jueves, diciembre 09, 2010

video in print

Americhip's NEW Video-in-Print technology as featued on KCBS TV2

KCBS interviews Americhip founder and CEO, Tim Clegg, about the latest Americhip technology - VIDEO-IN-PRINT. A revolutionary print technology that bridges the gap between digital and print media, VIP is featured in Entertainment Weekly's September 18 issue. Americhip worked in partnership with CBS, Pepsi and media agency OMD to create the worlds first video magazine insert.

Americhip's NEW digital media: Video-in-Print

Introducing Americhip's Video-in-Print, the first ever, digital video print technology. VIP can hold up to 90 minutes of crystal-clear video, play multiple videos (play, skip, pause), or play full length. VIP can be used in any print vehicle, in-store marketing or even in custom premiums and promotions!


PUBLICIDAD | 'Spot' de Monica Bellucci
'Vogue Rusia', la primera revista europea que integra vídeo en sus páginas

Efe | Moscú
Actualizado miércoles 08/12/2010 18:44 horas

'Vogue Rusia' se ha convertido con su edición de diciembre en la primera revista europea de gran tirada en incorporar publicidad animada en sus páginas a través de pantallas y altavoces ultradelgados.

"Dos páginas de publicidad de la edición de diciembre irán acompañadas de un vídeo incrustado que, gracias a los últimos avances tecnológicos, comenzará a reproducirse al pasar la página", ha informado a Efe Evguenia Belduguina, representante de la publicación del grupo editorial Condé Nast.

La biblia de la moda se estrena en este terreno con una campaña publicitaria protagonizada por la actriz italiana Monica Bellucci, imagen de una conocida marca de licores.

MARTINI Gold by Dolce&Gabbana

The new advertising campaign for MARTINI Gold by Dolce&Gabbana, directed by Jonas Akerlund, the preferred director of Madonna and Lady Gaga, stars Monica Bellucci and features a cameo performance from Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. The commercial was shot on the streets and squares of Rome, taking inspiration from the iconic style of Fellini's cinematography. In the commercial the men are drawn to the beauty and allure of the mysterious woman, and are captivated by the precious golden bottle of MARTINI Gold by Dolce&Gabbana that she carries in her bag.

they speak italian ,and the translation is

Bellucci says: Do you love my lips?

him: I do love your lips

Bellucci : Do you love my eyes?

him: I do love your eyes

him: You are the mother.. the sister..

Bellucci: Do you love my style?

then she goes in a bar to meet Dolce e Gabbana and she said:

Do you love me? I do love you!

Estos anuncios denominados Video-in-Print (vídeo sobre papel) consisten en incorporar una pantalla extra plana de cristal líquido capaz de reproducir imágenes a una resolución de 320×240. Además, el dispositivo se acompaña de un diminuto altavoz, imperceptible para el lector convertido en espectador.

"'Vogue Rusia' es una revista de máxima calidad que muestra a sus lectores las tendencias más sofisticadas. Por lo tanto, es lógico que Vogue sea pionera en adoptar este innovador y eficaz formato de publicidad con vídeo", señaló en un comunicado Elena Zaitsev, editora de la edición rusa de Vogue. Con una tirada de 7.000 números, Vogue Rusia es la primera revista que incorpora la experiencia audiovisual al sector editorial europeo.

La empresa encargada de desarrollar esta tecnología es la estadounidense Americhip, que probó su tecnología por primera vez, y de manera puntual, en la edición impresa de la estadounidense 'Entertainment Weekly'. En septiembre 2009, esa revista de Time Warner reproducía, además del anuncio de una marca de refrescos, 40 minutos de clips de varias series de televisión.

Por otro lado, la primera incursión en España de esta tecnología fue por parte de la revista 'Neo2', con una pequeña pantalla LCD en su portada anunciando una campaña de ron el pasado verano.

'Vogue Russia' no ha confirmado si seguirán utilizando este tipo de publicidad animada, pero Belduguina señaló: "Esperamos poder incorporar vídeo en los futuros números de la revista".



Nike Livestrong

Nike Livestrong

Marketing Challenge:

The Livestrong brand at Nike needed a unique way to launch its 2010 campaign and motivate its sales team. The Livestrong management wanted a sales support piece that was like none other ever put out in the market. They knew the piece would hold a DVD with the overall strategy for 2010, but could not find the perfect execution. In the past, Livestrong's Marketing Department had used PowerPoint presentations and other typical marketing tools for the sales force but were committed to finding something different and better for 2010.


Having seen hundreds of standard PowerPoint presentations and brochures, Nike's marketing managers "flipped" when they saw Americhip's new, patented Video-in-Print™ technology. Working with Livestong's creative and marketing people, Americhip's team of product and electronics engineers designed a high-end, casebound book using the iconic gold and black artwork. A Rainbow Black Brillianta paper stock was used for the cover to add a tactile element to the piece. For the video element, Nike used four different clips to outline the key priorities for 2010. Most importantly, Nike filmed a video message from Lance himself--high atop a Colorado mountain—extolling the success of the Livestrong movement ($80 million raised to fight cancer) and motivating the team to work hard and live strong. The book also includes video clips highlighting product strategy, marketing strategy and special bonus features.


Discovery Channel: LIFE

Discovery Channel

For the launch of its highly anticipated mini-series Life, an 11-part nature mini-series
narrated by Oprah Winfrey, Discovery Channel wanted to create a media kit that
was as amazing as the show itself.

Multisensorized Solution:
Americhip showcased the spectacular video images on our patented HD 4.1"
VIP™ screen, housed in a beautifully appointed hard cover book which was placed
into a larger media kit holding two DVDs and a pocket for printed materials. The
impressive kit was sent out to media outlets and schools across the United States.

''Life was a huge, huge success for Discovery Channel – watched by over 33 million
viewers" commented Discovery Channel's Production Manager.
The Internet began buzzing about the Discovery VIP™ Media Kit as soon
as it landed. Numerous entertainment sites posted stories about the unique
announcement kit and blog postings and worldwide Tweets followed quickly.


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