martes, noviembre 18, 2014

Arthur el perro raider de oro




ARTHUR el Perro Ecuatoriano (La entrevista a Mikael Lindnord y la cuarentena HD)

La historia de Arthur, el perro ecuatoriano sin dueño que participó en el Mundial de Aventura, está por concluir con un final feliz.

Él viajará en las próximas horas a #Suecia con su nueva familia »

Arthur está listo para viajar en las próximas horas a Suecia 9365 Arthur recibió un documento de identidad. Foto: Cortesía de Lord Guau Quito 18 de noviembre de 2014 14:07
Esta mañana, 18 de noviembre, Arthur, el perro que participó del Mundial de Aventura Huairasinchi 2014, se sometió a los exámenes necesarios para poder salir del país. El can ya cuenta con un certificado de salud, el carné de vacunas y un microchip que se le instaló bajo la piel a la altura de su espalda. Arthur se unió inesperadamente en la mitad de la competencia al equipo sueco 'Peak Performance' y a manera de agradecimiento ellos decidieron llevarlo hasta Suecia. El trámite para poder salir del Ecuador lo realizó 'Lord Guau', una empresa que se dedica al transporte “puerta a puerta” de mascotas.

Arthur antes de ser atendido en el hospital veterinario All Pets Arthur ya cuenta con la autorización correspondiente y se embarcará como parte del equipaje de carga del equipo sueco que volverá a Suecia a las 17:00 de mañana (19 de noviembre) en vuelo de KLM. Así lo confirmó a este Diario Gustavo Carrión, gerente de 'Lord Guau'. En un inicio, el animal fue llevado al Hospital Veterinario All Pets en donde se determinó que tenía una enfermedad en la piel (común en los perros callejeros) la misma que fue tratada en ese momento. Los equipos europeos se destacaron en el Mundial Arthur: la historia del perro que participó del Mundial de Aventura Huairasinchi 2014 El Mundial de Aventura premia hoy a sus ganadores Además se lo vacunó contra las pulgas y se determinó que Arthur, a sus 7 años de edad, “cuenta con un buen estado de salud y buen carácter”. Carrión manifestó que una de las condiciones que exige la Unión Europea para ingresar un animal es que se le implante un microchip además de la vacuna contra la rabia.

El animal debe permanecer en cuarentena antes de abandonar el país. Por tratarse de un pedido especial de 'Peak Performance' las autoridades suecas decidieron que el can realice la cuarentena en su país. Según Carrión, el costo del trámite puede alcanzar los USD 600 para Europa, siendo el microchip el requisito más costoso. El valor se reduce para América Latina y Estados Unidos en donde no es un requisito obligatorio. En caso de Chile, Panamá y Venezuela se deben sellar los documentos en sus respectivos consulados. Según un registro de Lord Guau se mueven, fuera del país, alrededor de tres mascotas por semana, siendo Estados Unidos el país de mayor demanda de este servicio. Antes de salir de Ecuador, dichos requisitos deben ser revisados por Agrocalidad y a su vez validados por el Ministerio de Agricultura del país de destino. El propietario de una mascota deberá pagar su respectivo pasaje que varía entre USD 150 y 300, dependiendo de la aerolínea. No se puede llevar el animal como equipaje de mano. #ArthurASuecia

Lindnord sums up the race

Team captain Mikael Lindnord sums up the race and also tells us all details of the last days with the dog Arthur.
The team has had some well-earned sleep at a hotel near the finish line and are all feeling ok after the race. They have a few small injuries but are all up on their feet. And so is Arthur. He has been sleeping with the team at the hotel, and the team is now looking in to if it’s possible to bring Arthur back to Sweden.
We got to chat for a few minutes with team captain Mikael Lindnord, he told us a little about how the encounter with Arthur was.
“It all started with me giving Arthur a meatball when we we’re eating right before the long trekking. When we set off we did it with some other teams, and I didn’t understand that Arthur was following us until we were alone and he was still there. At one stage we had to take a break and the dog was totally wrecked. We opened two cans of food and let him eat, because he could find no food at all in the djungle.
When we got in to the TA, Simon was feeling very bad and we had a few hours stop here for him to get checked up by the medics. As we were leaving, the organisers adviced us not to bring Arthur, as it was a big dog and it could be unsafe on the water. But when we set off in the kayaks, he started swimming after us. It was too heartbreaking and we felt we couldn’t leave him, so we picked him up. We could hear the people cheer on the shore as we set off.
But he was kind of in the way during the whole paddle and we had to find different paddling tecniques to not kick him off board. A few times he jumped in to the water and took a swim, and then he crawled back up again and was freezing so he got to wear ourjackets. One time we got quite close to land and he jumped off and swam to the shore, and we thought that was the last we were gonna see from him. But he ran on the road for a bit and then he swam back to us.
When we finished, everyone wanted to ask about the dog and he has slept outside our hotel room tonight. Right now we’re at a café and he’s just lying here at our feet. We are looking in to the possibility to bring him back to Sweden.”

Mikael also sums up his thoughts of the race:
“It’s terrible to compete at high altitude. It’s extremely hard, but we were prepared for this. At the start I almost felt like I was going to faint! For me, some times it made me really energy less. On one cycling leg I didn’t even have the energy to be towed and we had to take a rest. But when we got down on lower altitude we felt in better shape.
The race had its extremes and no middle way. Either it was so freezing and wet that we felt like we were going to die, or it was so hot we felt like we were getting a heatstroke. Every single leg was a challenge.
It felt great to get a second chance at the dark zone, when we had made some mistakes earlier in the race. We were together with the team that later ended up 4th, but unfortunately we made too many mistakes, for example on the trekking with the GPS we lost maybe 5-6 hours. This is also where Simon started feeling bad and the last kilometers we basically had to carry him to the TA. Of course we were a bit worried if we we’re able to continue, but the medics took a look at him and he felt OK after some hours.
We went here expecting a better result, but to think we can stand up to people used to high altitude is quite hard. But we could have had a better flow, we made some big navigation mistakes along the way.


Arthur viajará a Estocolmo con la camiseta Tricolor

Con señales de agotamiento por su última 'aventura', Arthur, el perro que cruzó la meta del Huairasinchi 2014, espera en Lord Guau, lugar de hospedaje de mascotas, a que sus nuevos dueños lo recojan. A las 14:00 de hoy, 19 de noviembre, sería llevado al aeropuerto Mariscal Sucre de Tababela para abordar un avión con destino a Suecia. El animal acompañó al equipo sueco 'Peak Performance' en el último tramo de la competencia y esta tarde viajará en el mismo vuelo en el que regresarán sus dueños. Según miembros del personal encargado de sus cuidados, Arthur fue revisado por la veterinaria Isabel Paredes en horas de la mañana y se descartó la posibilidad de enviarlo con tranquilizantes. Esto debido a que su proceso de adaptación ha sido aceptable. Ampliar Arthur es despedido por sus amigos caninos.
El can recibió un desayuno adecuado y no volverá a comer hasta llegar a su destino con aproximadamente 12 horas de vuelo. A las 12:30 se le otorgó el alta médica. Su viaje a Europa lo hará en una jaula especial una vez que Agrocalidad, encargada de la sanidad animal en Ecuador, aprobara su salida con el ISO 9001:2008. Según Gabriel Carrión, propietario de Lord Guau, Arthur saldrá junto al equipo sueco a las 14:00 y a las 15:00 ofrecerán una rueda de prensa en Tababela. "Arthur posee doble nacionalidad. Él es ecuatoriano de nacimiento y sueco por adopción". "Es un perro callejero, pero de campo, que posiblemente abandonó alguna comunidad cercana al sitio donde fue encontrado, no es un animal salvaje", señaló Carrión. El personal de Lord Guau le entregó una camiseta de la selección de Ecuador para que la use al momento de viajar hasta su nuevo hogar. Ampliar La camiseta del equipo tricolor. Foto: EL COMERCIO "Es el embajador de los perros callejeros, hay cerca de 600 000 ‘Athurs’ en Quito, que necesitan un hogar. Estos chicos dieron un ejemplo a los pobladores del país", concluyó Carrión.


Stray dog who raced 430 miles to a better home: Arthur latched on to an extreme sports team during Amazon race - and what happened next will melt the hardest heart
Team Peak Performance were sat down for a meal before a 20 mile trek in Ecuador when they saw a stray dog
Swedish group were taking part in the Adventure Racing World Championship through the Amazon rain forest
Mikael Lindnord fed the animal a meatball before the team carried on - but the scruffy creature followed them
They tried to get rid of him, primarily for his own safety, but he refused to go so he became a fifth team member
The group of four decided to name him Arthur and have now adopted him and flown him back to Sweden
Lindord said: 'I came to Ecuador to win the World Championship. Instead, I got a new friend'
PUBLISHED: 15:16 GMT, 23 November 2014 | UPDATED: 11:16 GMT, 24 November 2014

Exhausted, covered in mud and desperately hungry, a team of Swedish athletes sat down for a meal as they prepared to take on a dangerous 20-mile trek through the Ecuadorian rainforest.
As they opened their canned meat, a tired Mikael Lindnord noticed a scruffy, miserable stray dog staring at him out of the corner of his eye.
Feeling sorry for him, he fed the dog a meatball and thought nothing of it, but as the team stood up to continue their race the animal started to follow them - and he didn't stop.
As the group of four navigated the final two stages of the 430-mile Adventure Racing World Championship, the dog befriended them and was eventually given the name Arthur.
Every grueling task the team face, Arthur would do the same. He swam alongside them while they kayaked down rivers, dragged himself up hills during hikes and pulled through knee-deep mud during treks.
Even when the team tried to get rid of their new member out of concerns for his safety - he refused to leave.

The fifth member: Team Peak Performance walk with stray dog Arthur during a stage of the 430-mile Adventure Racing World Championship. He followed the group of four during the grueling race

The fifth member: Team Peak Performance walk with stray dog Arthur during a stage of the 430-mile Adventure Racing World Championship. He followed the group of four during the grueling race
All terrains: Despite numerous attempts by the team to get rid of the dog, primarily for his own safety, he refused to go. It meant when he got stuck in the knee-deep mud they helped get him out and when he was exhausted, they stopped to take a break

All terrains: Despite numerous attempts by the team to get rid of the dog, primarily for his own safety, he refused to go. It meant when he got stuck in the knee-deep mud they helped get him out and when he was exhausted, they stopped to take a break
Encounter: Mikael Lindnord first noticed the scruffy dog when he was sitting down to eat canned meatballs. He fed Arthur one thinking nothing on it, but ended up creating a bond with the dog

Encounter: Mikael Lindnord first noticed the scruffy dog when he was sitting down to eat canned meatballs. He fed Arthur one thinking nothing on it, but ended up creating a bond with the dog
This meant when he was tired they stopped for a break and when he got stuck in the mud they pulled him out.
After six days the team finished the race, and the dog had suffered. They therefore decided to take him to a vet while still in South America to have him checked out.
During that time Lindord thought to himself that after their experience, they could not leave Arthur, so he decided to adopt him and take him back to Sweden. He applied to the Jordbruksverket (the Swedish Board of Agriculture) and was made to wait to see if his application was successful.
After a tense few days, the team arrived at the airport with Arthur and boarded the plane with him back home.
Adventure Racing is a form of extreme sport that combines continuous hiking, trekking, mountain biking and kayaking over a successive number of days.
The world championships held in Ecuador covered three diverse geographical regions - the Andes, the Pacific and the Amazon rainforest.
Lindord told Swedish news site Aftonbladet: 'I had just opened a food pack when I saw a scruffy miserable dog in the corner of my eye.

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For more from Team Peak Performance click here
Determined: Before one of the segments of the race - a 36 mile kayak around the coast - organizers warned the team that taking Arthur along posed a risk to his and their safety. But Arthur swam alongside the boat and ended up being pulled in by Lindord

Determined: Before one of the segments of the race - a 36 mile kayak around the coast - organizers warned the team that taking Arthur along posed a risk to his and their safety. But Arthur swam alongside the boat and ended up being pulled in by Lindord
Grueling: The race takes teams of four around ten days, and involves continuous hiking, trekking, mountain biking and kayaking

Grueling: The race takes teams of four around ten days, and involves continuous hiking, trekking, mountain biking and kayaking
Resting: When the team slept Arthur would also curl up and take a nap alongside them

Resting: When the team slept Arthur would also curl up and take a nap alongside them
Video Source Team Peak Performance
Team Peak Performance has Arthur the stray dog as team partner

'I thought he was hungry and gave him a meatball. Then I thought no more of it.
He added: 'At one stage we had to take a break and the dog was totally wrecked. We opened two cans of food and let him eat, because he could find no food at all in the jungle.'
Before one of the segments of the race - a 36 mile kayak around the coast - organizers warned the team that taking Arthur along posed a risk to his and their safety.
They tried to set off without him, but as they left he jumped into the water beside them and started desperately paddling. Lindord, heartbroken by the site of Arthur struggling in the water, picked him up, put him in the kayak and let him stay for the rest of the journey.
The gesture prompted a standing ovation and cheers from spectators watching from the banks.
The ordeal to get him back to Sweden was documented on the team's Facebook page. In one post Lindord wrote: 'I almost cried in front of the computer, when receiving the decision from Jordbruksverket (Board of Agriculture) in Sweden!'
'The team is overwhelmed and happy knowing that Jordbruksverket has approved Mikaels application to bring Arthur to Sweden. A big important piece in the work to get Arhur on the plane, is done. So far so good. But, There are [sic] still one paper to go. The team are now working hard for the very last piece in this puzzel [sic].
Lindord ended by saying: 'I came to Ecuador to win the World Championship. Instead, I got a new friend.'
Support: At one point the dog was not able to find any food in the jungle, so the team stopped and gave him some of their canned food

Support: At one point the dog was not able to find any food in the jungle, so the team stopped and gave him some of their canned food
Challenge: As the team neared the finished the tasks began to take their toll on Arthur and he ended up with some injuries

Challenge: As the team neared the finished the tasks began to take their toll on Arthur and he ended up with some injuries
Health checks: When the team finished the race, they took Arthur to Ecuador to see a vet in order to prepare him for the trip back to Sweden

Health checks: When the team finished the race, they took Arthur to Ecuador to see a vet in order to prepare him for the trip back to Sweden
Donations: Team Peak Performance set up a PayPal account while they were still in South America to garner funds for Arthur's care

Donations: Team Peak Performance set up a PayPal account while they were still in South America to garner funds for Arthur's care
Spotlight: Team member Staffan Bjorklund takes Arthur for a walk outside the clinic. Their story had already grabbed the attention of the media

Spotlight: Team member Staffan Bjorklund takes Arthur for a walk outside the clinic. Their story had already grabbed the attention of the media
Greeting: Arthur offers out his paw to one of the vets as the team wait in the clinic for him to be checked over

Greeting: Arthur offers out his paw to one of the vets as the team wait in the clinic for him to be checked over
Aftermath: After the procedures were complete he was forced to wear a cone on his head. It was then that Lindord decided to adopt him and take him back to his family in Sweden

Aftermath: After the procedures were complete he was forced to wear a cone on his head. It was then that Lindord decided to adopt him and take him back to his family in Sweden
Emotional: When Lindord received news that the Board of Agriculture had approved his request for Arthur to be brought back to Sweden, he said he cried while looking at the computer

Emotional: When Lindord received news that the Board of Agriculture had approved his request for Arthur to be brought back to Sweden, he said he cried while looking at the computer
Happy: Despite his injuries and the toll the final two stages of the race had taken on him, Arthur began to look healthy as he prepared to fly to Sweden and settle into his new home
Happy: Despite his injuries and the toll the final two stages of the race had taken on him, Arthur began to look healthy as he prepared to fly to Sweden and settle into his new home
Attention: The team let passengers stroke Arthur as he wondered around the airport terminal before their flight back to Sweden

Attention: The team let passengers stroke Arthur as he wondered around the airport terminal before their flight back to Sweden
Pose: Members of the team stand alongside with flight attendants and a pilot as they prepare to take Arthur home to his new family

Pose: Members of the team stand alongside with flight attendants and a pilot as they prepare to take Arthur home to his new family

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