domingo, noviembre 10, 2013

atracòn de deporte / Ciclista de 35 años atropellado en loeches , herido grave / Hit &run Missouri USA

gravity mafia

Ryan Kremsater and Jacob Spera: Atlantis

The second instalment in an unscheduled video series by Jacob and Myself. The videos aim to capture our highest levels of riding as we explore new locations, finding endless possibilities in the forests of Coastal BC. With each new discovery demanding higher expertise and sharper mental focus, our skill is pushed beyond it's limits. Accepting each challenge, we aim to progress our own personal limits, and hopefully, progress the sport of mountain unicycling.


Cumbre en el Monsacro

Hoy tocaba atracòn de deporte ..televisivo. Primero los dos campeonatos del mundo de motos y luego en tenis nadal-federer


atropello grave en loeches
Un ciclista de 35 años ha resultado herido grave en un accidente con un turismo esta madrugada en el término municipal de Loeches (Madrid), según ha informado un portavoz de Emergencias de la Comunidad.Poco después de la 1 de la madrugada, el Servicio de Emergencias 112 ha recibido una llamada alertando del atropello de un ciclista por un vehículo en el Km 5. de la carretera M206, en Loeches.Los sanitarios de la UVI Móvil de Summa que se desplazan al lugar han atendido al ciclista, un varón de unos 35 años, que presentaba la semiamputación de la pierna derecha así como un traumatismo craneoencefálico severo.Tras ser intubado y estabilizado, el ciclista ha sido trasladado al Hospital Gregorio Marañón en estado grave.El conductor del turismo no ha necesitado asistencia sanitaria.Las circunstancias del accidente están siendo investigadas por la Guardia Civil de Tráfico.


Bike Rider Killed by Hit and Run Driver, Importance for Cyclists to have High Uninsured Motorist Insurance Coverage October 30, 2013, by Benjamin J. Sansone Bike riding on busy roads can be very dangerous, as previously discussed on this blog under bike safety, many drivers don't like cyclists and some are even hostile. Additionally, we have represented several cyclists that have been riding on the shoulder of a roadway and are hit by a drunk or drugged driver. See St Charles Bike Rider hit by Drunk Driver. Hit and run bike accidents are very serious and prompt investigation by police and lawyers needs to be done to track down the driver and preserve evidence that may be used at trial or to help settle the case. See recent article about investigating hit and run car accidents. In a tragic wrongful death case, a drugged teenage driver hit and killed a father of 3 while he was riding his bike. The driver fled the scene of the crash, but was later caught and a witness recorded the driver on their cell phone, the recording shows the drivers level of intoxication. If the driver cannot be found, then your only recourse for insurance money to cover your injuries is through your own auto insurance and your Uninsured Motorist Coverage. Even if the driver is found, often times drivers that run from accidents do so because they do not have a valid license and may not have insurance. Many people may not know this, but the uninsured motorist coverage you have through your auto insurance covers you if you are hurt by a driver without insurance or who cannot be identified even if you are not in a car. If you are hit as a pedestrian or a bicyclist and the driver disappears or has no insurance your uninsured motorist coverage will cover your harms and losses. Since injuries sustained in a bicycle accident can be very severe, even when at low speeds, it is important to have the highest amount of uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage possible. Personally, I am a cyclist, and have been hit before, twice! Thankfully I have not been severely hurt; however, I have many clients that have been hurt very badly. Because of the risk of bad injuries caused by drivers with little or no insurance, I carry the highest uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage my insurance company offers, which is $500,000. So, if I am hit by a driver with a low level of insurance or no insurance, II still have $500,000 of insurance coverage available for the other the driver's negligence or recklessness, therefore if I am severely hurt there should be plenty of insurance to cover my harms and losses, i.e. medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering. Injured in a bike accident around St Louis Missouri or in Illinois? Call cyclist and bike accident lawyer Ben Sansone today for a free discussion about your legal options. Call (314) 863-0500 or email a bike lawyer now.

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