domingo, diciembre 29, 2013

Atropellan y matan a ciclista , huyen y son arrestados( en australia y en gerona sòlo herido )


The Ride - Episode 3 - Conquer The Road


Cyclist killed in hit-and-run south of Adelaide, woman charged
Updated Sat 28 Dec 2013, 12:20am AEDT

VIDEO: Cyclist killed in road accident (7pm TV News SA)
PHOTO: Police officer examines scene of fatal crash of female cyclist with bicycle in bottom right. (ABC News)

A mother has died in a hit-and-run crash at Lower Inman Valley near Victor Harbor, south of Adelaide, while riding with her husband and another cyclist.

The 48-year-old from Beulah Park in Adelaide's east was in the middle of the group, which had spread out as it moved along Inman Valley Road, when she was hit yesterday.

Police were called about 10:45am ACDT as locals tried to resuscitate her but she died at the scene.Detective Inspector Peter Duance says another cyclist was able to describe the vehicle and two people were later pulled over in connection with the incident.

"The cyclist who was not the husband ... gave police a brief description of the vehicle involved," he said.
"One hour after this collision, police located a dark coloured [Commodore sedan] on the Southern Expressway at Lonsdale.
"An astute police officer noticed the damage to the vehicle and as a result stopped the vehicle."

The driver, a 37-year-old woman from Queensland, and the passenger, a 45-year-old man from Collinswood, were taken to the Christies Beach Police Station for questioning.Police have charged the woman with dangerous driving causing death and leaving the scene of an accident.She will appear in court on Monday.
Detective Inspector Duance says the victim's children have been notified of her death.


Detenido un conductor tras atropellar a una ciclista y darse a la fuga
El accidente se ha producido a las 13.00 horas, en la carretera N-260 de Sant Joan de les Fonts y varios testigos han avisado a los servicios de emergencias
Sucesos | 29/12/2013 - 20:44h | Última actualización: 29/12/2013 - 21:00h

Girona. (EUROPA PRESS).- Los Mossos d'Esquadra han detenido este domingo a un conductor de 51 años por presuntamente haber atropellado a una ciclista de unos 40 años en la carretera N-260 de Sant Joan de les Fonts (Girona) y darse a la fuga.

Según ha explicado la policía catalana a Europa Press, el accidente se ha producido a las 13.00 horas y varios testigos han avisado a los servicios de emergencias.Al lugar de los hechos han acudido los Mossos d'Esquadra y el Sistema de Emergéncias Médicas (SEM), que ha evacuado a la ciclista en ambulancia al Hospital Josep Trueta, donde se encuentra en estado menos grave.

La policía ha detenido gracias a los testigos al conductor en el mismo municipio, del que es vecino.Se le imputa un delito contra la seguridad del tráfico y otro de omisión de socorro, y próximamente pasará a disposición judicial.

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