miércoles, abril 09, 2014

Baterìa para telèfono inteligente que se recarga en 30 segundos

StoreDot, un sistema que carga por completo el smartphone en 30 segundos

Pronto podremos cargar nuestro teléfono en solo 30 segundos. La empresa StoreDot ha presentado en la conferencia Think Next de Microsoft un prototipo de un cargador capaz de cargar la batería de un Samsung Galaxy 4 en sólo medio minuto. En la demo que la compañía ha grabado podemos ver este proceso.
La start-up StoreDot, que surgió en un departamento de nanotecnología de la Universidad de Tel Aviv, se ha convertido en una empresa prometedora que busca desarrollar sistemas y tecnologías con gran futuro como este novedoso cargador.
StoreDot ha estado desarrollando semiconductores biológicos, elaborados a partir de compuestos naturales orgánicos llamados péptidos o cadenas cortas de aminoácidos, los componentes básicos de las proteínas. Esta tecnología se puede utilizar, según la compañía, para acelerar los tiempos de carga, entre otras cosas.
El prototipo tiene, actualmente, el tamaño de un cargador portátil, pero la compañía dice que seguirán trabajando para reducir su tamaño. El coste estimado será mayor que el de los cargadores móviles que utilizamos hoy en día.
La compañía israelí ha dicho que planea hacer cargadores para otros teléfonos inteligentes y que la comercialización de estos está prevista para finales de 2016.



Nanodot-based smartphone battery that recharges in 30 seconds

By Dario Borghino April 7, 2014

Israeli startup StoreDot has showcased a prototype of a new smartphone battery that can reportedly recharge in just under 30 seconds

Today at Microsoft’s Think Next symposium in Tel Aviv, Israeli startup StoreDot has demonstrated the prototype of a nanodot-based smartphone battery it claims can fully charge in just under 30 seconds. With the company having plans for mass production, this technology could change the way we interact with portable electronics, and perhaps even help realize the dream of a fast-charging electric car.

StoreDot's prototype smartphone battery can reportedly fully recharge in under 30 seconds ...The battery employs chemically synthesized molecules dubbed 'nanodots' (Photo: StoreDot)The company says the nanodots are inexpensive and environmentally friendly (Photo: StoreDo...The battery technology might have potential for electric cars (Photo: StoreDot)View all
As we all know only too well, recharging our portable electronics can take a painfully long time. This is because reversing the chemical reactions that caused the battery to deplete is a process that can hardly be rushed, for considerations of both safety and energy efficiency.

But now, a radically new battery design advanced by StoreDot could bring charge times down to the order of a few seconds. The company produces so-called nanodots, chemically synthesized bio-organic peptide molecules that, thanks to their small size, improve electrode capacitance and electrolyte performance. The end result is batteries that can be fully charged in seconds rather than hours.

'In essence, we have developed a new generation of electrodes with new materials – we call it MFE – Multi Function Electrode," StoreDot CEO Doron Myersdorf told Gizmag. "On one side it acts like a supercapacitor (with very fast charging), and on the other is like a lithium electrode (with slow discharge). The electrolyte is modified with our nanodots in order to make the multifunction electrode more effective."

The company says that unlike other nanodot and quantum-dot technologies that are heavy metal based, making them toxic, its nanodots are made from a vast range of bio-organic raw materials that are environmentally-friendly. These materials are also naturally abundant, and the nanodots employ a basic biological mechanism of self-assembly, making them cheap to manufacture.

Self-discharge characteristics are similar to those of lithium-ion cells and, for its first prototype, the company targeted the approximate capacity of a smartphone battery (around 2,000 mAh).

But Myersdorf told us that the technology could also be adapted to electric cars, by modifying the electrode so it could sustain higher currents (and, of course, configuring a large number of cells in parallel).

StoreDot is in the process of submitting patents for the technology, and mass production of the smartphone batteries is planned for late 2016.

The video below illustrates just how quickly the battery can be recharged.

Source: StoreDot


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