martes, mayo 15, 2012

potpourri de videos

the finish line

Para ativar o patrocínio do maior grupo de corrida do sul do Brasil, a Olympikus levou o conceito Inspire-se para as ruas. Uma dupla de quenianos formava uma linha de chegada ambulante para desafiar os corredores do Clube Endorfina.

Lìnea de llegadamòvil que portan dos atletas kenianos patrocinado por olympikus.

clean your ass

Ass Saving Ass Savers Plus 8 months 3 days ago

Tired of sitting at the office with a wet ass all day just because it rained this morning? Do you live in a climate where a shower can come out of nowhere even though the sun was shining just a minute ago? Not ready to bike in a wet suit or burden your bike with fenders? Relax. Its finally here.The Ass Saver - a light weight emergency fender that sits quietly and almost invisible under your saddle, ready to deploy whenever the streets get wet. Check out our new model SmartAss today

How do "NOT" to cut Tree - Como NO cortar Arbol

PRUNING PALM TREES IN ELCHE .Poda de palmeras en elche

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