6 dìas antes de la fecha final prevista, despuès de 20 dìas y de recorrer 76km nadando, 3600 km en bicicleta y 844 km en carrera a piè , el hùngaro ferenc szonyi ha terminado el doble deca ironman en primera posición.Tambièn quedò primero el año pasado en el decaironman .
El alemàn schiwon està a 50km.Le siguen sundin el sueco, al que le faltan casi 100km ( 1 dìa màs ) y greisen el danès a 27 km del sueco.Carlos ochoa el español va 5º cuando le faltan 473km .A sòlo 3,80 km le sigue el italiano afincado en españa roberto lendaro.
Afortunadamente carlos y roberto han aumentado el ritmo a unos 85km/ dìa con lo cual si siguen asì, a unos 80 km/diarios podràn entrar en el plazo establecido, les quedan 6 dìas .
De los dos últimos, en el caso de alessi el terminar en tiempo està muy difìcil porque debe hacer 95km diarios y ayer hizo "sólo" 80 km y en el caso de price, es pràcticamente imposible terminar en tiempo.
Double Deca World Challenge 2010
Started: 14/November/2010 09:04:34
Mexico USA UK France Hungary Spain Sweden Switzerland Italy Brasil Australia Denmark
Results as of: 482:25:00 (hh:mm:ss)
Race: Double Deca World Challenge
Num Name City Group Laps Distance Completed Time Last Lap Place
1 Ferenc Szonyi Hungary Male - Finished 481:54:10 0:14:17 1
3 Uwe Schiwon Germany Male 418/444 794,678 km Run 482:11:59 0:22:17 2
4 Greger Sundin Sweden Male 392/444 745,356 km Run 482:10:15 0:20:32 3
2 Kim Greisen Denmark Male 378/444 718,798 km Run 482:15:08 0:20:17 4
6 Carlos Ochoa Domingo Spain Male 195/444 371,647 km Run 482:04:39 0:24:42 5
7 Roberto Lendaro Italy Male 193/444 367,853 km Run 482:04:41 0:29:02 6
8 Giorgio Alessi Italy Male 146/444 278,694 km Run 482:04:38 0:24:32 7
5 John A. Price USA Male 12/444 24,496 km Run 481:55:46 0:25:49 8
interview for last year title, decaironman
Ferenc Szonyi Deca Ironman(10X) World Champion of Hungary
Ferenc Szonyi of Hungary is the new World Champion of Deca(10X) Ironman. The game is very easy to explain: competitors have to complete one Ironman/day for 10 consecutive days. Our new Deca Ironman World Champion averaged approximately 11 hrs 30 mins over the 10 days. I think everybody admits that this is an extraordinary and almost unbelievable effort, which should be recognised...Results here.
and valued more by triathletes all over the world. Our hero by the way is a very modest man who sometimes also is in awe that he not only made it, but won it.The Deca Ironman World Championships takes place every year in Monterrey, Mexico. Find here an interview with our new Deca Ironman World Champion !
What competitions have you done in the past?Sznyi_feri
Well, I did my first marathon in 2000 with one week preparation (4:03), then I set new Hungarian Bike Records completing a distance of 721 km in 24 hours and 1000 km in 34 hours 20 minutes... I ran my first Ultra Marathon in 2007 which turned out to be 125 kms in 12 hours. Then I ran several 12-24 hour ultra marathons and in 2008 competed in my first triathlon event on Duble Ironman Bonyhad, Hungary placing 4th overall. Still in 2008 I decided to try the 10X Deca Ironman in Mexico and I finished 3rd! In Austria, in Neulenbachl I did a Double Ironman (18th place), then I completed in another Bonyhad Double Ironman, this time placing 6th overall. The other big race The Spartathlon which was 246 kms and just a few can make it at first attempt. Well, wait a minute here, because this race is hard, due to the heat, altitude, rain and the distance itself."
Tell us about it please.
"My biggest success so far is the Deca Ironman World championships in Mexico: well, that was a miracle! There isn't really much to talk about !!??? As time passes, I remain puzzled as to what and how things happened there with me. Maybe my performance on the bike leg was the determining factor. About the race: there was some feedback that Pacsal of France and Matej of Slovakia were going for the new World record, because it gives 500 extra points. Now, I could not figure out why the World Record remains at a time of 125 hrs ? If I can do everything according to my previous plans, to me it should add up to being much less. You have to know that many of the competitiors get injured. Later it happened on the course....I wanted to crunch Matej around day 7 or 8 , but he had gotten injured earlier. Pascal was running very fast, he is 51 years old 66 kgs and has been doing triathlon for decades. My case was simple: just take it easy and believe in it!! Well, I believed..www.triathlonmagazine.eu.
I swam around 1:20, cycled 5:30, and ran 4 hrs to 4:10!!! I gained a big lead on the bike leg, but in the first 5 days they were able to catch up with me during the run. From day 6, the rest of the pack seemed to run out of power!!! My RPM on the bike was around 120, which was unbelievably good.
Nutritioning played a big role in my victory: in the first days I overfed myself. Eating two meals at nightime, then at 5 am an easy breakfast, at 8 a little coffee,eggs and honey. With a 9 am start time, I took in supplements every 30 mins supplementof the race.
A quick transition from water to bike also helped ! (I did not wear wetsuit like others). On the bike I refueled every 6 km or 3rd lap. Towards the end of the bike race I refueled more frequently.
Next came the transition from bike to run. I started the run at a pace of 5:15 per km, then approaching the end it usually worsened to 5:45. Nutrition during the run was every 2 km lap: coke, water,isotonic,honey,chocolate, honey, sodium(salt)magnesia. Matej gave it up on day 5. Pascal was doing fine, but from day 6 I came out on top every day. Even my run got better from day 7-8. At this point it looked like Pascal had no chance anymore. The last bike lap of the last day happened to be the best lap of the whole race!! Better than 40 km/per hour!!! Max speed, over 50 km/hour!! And the finish line: the time(world)has stopped for a while!!! And everybody is cheering in celebration with me, and I AM THE WORLD CHAMPION!!! It is still mystical to write it down: WORLD CHAMPION!! Not many can claim this title. Nowadays as we run in the evenings in the frost and cold, my partners say that it is a honour to run with a World Champion!
What is your schedule for 2010?"
At the moment I am looking towards the Trans Gran Canaria, which is a crazy race with 7300m levels and 123 km. Then Brno or Athens 48 hours run and Sárvár 24 hours run. Followed by the Race across America, the famous RAAM-5000 km bike, another Double Ironman Bonyhad, Komarom 12 hours race, another Sparta (246 km) and Mexico 20X Ironman!!! Yes, there are only four people on the face of earth who have succeeded so far.
What is your personal moto?
I am capable, I may do it and I will do it and if possible I will win it.
Do you have any sponsors?
The local government supports me a bit. I have been a contractor but now I am just surviving and waiting for new opportunities ...
1. Szőnyi Ferenc hungrìa
2. Pascal Jolly francia
3. Beñat Zubillaga españa
4. Peter Cusick inglaterra
5. Wayne P. Kurtz usa
6. Greger Sundin suecia ( 2010 doble deca participant)
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