sábado, octubre 27, 2012

bici airbags /ibis hero

mtb girls blog

no se debe ir asì,....sin casco ! .-.-.-.-.-..-.-.

HERO3 Test- around JH from Andrew Whiteford on Vimeo.

HERO3 Test- around JH from Andrew Whiteford PLUS hace 14 horas

The lonely (g)narwhal rides again! I was really psyched to try out the new cam. I had time to get a quick ride in on the 23rd and a hot lap around Antelope Flats and Moose-Wilson on the 24th. Looking forward to some worthy adventures!

Hero 3 Black Edition. Mostly 2k/30fps, 1440p/48fps for the bike shots. ProTune on. I did play around with some of the "Looks" in Cineform prior to going through FCP. I'm fairly new when it comes to post production, so I'd imagine in the right hands the footage coming from this little camera is going to be sick!

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