jueves, enero 05, 2012

barefoot ted mcdonald/running ironman in sandals

ted finished 100 miles (180km) in a 27 hours race.... wearing sandals!

Thursday, August 26, 2010
2010 Leadville 100 Trail Race Report

Feeling great after 100 miles in the Rockies.

My fourth summer in a row visit to Leadville, Colorado and my third completion of the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Race...what an experience. Deep gratitude for good friends and a strong body.


This year's race was to be my second attempt at running the entire course barefoot and with my own Luna Sandals. Two years ago, I started with sandals, but had to change into VFFs KSOs at the top of Hope Pass in order to complete the race due to horrible weather conditions. This year I was able to run the entire race with my sandals (see http://www.LunaSandals.com) and in bare feet...a pure joy fest.

I spent the week before the race acclimatizing in Leadville staying at the Labbe Family Compound behind the famous Tabor Opera House. The week leading up to the race included lots of great reunions with old friends along with a couple high mountain hikes. I have thankfully not suffered from any serious altitude problems while participating in the race...which I believe is connected to my practice of deep nose breathing throughout the week and throughout the run.

This year, Mas Loco veteran Chris Labbe, aka Cabro, came up with a terrific strategy. Both he and I had not really been training hard in preparation for the race. In his case, he just didn't have time. In my case, I have been purposely finding out what the lowest amount of training is necessary to complete the race well. For me, that meant averaging less that 15 miles per week throughout the year, completing a marathon in May (Copenhagen Marathon - barefoot), a 50K in June (Vashon Island 50k in Luna Sandals) and a 50 miler in July (White River 50 Mile Trail Race - barefoot & Lunas),...and concentrating on running gracefully and joyfully everyday.

I also want to add that I spent one week in West Virginia in July training with Erwan Le Corre and practicing MovNat. Now that added something to my overall fitness for sure.

So Cabro's plan seemed genius: we would run to Winfield (the 50 mile point) in 12 hours and 30 minutes and come back in the same amount of time...thus getting in at or under 25 hours...and getting the big belt buckle prize. Sounded good to me.

The key to this strategy was going be avoiding trying to go too fast...as a matter of fact, we were going to have to go slow...slower than our bodies craved when fresh, slower than most everyone else on the course. No easy feat.

However, I bought in to his plan, mostly because it meant I could take it easy and just enjoy the run through the wilderness...barefoot and in my sandals...and focus on staying focused and smooth and graceful and happy. I think I succeeded.

All was going according to plan until we started climbing outbound Hope Pass. Cabro just could not keep his speed down. Up he went, passing one runner after another...even though we had already tested the idea of keeping the intensity down on this climb. I tried to stick to the plan, but was sad to see him go, for I was relying on his knowledge of the course and the splits we needed to maintain in order to get under 25.

By the time I got over to Winfield, I was pretty tired. It's amazing how much energy one must have in order to run 50 miles and still have enough energy to run 50 more. Once into Winfield, I met up with my first pacer, Dennis Shaver, and was given some homemade burritos (thanks Joey!) that really tasted great after having basically been living off of gels for the last 12 hours. Dennis' job was to get me up and over Hope Pass a second time...not easy even with fresh legs, but we did it and found ourselves in Twin Lakes for the second time...and me really starting to feel good.

In Twin Lakes I picked up my second pacer, Luna Sandal wearing Jules Smuin. Jules was in for a treat. As we left Twin Lakes and started our 9 mile journey to Half Moon, I started to feel stronger and stronger. About half way to Half Moon, I started passing runners and would continue to do so for most of the rest of the race. Note: it is a delight to be strong during the last half of a 100 mile race. While others have spent the day running in the heat to gain position, I was able to preserve myself. Running at night is easier, primarily because it is cooler. And with headlights to chase in the distance, one has something to follow and aim for...persistence hunting ones way to the finish.

At the Fish Hatchery I picked up my third pacer, Bookis Smuin sporting sandals too. He paced me up and over Powerline and down to Mayqueen. We were amazed at the power of my newest light, a Fenix PD30 - the brightest light you could ever hope for, small, lightweight, a dream...making it possible for me to run sections of the trail that proved impossible last year without good light.

Upon arriving in Mayqueen inbound, I picked up my final pacer, Born to Run author Christopher McDougall and he too was wearing sandals. Now, I truly did have a lot of juice left in me, but I was not about to just run without talking to Mr. Oso. We turned the last 3 1/2 hours into a time for catching up...hearing about all the exciting things happening including a possible film adaptation of BTR. Very cool stuff.

We finally arrived at the finish line at 7:16am...27 hours after I had left. Me feeling great. Feet feeling great. It is great to be alive.

Sponsors: I want to thank the following folks for providing materials necessary for the success of my run: Chocolate #9 of Seattle, ProBar of Utah, Amanda McIntosh and Hammer Gels, Extreme Outfitters of North Carolina and Vibram USA and of course the Luna Sandal Company of Seattle :-)

leadville 100


born to run shop


The LeadCat+1/2" red equus elastized leather $135.00
ats leadville 100mm+ black cocona ultra sport sock $105.00
ats pacer 8mm $85.00
The Original Luna $50.00


blog bookis run leadville 100 mile trail in 27 hours


Running the Ironman Triathlon in Sandals

Posted By dylan on 10/25/2011 at 11:56AM

Anne Thilges - runner, triathlete, and Luna wearer - wrote up a blog for us on her experience at the Ironman Thriathlon World Championships. Thanks Anne!

I am thrilled to be able to guest-blog for the Monkeys at Luna Sandals. Please return often, forward to friends, and leave nice comments so the good folk at Luna do not regret giving me the opportunity!

I get to tell about wearing Luna Sandals at the Ironman Triathlon World Championship race in Kona, Hawaii this month. That was such a fun experience! But first let me explain why my Lunas were the best footwear choice on the Queen K that day…..

Luna Sandals are the ideal footwear for Ironman racing – and for all triathlons. Kona is hot; that’s for sure! My feet kept cooler than any other competitor because my toes got to feel the ocean breeze and any water that fell upon my feet only served to cool me more. I saw runners out there with socks and shoes and it made me hot just looking at it! Why so bundled up in hot weather? If those same competitors were out, just walking around that day, they would have been wearing flip flops. Why not the same cool footwear on race day?

The reason other racers were wearing socks was to protect from blisters. My good friend, Nurse Rae Ann, did a foot check just after the race and gave me the “all clear”: No blisters, no blood. Feet felt good. Triathletes’ feet swell during the bike segment and those swollen feet rub on the insides of tight-fitting shoes. My feet got to spread out and relax after the bike, with no constricting shoe uppers. Also my feet got to dry out, being exposed to the fresh air. Triathletes’ feet are wet from minute one in the swim, don’t dry during the bike, constrained in bike shoes, and are prunes by the time the run comes along. Then with all the water being dumped upon us during the marathon, it is no wonder those poor Ironman feet get blistered. The runners I went by sounded like they were running on wet sponges because their cushioned shoes just held onto the water. My feet were able to dry quickly and I stayed comfortable. I fully expect to see many others running in Lunas at next year’s World Championship race!

Oh, and I must note that wandering around town after I finished my race, I still wore my Lunas because they still felt good. I noticed that no other racers were wearing their running shoes…. In fact, most had changed into flip flops – not so unlike my Lunas!
Thank you Luna Monkeys – I love my Leadville Pacers!

I absolutely welcome your questions about wearing Luna Sandals during triathlon racing. I have completed over 25 Ironman races and they are the best of my footwear choices. Look for me in my Lunas on November 27 at Ironman Cozumel.

Do what you must; just make it great!

-Anne “Long Thong” Thilges aka Flip Flop Girl
Place Bla Time Numb Lname Fname Cnt Rep Cpl Category Swim Tr1 Bike Tr2 Run
1139 11:20:29 819 Thilges, Anne USA USA 19 W45-49 1:12:29 3:33 5:45:54 4:29 4:14:06



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