miércoles, junio 08, 2011

oso polar nada 767 km en 9 dìas

Melting sea ice forces polar bear to swim for nine days

By Rob Hastings

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

The polar bear's 426-mile journey around the Beaufort Sea is equivalent to twice the length of the river Thames


The polar bear's 426-mile journey around the Beaufort Sea is equivalent to twice the length of the river Thames

In a remarkable feat of endurance, a polar bear has been tracked swimming for nine days continuously in a desperate bid to reach new ice floes, covering 426 miles in the process.

The bears are excellent swimmers and are known to travel long distances in search of seals. But scientists working for the US Geological Survey, who logged the animal's plight using a GPS tracking collar, said the animal's exertions where exceptional – and further evidence of the extent to which the melting of the bears' natural habitat due to global warming is threatening their very existence.

The research, published in the Polar Biology journal, found that swims of such extreme distances "may result in high energetic costs and compromise reproductive fitness".

The journey did not end happily for the tracked animal. As well as shedding 22 per cent of her body weight, she also lost her young cub.


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