sábado, julio 06, 2013



10 Best Detox Foods You Should Start Eating

Detoxing has become bit of a trend with all the different fasting formulas and super foods that are out there. Unfortunately, most of the popular “detoxes” really aren’t safe for you and aren’t healthy either. If you want to detox your body, did you know it can be as simple as eating the right foods? Here’s a list of 10 foods you can enjoy if you really want to cleanse your body.

1. Avocados - Do you love avocados so much you would put slices of them on just about any food you eat? There’s no reason to feel guilty about doing this, especially because this is such a great food for you to eat. Avocados are packed full of antioxidants, including glutathione. This detoxes the body by transporting harmful toxins right out of it. By reducing the chemicals and toxins in your body you will be healthier and feel better.

2. Cranberries - These might be great for preventing urinary tract infections, but they can also get rid of toxins inside of your body. These get rid of waste from the body and are antibacterial so they remove toxins.

3. Cabbage – This food has sulfur inside of it, which is essential when it comes to breaking down chemicals in the body. Sulfur can help get rid of everything from pesticides to prescription drugs, which could be harmful if they stuck around.

4. Lemons – These are great in drinks and recipes, but they are also packed full of vitamins and antioxidants. These protect the liver and they get rid of chemicals inside of the body. Consuming lemons on a regular basis can improve health.

5. Broccoli – If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like broccoli, you should try it out once again! It’s full of antioxidants that can cleanse your body. It’s also high in enzymes that help to get your digestive system running efficiently. Raw broccoli is best because it has a high level of nutrients inside of it.

6. Garlic – Packed full of sulfur, this is another great food to use for body cleanses. It also has antibiotic properties so it can help internally heal your body. There are a lot of advantages to eating garlic on a regular basis; it’s even available in supplement form!

7. Beets – These can be incorporated into a lot of different recipes or they can be eaten raw. They are full of betaine and pectin, which help protect the liver and the digestive system. These can cleanse the body so you have fewer toxins.

8. Grapefruit – This fruit helps cleanse the digestive system and it can prevent kidney stones from developing. It’s also low in natural sugars and calories, so it’s great for dieting.

9. Sunflower Seeds – These are great to snack on and can detox the liver so it’s healthier. It can also get rid of harmful toxins floating around in the body. In addition to this, it prevents cholesterol from building up and causing body damage.

10. Lentils – These aid the digestive system to cleanse and detox your body. Lentils also lower the cholesterol and help balance the blood sugar inside of your body.



El aguacate
El aguacate es una fruta muy olvidada por los deportistas y por las personas que quieren perder peso por sus altos contenidos en grasa. Cuando escuchamos que contienen casi 30gr de grasa por cada pieza, nos asustamos y directamente no lo incluimos en nuestra cesta. Pero, como no todo lo que contiene grasa es perjudicial, os voy a explicar cinco razones para comer aguacate.
Los aguacates son uno de los mejores alimentos que puede comer cualquier deportista. Tanto si son amantes del fitness como si son locos de la resistencia.

Pueden ayudarnos a mejorar los niveles de colesterol y estabilizar el ritmo cardíaco gracias a los más de 20gr por pieza de grasas monoinsaturadas con grandes cantidades de ácido oleico y alfa-linolénico (ácido graso omega-3).

Ayudan al crecimiento y reparación de la masa muscular, ya que contienen buenas fuentes de proteínas, altas cantidades de potasio y zinc , incluso más que los propios plátanos. Y como ya he mencionado, muchos gramos de grasas monoinsaturadas , que además, harán mejorar los niveles de la hormona testosterona de forma natural.

Disminuyen la inflamación en las articulaciones y colaboran en la reparación del cartílago gracias a sus ácidos grasos esenciales y vitamina E.

Hacen sentirnos saciados durante más tiempo, gracias a sus siete gramos de fibra por pieza, soluble e insoluble, que ralentizará la descomposición de hidratos de carbono y la gran cantidad de ácido oleico que activa la zona del cerebro que te hace sentir lleno.

Mejoran el sistema inmunológico, por su alto contenido en carotenoides. Los aguacates son una gran fuente de luteína , un carotenoide que actúa como antioxidante y ayuda a proteger contra las enfermedades del ojo.

Como habéis podido comprobar, esta fruta es un alimento muy completo para el deportista. Yo, lo suelo utilizar, por las noches con una ensalada con queso fresco bajo en grasa, lechuga y tomate. Está riquísima.
¿Vosotros tenéis al aguacate en vuestra dieta?

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