lunes, diciembre 02, 2013

du cross venturada / Nutrición en diciembre / Ultraman,, toni marsal 7 ª

drones amazon air premium

For the next few weeks UPS, FedEx and the U.S. Postal Service will be working overtime to make sure you get your holiday gifts on time, but if Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos gets his way, in the future, it might be delivery drones working those extra hours.

In an interview with CBS's "60 Minutes" on Sunday evening, Bezos unveiled Amazon Prime Air, a service that delivers packages via autonomous drones. With the service, Bezos said he hopes that the company will be able to deliver packages into customers hands within 30 minutes of the time they place an order.
The package is pulled off the lines by the octocopter, and then using GPS it is directed to the delivery address. When it arrives it releases the package on the doorstep. Because the octocopter has eight blades, Bezos said, if one broke the drone would still be able to safely drop off a package. As many have remarked, it looks like something out of the Jetsons.

III Duatlón Cross Puerta de la Sierra
5 km carrera a pie - 21 km bicicleta - 3 km carrera a pie

Venturada (Madrid)

Número máximo de participantes: 500

INSCRIPCIÓN Fecha inscripción: Desde el 01/12/2013 al 20/01/2014

17€ hasta el 31 de diciembre 22€ entre el 1 y el 20 de enero


Nutrición en diciembre
Publicado el 2 diciembre, 2013 por Centro Orientacion Nutricional
Pues sin darnos cuenta ya estamos en diciembre, que no en Navidad por mucho que insistan grandes superficies, las luces de las calles de tu pueblo ni la vecina de enfrente que ya va por la segunda caja de mantecados.

Pensad que mes en muy largo y que tienes numerosas fiestas varias, a saber; el puente de la Inmaculada, Noche-Buena, Noche-Vieja y afines Navidad y año Nuevo. Además sumamos la cena de empresa, la comida con los amigos, la cena con los padres del cole, el día que te enganchan tus amigos al pasar por la puerta del bar y…un largo etcétera. Por lo que aconsejo que os planifiquéis los saraos varios.

1.La Navidad no empieza hasta el 22 de diciembre, el día de la Lotería, cuando de nuevo nos consolemos con eso de “pero tenemos salud”, frase de pobre, pero cierta. Es decir, nada de comprar productos típicos (hojaldrinas, turrones, bombones…) hasta el 22 por la tarde.

2.No abandonar el ejercicio. Casi todas las semanas del mes hay algo. Si le sumamos los fines de semana, al menos 3 días deberíais entrenar. No os borréis del gimnasio ahora para apuntaros después de Reyes. “Consuelo de muchos, consuelo de tontos”.

3.”Quién evita la ocasión evita el peligro”. Buscaros típicas excusas y decir que NO a tentaciones de todo tipo y cansa almas de inconmensurables. Aquí ya entra el orden de prioridades de cada uno.

4.Conviene recordad otro refrán “Un minuto en la boca, un mes en la cadera”. Un español medio aumenta una media de 3 kg en Navidad. Romped la media!

5.La Navidad se vive, no hace falta que no las comamos entera.

Iré comentando de todas formas distintos productos de estas fechas para que estéis más informados.



Kregar, Biscay win Ultraman new

Written by: Timothy Carlson
Date: Sun Dec 01 2013

Hillary Biscay of the United States smashed the women’s field by over three hours and finished 3rd overall including the men. At age 51, Miro Kregar of Slovenia finally broke through to win the men’s overall title in his 9th start at the Ultraman World Championship, a 320-mile, 3-day stage triathlon on the Big Island of Hawaii.

In this, the 30th edition of the race that began in 1983 and has been run every year since but 1991, the 40-entry field faced tough conditions on Day 1 - head currents on the 10k swim that slowed everyone at least 15 minutes and a driving rain in the final 20 miles of the 90-mile bike leg. After that, conditions were mild on the 171-mile Day 2 bike and increasingly hot on the Day 3 double marathon finale.


Biscay, the long distance specialist triathlete who has completed about 60 Ironman and longer distance events, gained full redemption for her 2nd place Ultraman women's finish in 2010 behind the record-setting performance of 3-time winner Amber Monforte. Three years later, Biscay came fully prepared, combining a first day race-best (including the men) 10k swim of 2:37:46 and a women’s-best 90-mile bike split of 6:02:24. On the second day, she posted a women’s-best 8:26:45 split for the 171-mile bike course.

Today, she ran a second-best-ever Ultraman women’s double marathon run split of 7:23:55 [11:48 behind Ann Heaslett’s 2009 run]. In 2013 Biscay’s split was the second-fastest double marathon including all the men. Finally, Biscay’s total elapsed time of 24:30:50 was the second-best women’s time in the history of this event, falling 23 minutes 39 seconds short of Amber Monforte’s 2010 women’s race record but 9:38 better than Biscay’s own 2nd place time in 2010.

This time around, Biscay turned the tables on Monforte, who said her work schedule had prevented her from her usual training mileage. The Tucson, Arizona resident led three-time defending champion Monforte, a South Lake Tahoe, California nurse, by 1 hour 5 minutes after Day 1, 1 hour 54 minutes after day 2 and 3 hours 25 minutes at the finish.


By contrast, Kregar’s long-sought victory after two 2nd place finishes and two 3rd place performances at Ultraman Hawaii included no record splits – in fact his 23:42:07 overall time, which included two penalties totaling 18 minutes, was the 46th fastest men’s time in the history of the event and was only his own 5th-fastest Ultraman Hawaii time. However modest his performance, Kregar had the satisfaction of of being one of two men who were not chicked by Biscay.

Kregar put together a 3:14:52 swim and a 5:48:01 bike split to finish 6th on Day 1, 43 minutes behind 51-year-old Tim Sheeper, 22 minutes behind Biscay and 13 minutes back of six-time champion Alexandre Ribeiro. On Day 2, Kregar posted a 2nd-best 7:55:59 split for the 171-mile bike course from Kilauea to Hawi, which put him 31 minutes back of Sheeper, 15 minutes behind Ribeiro and 8 minutes ahead of Biscay. On the final day, Kregar and his rival, friend and occasional training partner Ribeiro went off the front as usual. But after 18 miles, Ribeiro faded to a 7:43:31 run, more than an hour longer than his average time, which he attributed to a lack of training occasioned by a heavy work schedule in his coaching business back home in Brazil.

Biscay outran Ribeiro by 19 minutes 36 seconds on the final day and the Brazilian's 24:27:21 overall time put him second overall including the women.

“This is the biggest victory in my 30-year career – it is a dream come true,” said Kregar. “When Alexandre fell back on the run, I thought I cannot make up enough time to win because I had a 6-minute penalty on Day 1 and a 12-minute penalty on Day 3 -- a media girl from Slovenia was leaning out the window of my support vehicle to take a picture on the final day. But on the second marathon, I kept getting reports that my lead was growing, so I push, push, push hard. Ribeiro told me he had little training and lost energy so I finally win this race I love so much.”

Ribeiro may have lost his chance at extending his Ultraman victories to 7, but was thrilled it was at the hands of his friend. “After the first marathon, I died,” said Ribeiro. “I would walk, get sick, try to run and it was very difficult for me to finish. But it was a great pleasure to see Miro finally win – he is a great guy and has been putting his heart into this for years.”

The Ultraman men’s podium was dominated by veterans – Kregar is 51, Ribeiro is 48, and Sheeper is 50. But perhaps the greatest age graded performance was by 58-year-old Kurt Madden, who won the inaugural Ultraman in 1983 and whose time for that race, albeit on a shorter course, is still the race record at 21:41:02. On this weekend after Thanksgiving, Madden finished 6th overall in 26:08:28.

To be updated

30th Ultraman World Championship
The Big Island, Hawaii
December 1, 2013
S 10k / B 90.4 mi./ B 171.4 mi./ R 52.4 mi.



1. Miro Kregar (SLO) 23:42:07
2. Alexandre Ribeiro (BRA) 24:27:21
3. Tim Sheeper (USA) 24:57:12
4. Christian Isakson (USA) 25:22:34
5. Milton Sousa (BRA) 25:44:14
6. Kurt Madden (USA) 26:08:28
7. Christopher Draper (USA) 26:24:39
8. James Player (USA) 26:37:22
9. Toni Marsal Bonet (ESP) 27:20:10
10. Roberto Parseghian (BRA) 27:42:03


1. Hillary Biscay (USA) 24:30:50
2. Amber Monforte (USA) 27:56:28
3. Vanuza Maciel (BRA) 29:49:52
4. Beth Brewster (USA) 32:17:35
5. Kathleen Wood (CAN) 33:15:33
6. Dene Sturm (USA) 33:34:34
7. Laurie Beers (USA) 34:15:33

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