontramos a la espera de la decisión del comité de apelación. Espero que tomen la decisión justa y correcta para todos los que estamos afectados.
Bozzone, Raelert, Küng y otros 2 han sido penalizados con 4 min

Terenzo Bozzone, Daniela Ryf On Top At Challenge Dubai
By Triathlete.com
Published Feb 27, 2015
Updated 58 mins ago
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image: http://cdn.triathlon.competitor.com/files/2015/02/539959857_DUBAI_TRI_25-593x421.jpg

Challenge Triathlon Dubai
Terenzo Bozzone takes the win at Challenge Dubai. Photo: Stephen Pond/Getty Images for Challenge Triathlon
New Zealand’s Terenzo Bozzone and Switzerland’s Daniela Ryf earned the victories at Friday’s inaugural Challenge Dubai triathlon. They will each take home $65,000 of a total $300,000 prize purse, and more significantly are the only two athletes eligible for the $1 million bonus up for grabs if any athlete can win all three races in the Triple Crown Series.

The day featured its fair share of surprises. Athletes battled brutally windy conditions, a pre-race favorite dropped out and the men’s final results were shuffled after five athletes were penalized for unintentionally not following the course.

Men’s Race
American Andy Potts led the men out of the water in 22:19, with Javier Gomez (ESP), Pete Jacobs (AUS), Manuel Küng (SUI), Michael Raelert (GER) and Rasmus Petraeus (DEN) coming into transition within a few seconds of Potts, making for an exciting start to the day.

In his first race in 18 months, Denmark’s Martin Jensen wasted no time finding his way to the front of the race. The super biker thrived in the blustery conditions and broke away from the rest of the field.

Behind Jensen, the conditions were taking a toll on the field and the biggest casualty was reigning ITU and Ironman 70.3 world champion Gomez, who withdrew after not feeling well on the bike. Jensen continued to look strong out front, but it was Bozzone who was quietly making his move.

Jensen’s efforts ultimately proved to be too much and he was overtaken by Bozzone and Küng before the end of the bike ride. Bozzone, who won the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in 2008, cruised into T2 on the heels of a field-leading 2:02:39 bike split.

Would he be able to hold off a fast-running Raelert, who came into T2 about two minutes down? The answer was yes. Bozzone paired his strong bike with a strong run and was the first across the finish line. Raelert was second over the finish, with Küng crossing in third in what would have been the best performance of his career.

Ultimately the official results were dramatically different as Bozzone, Raelert, Küng and two others were penalized four minutes for, according to the press release from Challenge Dubai, “unintentionally not following the correct course.” Despite the penalty, Bozzone maintained his victory, while Tim Reed (AUS) was propelled to second position. Raelert dropped down to third.

Women’s Race
American Lauren Brandon was the early leader in the women’s race, after making the best of the tough and choppy swim conditions to exit the water with more than a minute lead over some top-notch swimmers, including Jodie Swallow (GBR), Alicia Kaye (USA), Ryf, Meredith Kessler (USA), Helle Frederiksen (DEN) and Annabel Luxford (AUS).

Brandon rode strongly through the early stages of the bike, extending her lead to two minutes over Kaye, Swallow, Ryf and Kessler.

At the 72K mark, Ryf decided it was go-time and powered her way to the lead, putting 90 seconds into Swallow and nearly two minutes into Wurtele. Behind them, Frederiksen, Kaye and Luxford were losing time to the front group.

“I actually had some problems with my gears, I was stuck in fifth gear. If there was a bump I could switch so that was a bit of a problem,” said Rfy.

As Ryf exited transition she had built nearly a three-minute lead to Swallow, with Wurtele coming into T2 10 seconds back of Swallow.

Ryf’s pre race talk of not being in top shape was soon put to rest as she strode out on the run, recording the fastest run split, and earning the win and a check for $65,000.

Wurtele ran herself into second place today, with Frederiksen overtaking Swallow to round out the podium.

Challenge Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike, 13.1-mile run

1. Terenzo Bozzone (NZL) 3:45:45
2. Tim Reed (AUS) 3:46:35
3. Michael Raelert (GER) 3:46:49
4. Bart Aernouts (BEL) 3:47:13
5. Martin Jensen (DEN) 3:47:19

1. Daniela Ryf (SUI) 4:05:01
2. Heather Wurtele (CAN) 4:09:21
3. Helle Frederiksen (DEN) 4:11:43
4. Jodie Swallow (GBR) 4:13:35
5. Annabel Luxford (AUS) 4:15:55

*Official results according to press release from Challenge Dubai.

Also Recommended

Read more at http://triathlon.competitor.com/2015/02/news/terenzo-bozzone-daniela-ryf-top-challenge-dubai_112849#VFAYlwcjTO7u3idd.99

Challenge Dubai – Friday 27th February 2015
1.9km 90km 21.1km

Pos Men Purse
1st Terenzo Bozzone (NZL) 3:41:45 $65,000
2nd Michael Raelert (GER) 3:42:49 $35,000
3rd Manuel Kung (SUI) 3:45:39 $20,000
4th Tim Reed (AUS) 3:45:35 $9,000
5th Andy Potts (USA) 3:46:50 $6,000
6th Bart Aernouts (BEL) 3:47:13 $5,000
7th Martin Jensen (DEN) 3:47:19 $4,000
8th Eneko Llanos (ESP) 3:47:20 $3,000
9th Domenico Passuello (ITA) 3:48:04$2,000
10th Benjamin Collins (USA) 3:48:32 $1,000



Bozzone takes Challenge Dubai

Written by: Herbert Krabel Added: Fri Feb 27 2015

Terenzo Bozzone of New Zealand won the inaugural Challenge Dubai and Aussie Tim Reed and German Michael Raelert rounded out the podium. The final results were not made official until the early evening hours in Dubai, as the organizers had to deal with protests filed. Five pros who were originally listed in the top 10 took a shortcut during the bike segment when they missed a turn, and that gave them an advantage of around 4 minutes. These five were Terenzo Bozzone, Michael Raelert, Manuel Küng, Andy Potts and Ben Collins.

The pro men lined up to experience the choppy waters at the Jumeirah Beach today and, clad in wetsuits, made quick work of the two lap course. Andy Potts led after the first loop and again at the end of the swim, posting a 22:19 split. Right behind was Manuel Küng who in turn led a big bunch out of the water. Most athletes were where they were expected to be, but Luke McKenzie was likely unhappy with the 24:30 swim split.

The pro men lined up to experience the choppy waters at the Jumeirah Beach today and, clad in wetsuits, made quick work of the two lap course. Andy Potts led after the first loop and again at the end of the swim, posting a 22:19 split. Right behind was Manuel Küng who in turn led a big bunch out of the water. Most athletes were where they were expected to be, but Luke McKenzie was likely unhappy with the 24:30 swim split.

During the bike leg the men were spread out for miles with large gaps between the athletes, as the 20-meter rule that had already been enforced in Bahrain was put to use here. But most of the men were even further apart. Martin Jensen ended with the fastest bike split of the day; the tall Dane cranked out an impressive 2:02:43 bike split. He moved into the lead around the halfway point of the bike. At around 53km the 5 Pros we mentioned earlier accidentally exited a roundabout too early, cutting off a section of the course and, putting them back into the lead. Several pros riding behind them noticed the faux-pas, and who chose the correct route, filed protests. In defense of the five athletes who took the "shortcut," the route was not crystal clear. As a result Martin Jensen caught some riders of that group again and that made it clear to him that something was not right. The Dane was then seen gesturing to officials, but the race ran its course. Terenzo Bozzone looked very strong at the front and Manuel Küng had simply a spectacular outing in Dubai. Bozzone and Küng reached the bike-run transition about 30 seconds apart, and Jensen and Raelert made it in about 2 minutes after the Kiwi.

During the bike leg the men were spread out for miles with large gaps between the athletes, as the 20-meter rule that had already been enforced in Bahrain was put to use here. But most of the men were even further apart. Martin Jensen ended with the fastest bike split of the day; the tall Dane cranked out an impressive 2:02:43 bike split. He moved into the lead around the halfway point of the bike. At around 53km the 5 Pros we mentioned earlier accidentally exited a roundabout too early, cutting off a section of the course and, putting them back into the lead. Several pros riding behind them noticed the faux-pas, and who chose the correct route, filed protests. In defense of the five athletes who took the

Bozzone ran 1:13:51 and came across the finish in obvious elation.

"I haven't race this well since 70.3 Worlds last year and to be honest I did not know where my body would be," said Bozzone to slowtwitch before he learned about the protest. "I just went into it backing myself up and just did what I had to do, and thankfully my body responded how it needed to."

Michael Raelert ran 45 seconds faster, but fell short of the win. Manuel Küng came home 3rd, followed by Tim Reed who cranked out a fantastic 1:11:39. The best run of the day belonged to Ritchie Nicholls, who loped a 1:11:12, but well outside of contention. Andy Potts crossed the line in 5th place.

But it all changed as the awards ceremony got closer. 4 minutes was added to the times of those who had taken the inadvertent shortcut, thus knocking Andy Potts and Ben Collins out of the top 10. Küng dropped from 3rd to 9th place, and that in turn moved Tim Reed into second place ahead of Michael Raelert. Trevor Wurtele and Joe Gambles were awarded 8th and 10th place respectively.

"I think what happened during the bike leg of the race yesterday is very unfortunate, but I also know it was an honest mistake by the athletes. For now I would like to await further communication with the Challenge Family organization before I make any more comments," said Martin Jensen to slowtwitch after the 4 minute adjustments were made. Jensen missed out on being first back into T2 after his very stellar bike performance and being 5th instead of 3rd also is big financial setback, in terms of prize money and sponsor bonuses.

2015 Challenge Dubai
Dubai, UAE / February 27, 2015
1.9km swim / 90km bike /21.1km run

1. Terenzo Bozzone (NZL) 3:45:45
2. Tim Reed (AUS) 3:46:35
3. Michael Raelert (GER) 3:46:49
4. Bart Aernouts (BEL) 3:47:13
5. Martin Jensen (DEN) 3:47:19
6. Eneko Llanos (ESP) 3:47:20
7. Domenico Passuello (ITA) 3:48:08
8. Trevor Wurtele (CAN) 3:49:06
9. Manuel Küng (SUI) 3:49:39
10. Joe Gambles (AUS) 3:50:23



Crónica de Pakillo Fernandez-cortes en Dubai.
"Pongamos que hablamos de Dubai.

Ahora que tengo un rato libre en el aeropuerto de Madrid y haber realizado las visitas pertinentes en Toledo en las pocas horas de diferencia entre el vuelo de Dubai y Lanzarote, y con la mente ya en frío, es momento de hablar del Challenger.

Cuando las carreras salen es fácil caer en la euforia del momento y olvidar entrar a detallar aciertos y errores en competición, pero como esta vez no ha sido así, es obligado retroceder en ele tiempo y analizar los hechos.
La semana previa a viajar las sensaciones entrenando eran muy dispares. En el mismo día tenía entrenos super buenos y petadas monumentales. Las dudas me asaltaban. Lo mismo corría como un tiro,que me arrastraba en bici y volaba en el agua.
Con este panorama nos fuimos. Suerte y a lo que salga.
La carrera:
Sonó el despertador y el chip cambió a "bull mood" y con estas calenté con unas sensaciones de película, esto va a funcionar hoy!! Me dije a mí mismo.
- si Andy Potts está en este lado será porque es el bueno, así es que sus pies será mi camino hasta la cabeza de carrera". Hasta la primera boya me ví confiado y valiente, pero a partir de ahí la potencia que tenía segundos atrás se iban esfumando...igual que Potts, Noya, Jacobs....A 1' de cabeza, toca empujar las bielas a tope para ir en ese vagón que va justo detrás de los cinco de cabeza".
Los primeros kms de bici me suponen un auténtico calvario, y veo como un 53*11 no es suficiente desarrollo para viajar con ese grupo que a golpe de riñón va desapareciendo. Paco joder!! Deja de intentar seguir a todo el que te pase y centrate en ir a tope cada segundo de estos 90kms y punto!!!. Me gritaba enfadado conmigo mismo.
Pasan los kms y en un cruce de corredores veo que el teniente del ejército español Raña viene a unos 40" por detrás. Es en ese momento cuando pensé que levantar un poco el pie y que llegara, sería buena idea para ir los dos más rápido. Total, los dos íbamos en medio de la nada.
Un par de silbidos anuncian la llegada del campeón del mundo 2002. Nos miramos unos segundos y nos bastó para saber como iba a ser la carrera a partir de ese momento. Son muchas horas juntos de entrenos...
A ratos cogía el la cabeza,otras yo. Y así sucesivamente durante los siguientes 35-40kms que fuimos juntos.
El dolor de piernas que llevo no está escrito,pero Iván tiene que ir poco más o menos, porque esa pedalada no es esa fluida que le he visto en otras ocasiones, cuando lleva los pistones bien engrasados".
El aire y la arena entran de cara de una manera pocas veces vista, y mi único pensamiento es el de olvidarme del dolor y apretar más. Desgraciadamente,en ese momento cuando empiezo a notarme con gas, un pequeño repecho me pide que suelte los acoples después de 70kms sin soltarlos, y que me ponga sobre los pie.
Me caaag......joood...!!! Ese pinchazo en el glúteo al ponerme de pie me avisa que algo no va fino del todo. Me resigno y me siento de nuevo en la punta del sillín. El dolor aumenta y ya la pierna derecha no me deja subir a más de la altura de la cadera. Me bajo a estirar el glúteo contra el guardarrail y aquí se acaba todo. Resignación.

Con esto dicho, tengo que aclarar que mi retira no es por culpa de esos dolores musculares. Mi retira es por NO TENER SUFICIENTEMENTE ENTRENADA ESA POSICIÓN PARA TANTOS KILÓMETROS SIN LEVANTARME. No hay excusas, problema mío no tener esto entrenado.
Y ahora que?
Pues analizar tranquilamente todo, saber a donde quiero ir y como. Cambiar cosas del entreno, apretarme los machos y sobre todo centrarme.
Estas semanas han sido un poco caótica en varios sentidos y debo de resolver ciertas cosas que me tienen un poco despistado. En esto no cabe el tiempo para errar continuamente en los mismos errores y, o se está 100% centrado, o es paja todo lo entrenado.
Necesito paz interior, cordura y paciencia para resolver la ecuación que me tiene en vilo. Cogeré la calculadora y reventare las teclas tocando números, borraré y volveré a teclear las veces que hagan falta hasta que salga. Y una vez tenga el resultado, empezaremos.
Gracias a los que estáis ahí detrás apoyando. RudyProject España ,Urban Grönborg, Angel Sevillano, Dani Borao Soler ,Bella Bayliss ,Justi Perez


Andalucìa bike race ganan lakata e hynek


video resumen de la prueba

Alban Lakata y Kristian Hynek se adjudican la quinta edición de Andalucía Bike Race presented by Shimano
27 FEBRERO 2015
La quinta edición de Andalucía Bike Race presented by Shimano ha finalizado hoy en Córdoba con la celebración de la última de las seis etapas que componen la prueba.
Tanto en categoría masculina como en femenina, el resultado final estaba pendiente de lo que ocurriera en la última etapa, con los líderes con ventajas de tan sólo unos minutos, y sólo 55 kilómetros por delante para resolverlo.

Finalmente, los miembros de Topeak Ergon Team, Alban Lakata y Kristian Hynek se han impuesto en la general sentenciando su victoria con un triunfo en la última etapa.
“Queríamos probar que merecemos la victoria, y ganar una etapa era muy importante para nosotros”, ha asegurado Lakata.
Por su parte, Hynek ha confirmado que “100% seguro repetiremos el año que viene”.
Hynek fue vencedor de la primera edición de esta cita en 2011, mientras que Lakata ganó en 2013 junto a Robert Mennen. Esta es su primera victoria como pareja.
Tiago Oliveira y David Rosa han sido segundos, mientras que los Extremadura MTB: Pedro Romero y Luis Leao Pinto han logrado colarse en la tercera posición del pódium.

En categoría femenina, las belgas Michiels y Pirard han ganado por fin una etapa, aunque se mantienen terceras de esta edición. La victoria absoluta en esta categoría se la han adjudicado Milena Landtwing y Ester Süss, por delante del Polar Team de Claudia Galicia y Tania Zakelj, segundas.

La lucha en Master 30 entre Macías y Sánchez y Pau Egeda y Javier Jurado se ha saldado con la victoria final de los primeros, aunque Egeda y Jurado se han impuesto en la etapa. Así, Macías reedita la victoria que ya logró junto a su hermano el año pasado.

En Master 40, Vitor Gamito y Jose Rosa, del Gold Nutrition Portugal se han adjudicado el triunfo absoluto en su especialidad; mientras que la victoria en Master 50 ha sido para Paco Portero y José Jesús Cerván.

Los suecos Martin Flinta y Helena Erbenova, han dominado la categoría mixta de principio a fin, siendo los únicos que han ganado todas las etapas.

A pesar del esfuerzo y dificultades que se han vivido, en meta las caras de satisfacción eran absolutas. Lágrimas, gritos, abrazos…pura emoción por haber logrado terminar una prueba que es considerada en toda Europa como un gran reto y como una de las indispensables para cualquier aficionado al Mountain Bike. Concretamente esta edición, la quinta, ha sido valorada como una de las más duras que se han vivido, por lo que haber llegado hasta el final y completado las seis etapas que la componen, se ha convertido en todo un logro.


etapa 6
Category: ELITE MEN
1 11 TOPEAK ERGON RACING TEAM 1 02:05:26 00:00:00 True
LAKATA, ALBAN AUT19790625 02:05:26
HYNEK, KRISTIAN CZE19800519 02:05:26

2 6 SELEÇÃO NACIONAL LIBERTY SEGUROS 1 02:05:45 00:00:19 True
OLIVEIRA, TIAGO POR19881207 02:05:41
SERRALHEIRO, DAVID POR19861112 02:05:45

3 9 MÖBEL MÄRKI - GIANT-SWISS TEAM 2 02:07:42 00:02:16 True
STUTZMANN, MARC SUI19910916 02:07:42

4 23 BUFF 1 02:08:54 00:03:28 True
LLORDELLA, JOAN ESP19780702 02:08:54
ORTIZ, ANTONIO ESP19770907 02:08:54

5 30 DANISH NATIONAL TEAM 2 02:09:35 00:04:09 True
RASMUSSEN, NIELS DEN19951005 02:09:35
JENSEN, ANDERS DEN19960323 02:09:35

6 8 WABERER'S AREUS MTB TEAM 1 02:09:36 00:04:10 True
JUHASZ, ZSOLT HUN19900724 02:09:35
PARTI, ANDRAS HUN19820918 02:09:36

7 12 TOPEAK ERGON RACING TEAM 2 02:09:47 00:04:21 True
MENNEN, ROBERT GER19850405 02:09:47
BISHOP, JEREMIAH USA19760309 02:09:47

8 24 WMTB.BE - LOVING HUT 02:09:52 00:04:26 True
CLAES, FRANS BEL19830826 02:09:52

9 31 CANNAU/DEROSSI 02:11:37 00:06:11 True
CANNAU, ARNAUD FRA19940906 02:11:36
DE ROSSI, LUCAS FRA19950816 02:11:37

10 25 TOMÀS BELLÈS . CANNONDALE BY GAES-ELIT 1 02:11:38 00:06:12 True
BOSQUE, CRISTOFER ESP19901116 02:11:38
GOMEZ, EVER ALEJANDRO BOL19910227 02:11:38


Rank Bib Team Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Total Gap
Category: ELITE MEN
1 11 TOPEAK ERGON RACING TEAM 1 03:21:27 02:34:37 03:12:08 02:23:14 03:34:42 15:06:08 00:00:00

2 6 SELEÇÃO NACIONAL LIBERTY SEGUROS 1 03:18:55 02:34:05 03:12:03 02:23:08 03:43:18 15:11:29 00:05:21
OLIVEIRA TIAGO POR19881207 27651

3 19 EXTREMADURA MTB TEAM 03:17:36 02:34:05 03:24:04 02:22:41 03:34:38 15:13:04 00:06:56
ROMERO PEDRO ESP19820604 44405322
LEAO PINTO LUIS POR19790712 28715

4 5 STÖCKLI PRO TEAM 03:24:30 02:34:17 03:13:41 02:25:12 03:36:27 15:14:07 00:07:59

5 9 MÖBEL MÄRKI - GIANT-SWISS TEAM 2 03:26:25 02:37:11 03:13:58 02:25:12 03:41:20 15:24:06 00:17:58

6 15 TEAM BULLS 03:27:40 02:39:59 03:20:23 02:26:13 03:40:20 15:34:35 00:28:27

7 12 TOPEAK ERGON RACING TEAM 2 03:27:38 02:47:05 03:18:10 02:30:17 03:41:33 15:44:43 00:38:35
MENNEN ROBERT GER19850405 GSM 100543-12

8 30 DANISH NATIONAL TEAM 2 03:36:45 02:42:00 03:22:55 02:30:17 03:43:34 15:55:31 00:49:23

9 18 SCOTT TEAM 1 03:28:31 02:42:53 03:26:40 02:34:12 03:43:49 15:56:05 00:49:57
GUERRA FRANCESC ESP19891223 77117093
MORCILLO ENRIQUE ESP19900430 47253387

10 24 WMTB.BE - LOVING HUT 03:32:17 02:46:29 03:26:46 02:31:02 03:44:13 16:00:47 00:54:39

lauf la horquilla de carbòn sin mantenimiento para fat bikes




Lauf unveils a freaky fork for fatbikes

By Ben Coxworth February 25, 2015

Lauf's Carbonara fork is designed to be a lightweight means of equipping fatbikes with front suspension (Photo: Lauf)

A couple of years ago, Icelandic startup Lauf unveiled its Trail Racer leaf-style mountain bike suspension fork. It has no moving parts, requires no maintenance, and weighs just 980 grams. Now, the company is introducing a version of the fork designed for bikes that definitely don't need any extra weight – fatbikes.

Instead of a coiled spring or air cushion, it absorbs bumps using four sets of three ribbo...The Carbonara provides just 60 mm of travel, although it should be kept in mind that fatbi...It weighs under 1,050 g (2.3 lb), and can accommodate 26-inch tires up to 4.8 inches in wi...The retail price will be $990 plus $20 worldwide shipping View all
Known as the Carbonara, the new carbon fiber-bodied fork works just like its predecessor. Instead of a coiled spring or air cushion, it absorbs bumps using four sets of three ribbon-like leafs (two sets on each side). These leafs are made from flexible-yet-tough glass fiber, and connect the fork's two main legs to the "springstacks," which are the bits that are actually connected to the wheel.

The retail price will be $990 plus $20 worldwide shipping
The Carbonara provides just 60 mm of travel, although it should be kept in mind that fatbikes' big soft tires do provide some suspension of their own. It weighs under 1,050 g (2.3 lb), and can accommodate 26-inch tires up to 4.8 inches in width. Because its spring rate can't be adjusted, buyers instead choose between two models of differing stiffness, based on their body weight.

It isn't cheap, though. It can be preordered now for US$909, with delivery scheduled for June. The retail price will be $990 plus $20 worldwide shipping.

By way of comparison, prices for the current reigning fatbike suspension fork, the Rockshox Bluto, start at $643. It offers 80 to 120 mm of travel, but weighs 1,796 g (3.96 lb) and requires the installation of a third-party retrofit kit for use at temperatures below -12º C (10º F).

Source: Lauf via Bike Radar


84 años finisher ironman /apareciò herido david calvo el ciclista desaparecido en dúrcal

bh greco robada


mientras tanto en arenales arco iris completo

Lew Hollander, 84, is the oldest man to finish an IRONMAN. What are his guiding rules to life?
December 21st 2014
Performances of the Year, Part 4: Lew Hollander's Record Finish

The oldest man to finish an IRONMAN race will be in Kona next year in the 85 - 89 age group.
In all of his 84 years, in which he's almost always been some sort of competitive athlete, Lew Hollander had finished ever race he started. Until this year's IRONMAN World Championship.
"It sucked," the oldest man to finish an IRONMAN race said. "I’ve done Kona 23 times. I’ve done, probably, 2000 races in my life … that’s the first race I have not finished."
Three weeks later Hollander was on the start line at IRONMAN Florida. The swim was cancelled due to high winds and rip tides, but Hollander was able to overcome the challenging conditions for the bike/ run event and finished the race in 14:57:39, earning himself a qualifying slot for the IRONMAN World Championship next year, which will mean he'll be the first man or woman to ever race in Kona in the 85-89 category.
Hollander, who, before becoming an IRONMAN athlete excelled as an endurance horseback rider, attributes his success to one simple trait.
"I have a lot of persistence. Persistence is the key to my life. You fall down, you get back up, and you go again. I don’t give up. That’s been the motto of my life in business and science. I’ve never been really good at anything, I just stay with it."
We'll choose to argue with Hollander over the "not really good at anything" line. His race in Florida was undoubtedly one of the performances of the year.




Vuelta a elche en MTB el 7 de marzo




Hallan herido en Dúrcal al hombre que desapareció el domingo
David Calvo, de 36 años, salió a montar en bicicleta desde la calle Jardín de la Reina

25 febrero 2015 17:14

El hombre de 36 años, natural de Ambroz, en Vegas del Genil, cuya familia había denunciado que permanecía desaparecido desde el domingo, ha sido encontrado herido este miércoles en el Camino de la Dehesa en Dúrcal, según han informado a Europa Press fuentes del 112.

Según han indicado fuentes de la Guardia Civil, fue su padre el que el pasado lunes presentó una denuncia indicando que se había trasladado con su hijo a la vivienda de una familiar en Granada capital cuando, al bajar del edificio, el hombre, que había ido con su bicicleta de montaña, había desaparecido.

El hombre ha sido encontrado pasadas las 13:00 horas de este miércoles en la Dehesa de Dúrcal por un agente de medio ambiente del dispositivo del Infoca con diversas heridas, por lo que se han trasladado en ambulancia a la zona los servicios sanitarios para atenderlo 'in situ'. Por ahora, se desconoce la gravedad de sus heridas.
