miércoles, mayo 08, 2013

transforma tu bici en elèctrica en 5 minutos por 399 us $


Yoga con bici

Pedal, Stretch, Breathe: The Yoga of Bicycling



kit para accionar los dos frenos a la vez con una manilla



This is an electric conversion kit you install in under 5 minutes onto any bicycle. Care to cut your commute time in half?
Launched: Apr 10, 2013
Funding ends: May 20, 2013
Remind me


NEW REWARD!!! The 10k kit price is now $399! This includes the complete kit, even the waterproof frame bag and free shipping. That puts this far below the best competitor's kit price & $200 below our regular price!

And ultra marathon only $999! Thank you for pledging and being a part of our project!

Do you love to ride your bike? Do you love to save money? Do you commute by bike to work? Have you thought about commuting to work, but didn't want to show up sweaty? Are you one who takes pride in taking care of our environment? Do you sometimes not take your kids out on the bike because you just want an enjoyable ride not a workout? Would you ride your bike more if those hills were no longer a challenge? Would you commute to work on your bike if the commute time were cut in half? Do you ever sit in traffic on your way to or coming home from work? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the 5 minute e-bike kit is for you.

Watch the five minute e-bike kit story...

My name is Mike and I spent this last year on three continents in search of the best way to convert any bike into an e-bike. It turns out some of the best manufacturers for the necessary components are right here in the USA. We have partnered to expand this technology here in America. We are ready to produce and deliver. We just need your pledge!

Pick your bag for your lithium battery...
Look, my kit is simple and reliable. It also includes a powerful warrantee. I've been able to bring this to you at a fraction of the cost of the best electric bikes. This doesn't mean you don't pedal, it just means you go twice as fast when you do pedal. It means you can reach your highest gears without having to go downhill to do so. I believe an e-bike should not look like an e-bike. I believe in simplicity and beauty. I am dedicated to the belief that the look of the bike should not have to change, only its capabilities. In fact, most of the bikes in this project were purchased on craigslist.org for $125 or less. I simply added our e-bike kit.

Compare my pledge prices ($375-$999) to competitors' $3k-$10k electric bikes. If you need any support along the way I am here for you! After the project visit my website e-bikerig.com to purchase extra batteries, or more kits for all your bikes and friends. :)

Watch the side by side demo with & without my kit

I am seeking your help to make this project a reality. I need to purchase each piece of the kit in bulk orders. High quality lithium batteries that I use use are extremely expensive. I didn't settle for cheap components that will only last a couple years. I have chosen only the best for this project that will most likely out last your current vehicle. With your pledge It will be possible to deliver to you the best electric bike conversion system available at a fraction of the cost of an electric bicycle. With your pledge I welcome you into the world of e-biking; a whole new world of riding joy. Please pledge today and help me help you convert from bike to e-bike.


Decide if you want a kit with a wheel or without a wheel
Pick your distance you want to commute: 10k, 30k, or ultra marathon
Read the email we send you and answer the questions
The questions will ask if you want disc brakes, size of wheel, bag choice, bag size, etc
Finally, receive your e-bike kit and enjoy!

Watch the 5 minute installation video true to the name "5 minute e-bike kit".

To install, you simply: 1) remove the old front wheel, 2) put the new wheel on, and 3) place the battery in my specially designed frame bag or seat post bag. It is a five minute process. Please watch the Kickstarter videos, read the facts, scenarios, and rewards.

Like us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/Leedbicyclesolutions?ref=ts&fref=ts

e-bike facts:

The total cost per mile (including energy cost, purchase price, and the cost of running the vehicle) is less than 5 cents for an e-bike versus 71 cents for a car. -NY Times
Electric bikes can generally cover 20 to 50 miles on a battery charge, well within the distance of many daily commutes. -NY Times
For every 500 miles an electric bike is used in place of a car, an average of 25 gallons (208 lbs.) of gasoline is saved. -electricbikes.com
Avoiding just 10 miles of driving every week would eliminate about 500 lbs. of CO2 emissions each year. -bikewalktwincities.com
In terms of fuele economy, the e-bike's energy consumption is equivalent to approximately 1,000 mpg. -electricbicyclehere.com

Just choose any of the kits w/out wheels for the e-trailer rig. I'll send out a survey at the end of the project asking if your pledge is for the e-trailer rig. If you answer "yes" I will send you the extra cable with instructions for your e-trailer com

The 5:00 e-bike kit works on mountain bikes, road bikes, commuter bikes, fixies, single speeds, BMX, trailers, and more. One of the only bikes we have found they don't work on are those small urban bicycles with very thin space between the forks.

The 5:00 e-bike invasion has begun. In this case don't join the resistance! The opposition is against a clean environment, saving money, staying healthy, conserving fossil fuels, and more...

You can use our bag or any bag you choose. We purchased this basket at rei.com. Would you have ever known this was a fast e-bike?


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