viernes, mayo 10, 2013

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Consider the Insole Before Hitting the Road

Photo by Morten Liebach
A good base supports and stabilizes the entire body, contributing to a long and healthy running life.
By Gina Poertner, CHES
From barely-there barefoot styles to full-on stabilization features, shoes and insoles can be a foot’s best friend. When it comes to running, foot comfort has a direct impact on body comfort: If the feet aren't happy, knees, hips, and backs will often chime in with complaint.
There are conflicting schools of thought regarding shoe features such as cushioning, motion control, and heel wedges. The world of foot support can be a confusing place, but nowhere do we need it more than on the run, where great, repetitive force is applied to our feet.
We can typically recognize for ourselves whether we have a high arch, low arch, or something in between. What’s more difficult is recognizing what exactly our feet are doing when we run, regardless of how they're built. When our feet cooperate (by landing correctly and aligning properly) life is good. When they don't, we need to know what to do about it.
Pronation and supination
As you search for insoles and shoes, you will come across the terms pronation and supination. If the arch, or inner area of the foot, rolls inward, this is called "pronating." Pronation is a normal part of foot function; "over-pronation” is typically what we hear in the running shoe market.
A foot that leans outward, rolling on the outer part of the foot through the step, is called "supinating," sometimes referred to as "under-pronating." Athletes whose feet supinate or pronate too much are advised to engage in exercises to help strengthen and correct soft tissue. By strengthening the weak areas and improving flexibility, you can help alleviate or stave off injury. (If an injury or chronic condition is present, it is well worth an evaluation by a doctor.)
Gait analysis is another helpful assessment that determines optimal foot support for any athlete. It can help pinpoint problems with body mechanics and help correct them. Problems of the feet do not always originate in the feet, so it’s best to correct anomalies at the source and follow the trail of effects on the rest of the body. As your body is corrected and imbalances aligned, your footwear may need to change over time to match current needs. Be prepared to make these changes, as the body is not a static structure.
Screening for options
While some runners do very well in the barefoot style or in the insoles that come with shoes, many runners need something more substantial. Think of these insoles as a starting point. They will perform for some, but others will need (or may prefer) a different type of support. There are plenty of insoles on the market, ranging from half foot to full foot and with varying levels of support.
"Even well-conditioned triathletes teeter on the precipice between ultimate fitness and injury," says Raymond J. Anthony, a podiatrist with Spenco Medical Corporation. "Minor biomechanical imbalances such as a slightly tight muscle, or feet that pronate or supinate just a little too much may be exploited under the stress of an intense training schedule or event. A replacement insole that provides good rearfoot stability and shock absorption, moderate arch support and good forefoot cushioning, could be the difference between an injury and a PR."
Insoles come in varying models, some designed for sports in general and others for specific disciplines. For cycling shoes, a sturdy insole will serve you well to provide comfort and stability, and reduce the chances of "hot spots." Some will help wick moisture. Look for insoles designed specifically for cycling—running shoe insoles are generally too soft and can increase the risk of hot spots.
If you have insoles you like, take them with you when you try on new shoes. (This is particularly important if you use custom insoles prescribed by your doctor.) Try on a pair of shoes and run, don't walk. When running, our foot hits the ground differently, Our stride is longer and we push off with the toe in a different way. Some running-specific shoe stores go so far as to have a running area or treadmill, and will shoot a video as you run.
While you're running, pay attention to the way your foot feels as it strikes the ground. Note the way your foot rolls through the step and off the toe in each shoe. Notice if you feel too much movement or not enough in any direction. Notice any change or discomfort, whether in your feet, knees, hips, or back. Notice any pressure points. Do you feel too much under the arch? Do you feel your foot turning inward or outward with each step? Do you feel instability at the knees that you didn't feel before? Do you feel solid in your step and smooth with your stride? The best combination is one you don't think about during a run: your shoes feel as if they become part of you.

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