martes, diciembre 31, 2013

marìa encuentra a juan en medio de la antàrtida !

Feliz año nuevo !
Juan pasa el último día de 2013 donde había soñado hacerlo durante más de dos años. Hoy nos envía esta felicitación y nos recuerda aquello de que "no dejemos de perseguir nuestros sueños". Él nunca se rinde.

Dìas 26 y 27
Juan sigue avanzando hacia el Polo Sur. 62KM en dos días, en los que el viento antártico ha vuelto a soplar con fuerza. Ayer Juan se encontró con la británica Maria Leijerstam y su equipo motorizado (dos coches) que ya iban de regreso. La buena noticia es que la huella dejada por esos coches puede facilitar la orientación y el avance de Juan en los próximos días.


Dan baja peso

December 30 -- Ups and Downs
South 85 degrees 24.242 West 081 degrees 07.397 Elevation 4,422 ft. 20 miles

The day started out sunny with low wind. I was able to crank out a quick 10 miles. The Thiels mountains are visible to the west. It is nice to be able to see something besides just a sea of white. The after noon tuned cloudy and the visibility dropped. I was able to get a very nice 20 miles in for the day. It was a day of going slightly up and down with the altitude flirting with 4,500 ft. I can't tell if what is ahead is a cloud bank or a steep climb. If it is a climb, that is fine, as the pole is still 5,000 feet higher than I am now. Hoping to get at least 16 miles tomorrow.

December 29 -- Weight Loss
South 85 degrees 04.979 West 080 degrees 46.905 Elevation 4,434 0 miles

I spent the day sleeping and repacking all my gear. The bike has been stripped down as light as possible and I left all my extra food and gear to be taken by ALE back to base camp. I don't know how much my new load weighs, but I think I left behind more weight than what I have moving forward. My goal is to get 1/4 of a degree each day. This would give me 20 days of travel and 3 rest days, getting my to the south pole by around the 20th of January.

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