miércoles, julio 09, 2014

atropello y fuga de coche contra ciclista

Alfonso Rincón, participante de la Masa Crítica desde hace años y que utiliza habitualmente la bici en sus desplazamientos, nos explica lo que le ha sucedido:

"siempre me he mostrado en contra de los carriles bici. y lo que me sucedió el pasado viernes me ratifica en mi postura. Iba yo circulando tan tranquilamente por el carril bici de la playa de san juan cuando de repente un vehículo se cruzo en mi camino tratando de acceder a uno de los parkings de dicha playa. ni aminoro la velocidad, ni miró si venía algún ciclista o patinador, vamos que fue una imprudente. también me gustaría indicar que la señalización y visibilidad del carril bici con respecto a la calzada era inexistente y practicamente nula. resultado, varios golpes en mi cuerpo, uno de ellos bastante fuerte en la muñeca. por lo que me gustaría pedir menos carriles bici mal hechos y mal señalizados y volcar los esfuerzos en reducir el numero de coches que circulan por nuestras calles y carreteras. Más sitio para bicis en la calzada y menos para coches.

pd lo mas gracioso es que los dueños del coche me dicen que en el parte van a poner que abollé su coche al lanzarme contra el, INCREÍBLE"


atropello y fuga de coche contra ciclista


un ciclista inglés sólo tuvo lesiones leves tras ser atropellado brutalmente por un coche a las afueras de Londres. El ciclista se golpeo contra el parabrisas y salió volando a más de tres metros de altura. La cámara que llevaba el ciclista en su casco pudo grabar el accidente.Como se puede ver en el vídeo el conductor no tiene en cuenta que un ciclista viene circulando por el otro carril y se mete sin mirar en una gasolinera.El coche escapò

This shocking footage shows the moment a cyclist was thrown 10-ft in the air by a hit-and-run driver, and miraculously survived with only minor injuries. Cyclist Patrick Knetemann, 34, was hit head-on by the unknown driver - believed to be using false plates - who veered onto the opposite side of the road, catapulting him onto the car's bonnet and over the roof. The shattered windscreen and flailing limbs of Patrick can be seen in the harrowing film which was recorded at the end of last month on the outskirts of London. The bullet cam, which was attached to the handle bars of Patrick's road bike, spins wildly in the air before coming to rest beneath the rear wheels of the Black Volkswagen.


Police appeal for information over cyclist hit and run
policeA motorist who drove off after colliding with a cyclist in Iver is being hunted by police.
The cyclist, who has been named as Patrick Knetemann by national media, was riding along Langley Park Road at 4.30pm when he was stuck head-on by a Volkswagen Golf travelling in the opposite direction.
The crash was caught on camera by the cyclist, who had a camera attached to his bike.
The footage shows the car turning right and crashing into the unsuspecting rider who is tossed from the bike, which is catapulted into the air.
The car had a smashed windscreen, caused by the collision.
Following the crash, the driver drove off along Mansion Lane leaving the cyclist sprawled across the road.
The 34-year-old victim from London, sustained neck and shoulder injuries and was taken to Wexham Park Hospital where he was later discharged.
Investigating officer PC Richard Jeffcoate, from Taplow police station, said: "I am appealing for any witnesses or anyone with any information about this collision to contact police.
"The cyclist had footage from a camera mounted on his bicycle showing the incident and enquiries are currently being carried out by officers in relation to this."
The driver of the Volkswagen Golf is described as white, of thin build, with very short brown hair, aged in his twenties and he was wearing a white t-shirt.
The crash took place next to the Kwik Fit garage on June 14 at about 4.30pm.
Police released details of the incident today.



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This is XTERRA.
XTERRA is a global endurance sports brand made up of off-road triathlons and trail runs. The XTERRA World Tour includes 315 events in 40+ countries and is growing every day.

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