lunes, diciembre 31, 2012

noel, bicis ,movistar , race across america, interlock

Bici oficial de movistar, pinarello dogma 65.1 think2 de pablo lastras

Resumen Temporada 2012 - Movistar Team

Vídeo con las mejores imágenes y testimonios de los protagonistas de la inolvidable segunda campaña de Movistar Team en la elite del ciclismo.

faster pussycat kill kill Alleycat

All female alleycat in london.

Bicycle Dreams

Bicycle Dreams is the true story of the Race Across America, a 3000-mile bike race that challenges riders to pedal across the country in just ten days. See for more.

This powerful documentary ( from award winning filmmaker Stephen Auerbach ( tells the inspirational story of the toughest race in the world. Half of the competitors don't finish, and many end up in the hospital. The journey is so intense that all who participate, and spectate are changed forever. Winner of the Boulder International Film Festival. RACE ACROSS AMERICA originally aired on NBC-TV, garnishing the highest Nielsen ratings ever for a cycling program in broadcast television history.

MADproductions - Vicious Path II

The InterLock - Kickstarter Video

Kickstarter project to go live on January 2nd!

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