viernes, julio 06, 2012

masa crìtica alicante , hoy 20.00 h plaza de toros

San Miguel 0,0%: Ciudadano 0,0

Creemos que, con pequeños gestos del día a día, como comer productos naturales, ir en bici cuando sea posible, no tirar la comida... podemos hacer que el mundo sea un lugar mejor ¿Te gusta? Ya sabes, Ciudadano 0,0, pequeños gestos para un mundo mejor.

Carne cruda - Revolución sobre ruedas - 05/07/12

Pedaleamos junto a Chris Carlsson, un gurú de la contracultura en San Francisco y uno de los fundadores de la Masa Crítica, movimiento reivindicativo que toma la bicicleta como arma para cambiar el mundo. Carlsson es un embajador de la causa como cuenta en "Nowtopía", un manual de ideas revolucionantes que habla de los huertos urbanos, el software libre y el uso de la bicicleta como vías para vivir mejor. También nos acompañarán Adriana Camarena y Elisabeth Lorenzi, bicicríticas y autoras, junto a Carlsson de "Shitf Happens! Critical Mass at 20", una recopilación de artículos que celebran los 20 años de este movimiento a pedales que se ha extendido por todo el globo. Y el señor Tropical se suma al paseo, subido en sus patines de 4 ruedas para ponernos a girar con el mejor hardcore.


I'm Chris

I wear many hats: writer, San Francisco historian, "professor," bicyclist, tour guide, blogger, photographer, book and magazine designer. I’ve lived in San Francisco since 1978 and have been self-employed in various capacities since the early 1980s. Check out my resume.

I Write

Books, essays, blogs, and more. I have two books of my own, Nowtopia, and After the Deluge, as well as five collections I’ve edited, most recently Ten Years That Shook the City: San Francisco 1968-78, with more in the pipeline.

I Talk

My book Nowtopia, my long involvement with Critical Mass, and my extensive work on local history has given me many opportunities to speak publicly in San Francisco and all over the world. Many are archived online at YouTube or in various radio and audio archives.

I Archive

Since the mid-1990s I have directed Shaping San Francisco where we’ve put together an incredible archive of local history, all online now at I add new material to the archive on a weekly basis. We also archive audio recordings of our Public Talk series.

I Ride

I’ve been a daily bicyclist in San Francisco since arriving in 1978. With dozens of friends I helped start Critical Mass in September 1992, and after 20 years, it's a worldwide phenomenon that has connected me to amazing people around the world. And I still ride my bike everyday. It’s my main transportation.

I Make Stuff

I’ve been typesetting and graphic design since the early 1980s, book design since the 1990s. I have produced two dozen books for small publishers and independent writers, and have designed dozens of magazines, display ads, and all manner of printed materials.


“Outlaw” Bicycling

A funny thing happened during the last decade of the 20th century. Paralleling events that transpired a century earlier, a social movement emerged based on the bicycle. This “movement” is far from a unified force, and unlike the late 19th century bicyclists, this generation does not have to rally around the demand for “good roads.” Instead, “chopper” bike clubs, nonprofit do-it-yourself repair shops, monthly Critical Mass rides, organized recreational and quasi-political rides and events, and an explosion of small zines covering every imaginable angle of bicycling and its surrounding culture, have proliferated in most metropolitan areas. Month-long “Bikesummer” festivals have occurred in cities around North America since 1999, galvanizing bicyclists across the spectrum into action and cooperation.

This curious, multifaceted phenomenon constitutes an important arena of autonomous politics. The bicycle has become a cultural signifier that begins to unite people across economic and racial strata. It signals a sensibility that stands against oil wars and the environmental devastation wrought by the oil and chemical industries, the urban decay imposed by cars and highways, the endless monocultural sprawl spreading outward across exurban zones. This new bicycling subculture stands for localism, a more human pace, more face-to-face interaction, hands-on technological self-sufficiency, reuse and recycling, and a healthy urban environment that is friendly to self-propulsion, pleasant smells and sights, and human conviviality.

Bicycling is for many of its adherents both a symbolic and practical rejection of one of the most onerous relationships capitalist society imposes: car ownership. But it’s much more than just an alternative mode of transit. A tall, rugged blonde man in his mid-thirties, Megulon-5, an inspirational character in Portland, Oregon’s CHUNK 666 group, declares, “We are preparing for a post-apocalyptic future with different laws of physics.”2 It sounds off-kilter at first, but there is a rising tide of local activists in most communities who accept the Peak Oil arguments.3 Many are already organizing themselves directly and indirectly towards a post-petroleum way of life. It may not alter physics exactly, but it certainly implies a radical change in our relationship to energy resources and ecology.

The explosion of zany and whimsical, practical and political self-expression via bicycling comprises a deeply rooted oppositional impulse that challenges core values of our society. The bicycle has become a device that connotes self-emancipation, as well as artistic and cultural experimentation. The playfulness and hands-on tinkering in the subculture is spawning new communities that can be framed as emerging sites of working class re-composition.


el ladrillo de hoy

La semana pasada estuve en la bici crìtica de elche , tiene menos participantes que la de alicante pero son (somos ) muy entusiastas ..., podèis leer el ladrillo de los vecinos ciclistas en el siguiente enlace que tambièn tiene otro enlace de facebook con algunas fotos del evento.

Una semana despuès tenìamos la oportunidad de una nueva masa crìtica a 12km en alicante.

Como antes de ayer habìa limpiado y preparado la cannondale super V con lefty y es la bici màs pesada que tengo decidì llevarla a la bici crìtica. Asì sòlo yendo y viniendo me entreno . Pero con lo que no contaba era con que me iba a quedar traspuesto y que me iba a reanimar a las 8 menos cuarto. Tenìa 45 minutos para vestirme, coger agua en el bidòn zèfal recuperado en la marcha de sax y llegar viento en contra hasta alicante . Pero tambièn tenìa que cruzar la ciudad hasta la plaza de toros . Lleguè justo a tiempo, cuando pedro animaba a los màs de 100 participantes entre ciclistas y patinadores para salir.

Nada màs llegar me pongo a hacer fotos , luego las publicarè como siempre en el facebook . El enlace lo pongo màs abajo. Una vuelta a la plaza , bajamos hacia el mercado , lo rodeamos y hacia la estaciòn.Giramos en la plaza de la rambla y bajamos hacia el corte inglès . Giro a la derecha y subimos otra vez hacia la avenida de la estaciòn y nos vamos en sentido contrario.Pasamos por debajo de un arco y nos vamos al centro de tecnificaciòn y al estadio rico pèrez. Otra subidita, bajada y barrio en fiestas donde nos reciben con banda de mùsica y todo eso . Llegamos al castillo y ya nos bajamos hacia la playa del postiguet donde se supone que la gente ha llevado su cena y cenarà. Últimas fotos y de vuelta nocturna al altet. Media hora y en casa donde me encontrarè con la movida nocturna de policìas y ladrones, pero èso es otra historia.

fotos ceci

fotos javier!/media/set/?set=a.442359999119584.99213.196870407001879&type=1

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