miércoles, marzo 06, 2013

camina descalzo

With all this talk regarding minimalist running, let's shift our focus to walking barefoot. This longtime favorite has been said to have major health benefits on our body, ranging from reducing fat to increasing feel good endorphins. Aside from these, let's take a look at other Sockwa-rific health benefits:

Good for blood circulation: Walking barefoot on the sand or grass is said to increase the level of blood circulation. Walking barefoot circulates the blood in the leg muscles. Walking barefoot on sand also prevents exhaustion.

Alleviates mood, decreases stress and depression: Walking barefoot is known to decrease anxiety and depression. While walking on the sand, the minute sand granules stimulates the muscles of the legs and relieves the stress in you. This in turn clears your mind from any negative thoughts.

Improves eye sight: If you make the habit of walking barefoot on the grass every morning, it is said to improve your eyesight. The eye nerve system is attached to the rare part of foot which rejuvenates by walking, hence improving the eye sight. The fresh green colour of the grass is also known to soothe the eyes.

A good night's sleep: Supposedly, walking barefoot cures insomnia, and as a form of exercise, it can help de-stress you as well, hence improving the quality of sleep. Like yoga, barefoot walking both refreshes, stimulates and rejuvenates the entire body and mind.

Read more from Boldsky on the healthiness of barefoot: http://ow.ly/ioulK

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