martes, noviembre 26, 2013

Del valle del Khumbu al valle del Gokyo por el mítico Chola Pas /Todo a 20.000 US $ casa y helicòptero

Del valle del Khumbu al valle del Gokyo por el mítico Chola Pas (181 fotos)
Me ha resultado difícil elegir las fotos por que se me pegó el dedoal disparador ante semejante belleza, he intentado compartir unas cuantas en resumen de lo que ha sido este espectacular trekking de altura, exigente en muchos aspectos pero compensado totalmente por los momentos vividos, no se si será por que llevábamos mucho tiempo detrás de este sueño y lo vivimos con pasión, pero ha sido una experiencia que jamás olvidaremos.
Caminar por estas tierras, no es solo disfrutar de la montaña,es impregnarse de un aire místico, vivir tradiciones milenarias, es sentir como hablan las piedras, como susurra el viento, como se escucha el el silencio mas absoluto, como el glaciar se abre paso sin detenerse, como el sol impone su ley , como la noche fría aclama refugio, como la compañía se hace imprescindible, como la emoción invade tu cuerpo y tu alma y lloras sin importarte quien te ve, por que el alma está tan feliz que no puedes remediar llorar de emoción, todo esto y mucho mas que no se describir por que solo viviéndolo se puede explicar, un proyecto de pareja realizado, nos sentimos muy afortunados , agradecidos totalmente a la vida por habernos dado la oportunidad de estar aquí, en este escenario mítico el sueño de cualquier montañero ver en directo ha estos colosos, que nos han mostrado su cara mas amable con un tiempo frío pero sin vientos fuertes, ni tempestades,con la suerte de verlas vestidas de gala, vestidas con su blanco manto de nieve brillando bajo un sol reluciente.
Queremos compartir estas fotos para que podáis viajar hasta allí y disfrutar de aquella belleza.


20K House project aims to make home ownership more affordable

By Adam Williams November 25, 2013

The 20K House project was launched in 2005 by Rural Studio (Photo: Tim Hursley/RuralStudio...

For many people, the chance of owning their own house is very slim indeed. However, the 20K House project by Rural Studio, an off-campus design-build program of Auburn University, aims to tackle this, and make house ownership possible for more people with an attractive and safe modern property for just US$20,000.

The houses themselves range greatly in size, shape, and materials used, but all sport a ca...Rural Studio is currently raising funds to build eight new 20K Houses in the Hale County a...The group is also aiming to change the 20K House from a project to a mass-marketed product...
The 20K House project was launched in 2005 by Rural Studio in an effort to address the need for local affordable housing while offering an alternative to mobile homes. The price tag of $20,000 derives from what was felt to be the highest mortgage a person receiving Social Security checks could realistically afford to pay.

To date, Rural Studio has designed 12 different versions of the 20K House, each of which cost roughly $12,000 for materials, with $8,000 of the budget set aside for contracted labor and profit.

The 20K House project was launched in 2005 by Rural Studio (Photo: Tim Hursley/RuralStudio...
The houses themselves range greatly in size, shape, and materials used, but all sport a carefully-considered design and boast useful features such as a concrete safe room for protection from tornadoes, and passive cooling.

Rural Studio is currently raising funds to build eight new 20K Houses in the Hale County area, and the group is also aiming to change the 20K House from a project to a mass-marketed product. To this end, the organization is currently working on refining its production process, including ensuring the homes meet Federal Housing Administration standards.

Source: Rural Studio


Your own helicopter for under US$20,000

By Mike Hanlon September 20, 2005

September 21, 2005 Flying is not a sport generally associated with those people who are light of wallet – which makes the Mosquito Ultralight helicopter something of a rarity. The entire kit for the Mosquito can be purchased for US$20,000 and if you think the minimalist Mosquito leaves you a bit vulnerable, there’s the fully enclosed Mosquito XE and XEL which can be purchased for US$23,000 apeice. Building the kits will cost you about 200 to 300 hours to build or you can have the plane built for you for a flat US$4000. Getting airborn for under US$20,000 in your own, new helicopter is quite a feat – we’re not aware of any other helicopter in this price category and on top of that, both Mosquito variants offer very low maintenance and operating costs.

The Mosquito’s designer John Uptigrove is a mech engineer by trade and like a lot of people alwaysdreamed of being able to fly. “By creating an ultralight helicopter it offers that ability without all the cost and hassle of dealing with air regs,” says Uptigrove. To date, Uptigrove’s Innovator Technologies has sold 37 mosquito kits (two in Japan, two in Canada, one in Spain, one in France, one in Belgium and the remainder in the US) and a dozen have been built to airworthiness by their purchasers at the time of going to press. The open frame Mosquito first became available in 2002 and the XE model was brought on in 2004.

All of the mosquitoes sold so far have been built in kit form, though the company has just begun offering a factory build program and the first factory-finished Mosquito is being finished as you read this.

The birds are typically used for “recreational flight for the most part,” says Uptigrove.

“Some plan to use them for flying into their favorite fishing hole. As a work machine they are ideal for ranch herding, flying fence lines or flying out to your farm machinery. I think every farmer and rancher should have one,” he jokes.

The Ultralight legal Mosquito and Mosquito XEL are only permitted to carry five gallons of fuel and hence have a range of just 60 miles. The XE can carry 12 gallons of fuel and so has a range of 150 miles.

Canadian-based Uptigrove originally charged less for his offspring, but as he explains, “I sell in US dollars as that is the primary market, but I live in Canada and the Canadian dollar keeps going up which is cutting into my profit in a bad way, so I have to keep raising my price to match.” You can actually start building your Mosquito for a lot less as the kit is sold in bite size chunks and the first kit group, the frame kit, sells for only US$2,995.00.

Uptigrove believes safety is paramount in aviation and puts his money where his mouth is. Provide proof that you have had helicopter training from a certified instructor to at least the "solo" signoff, or a minimum of 10 hours dual instruction by the time of your purchase of the last group (Rotor System and Blades) and Innovator will discount the final price by US$2,000 to help pay for your training.

If you’d like more info on the Mosquito, there’s a Mosquito information video pack that sells for US$30.00

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