domingo, enero 30, 2011

Mark Visser surf world record , 11m wave

Mark Visser ya ha escrito su nombre con letras de oro en el libro de Historia del surfing. Y lo ha hecho en mayúsculas. Este 'rider' logró batir el récord mundial de surf nocturno al montar una ola de 11 metros. iPhone Kitesurfing App
Amazing day of perfect XXL surf at Mavericks on Sunday November 30, 2008


Big Wave Surfing Training !! He Blows out all his air. Then sits on the bottom of the pool for 1 min 30 - then swims 50 meters underwater with no flippers !!
This is his training in preparation for catching massive waves and potentially being held under for a set of 3 or 4 waves.

Mark Visser Promotional Video 2010 from Fortrus Sports on Vimeo.

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