jueves, mayo 05, 2011

bmx ,2 italianos , barcelona /triatlón2 alemanes, el mundo

Stefan and Simone in Barcelona from Nike 6.0 on Vimeo.

Nike 6.0 European pro team mates Stefan Lantschner and Simone Barraco escaped the colder climate of Italy for a winter in the year round street haven of Barcelona. Three months of ping pong, pizza, dirty dishes and some awesome riding were captured for this sweet new edit by Matty Lambert.


Exclusive Video: Inside the Raelert Brothers’ Spring Training Camp

Updated: May 3rd 2011 8:47 PM UTC by Kurt Hoy

This exclusive http://Triathlete.com video takes you on-location to experience a real training camp with the Raelert Brothers, including their key running workout, a three-and-a-half hour bike ride, and a five-kilometer pool session. In Training Day, you’ll see Andreas and Michael as never before—funny, tired, and candid about their goals in triathlon and in life. You’ll also learn what it takes to be at the top of the über-competitive world of triathlon, and to stay there. Are you ready?

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