miércoles, enero 07, 2015

la leyenda del supertiburòn asesino, el submarino

Un documental emitido ayer por el canal discovery en españa, que se emitiò en agosto en USA desarrolla la historia del tiburòn llamado submarino de màs de 10 m de largo que vive en sudàfrica y que ademàs se alimenta de humanos acechàndolos El tiburòn puede permanecer en vertical en el agua sin necesidad de moverse para respirar.El documental es una mezcla de las pelìculas tiburòn 1, 2, 3 y 4 pero con peores efectos especiales y en general es falso aunque tiene interès por la trama.
Empieza con un naufragio de unos turistas que estàn en el crepùsculo en sudàfrica en un barco de avistamiento de ballenas, cerca del callejòn de los tiburones, chocan con unas rocas y el barco comienza a hundirse. Aparecen los tiburones blancos enseguida y uno ataca a un pasajero en el agua y enseguida la sangre atrae a màs. El barco se hunde y empiezan a llegar los barcos de los rescatadores,que tienen sonar. En un momento dado los tiburones se van como si algo los hubiera espantado....y hasta aquì puedo leer...



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Shark Week : Submarine Shark Videos


Anger builds over Shark Week's fake submarine documentary: Readers sound off

A diagram from the Shark Week show "Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine," which shows how big the fabled mega-shark would be if it existed. (Pilgrim Studios)
Print Grant Butler | The Oregonian/OregonLive By Grant Butler
on August 12, 2014 at 5:00 AM, updated August 12, 2014 at 12:08 PM

The Internet continued to simmer Monday as fans of Shark Week took to social media to complain about "Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine," a fake documentary that helped kick off Discovery Channel's week of shark-themed programs Sunday night.

The two-hour special about an attack by a 35-foot-long great white shark off the coast of South Africa, became a trending topic on Facebook and Twitter, with many viewers saying they felt tricked by the program. The reaction is similar to the firestorm that followed last-year's airing of another fake documentary, "Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives."

It's a wonder that "Shark of Darkness" fooled anyone. Even with disclaimers that it was a dramatization, the special effects and acting were so bad that the show bordered on self-parody. And the story was an inscrutable mess that proved challenging to get through. As silly as it was, at least last month's "Sharknado 2" was entertaining.

Does Discovery's decision to air more fake documentaries make you trust Shark Week less?
Yes, these shows ought to be based on facts, not a bunch of made-up nonsense.
No. Shark Week has always been more about entertainment and ratings than science.

Online readers had plenty to say about "Shark of Darkness" and Discovery's ongoing descent into deceptive programming.

From almightykingdom: "Megalodon at least was interesting, albeit fake. Between the Mermaid, Russian Bigfoot, and now Sub Shark mockumentaries, it's getting to be ridiculous. This isn't SyFy..."
From quackhead503: "Discovery, History, and Nat Geo have all given up on educational programming in favor of ratings. They saw what TLC and The Deadliest Catch did and have gone all-in on some of the worst reality programming ever created. Shark Week managed to stay respectable until last year, but these new productions plus their re-running of controversial shows from last year tells us exactly where Discovery stands."

From Azlinthelich: "If you actually believed a 35' Great White exists and is sinking boats then you DESERVE to be faked out by an OBVIOUS fake story."
From Lydia Dahlke: "I think Willy Wonka said it best – 'A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men' "

And from VenturaMojo: "Shark Week has definitely jumped the shark. I switched over to NatGeo Wild and their shark shows that were on last night were more like what Shark Week used to be."

Why Shark Week doesn't need fake documentaries
Like a lot of Shark Week viewers, Grant Butler is bothered by Discovery Channel's decision to air more fake documentaries about sharks. He explains how they spread falsehoods about sharks, and why they're so unnecessary.
But has Shark Week jumped the shark as far as viewers are concerned? Not if the ratings for Sunday night are any indication. Viewership of Shark Week programs went up 6 percent from last year in the demographic of people ages 25-54, with the number of women in this demographic rising by a whopping 18 percent.
But there's hope when you look at a program-by-program breakdown of Sunday night's ratings. Most of the viewership gains came from the excellent Jeff Kurr documentary "Air Jaws: Fin of Fury," which had almost 3.3 million viewers, up a staggering 57 percent from last year's programming at the same time. "Shark of Darkness," by contrast, attracted 3.8 million, a significant dip from the 5 million who tuned into last year's phony-baloney "Megalodon" show. Granted, 3.8 million viewers is nothing to sneeze at, but a 24-percent drop in viewers could be a sign that a significant number of viewers don't have an appetite for fake documentaries.



Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine is a fake documentary
Shark Week has done it again with their Shark of Darkness nonsense. This show goes after everyone, from the whale watching industry, to shark cage diving, to South Africa as a country, and literally broke my heart to watch.

As always, a brief and vague disclaimer appears after all the credits have rolled.

The fake-u-mentary is supposedly based in Hout Bay, but continually shows a map of Dyer Island and Geyser Rock and refers to Shark Alley that are all in Gansbaai, ~100km to the east. So why would they say Hout Bay? If you google “boat capsized in Hout Bay”, you will find that there was a boat which capsized outside of Hout Bay in 2012, killing 2 passengers onboard. This boat was capsized by heavy swell in the middle of the day and had nothing to do with a shark, let alone a mythical one. So I can only assume that Discovery Channel chose to include this very real tragedy in order to somehow legitimize their fake-u-mentary. This is horribly insensitive.

Map showing distance between Hout Bay and Dyer Island.

The shark Submarine is an urban legend from the 1970’s about a large white shark in False Bay, started by journalists who wanted to see how easy it would be to fool the average newspaper reader. The Submarine shark then was reportedly “sighted” for years to come and the legend grew longer as the years went on. Everyone who has worked on white sharks has seen their version of the Submarine, but it does not actually exist. Think Loch Ness.

I am a Zoologist specialized in behaviour, and have just completed my M.Sc. from the University of Cape Town studying the anti-predator tactics of Cape fur seals in Shark Alley, Geyser Rock, South Africa. Not once did I meet the researchers Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine features, because they do not exist. They are actors. However, Discovery Channel has done a bit of googling and came upon our real great white shark wound healing research.

Prop, recovering from a boat strike. http://www.dict.org.za/blogs/2010/06/first-study-of-shark-wound-healing/

Prop is a real great white shark that was wounded by a direct hit from a boat’s propeller in Gansbaai, South Africa. This shark’s injuries were first identified by the Dyer Island Conservation Trust. Prop’s remarkable 9-month recovery was documented (video) and the results were published in Global Perspective on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark. Prop has nothing to do with Submarine – neither the real legend or the made up story Discovery Channel produced. None of the researchers who published Prop’s recovery were contacted by Discovery Channel. Again, by including this real bit of information, Discovery is trying to legitimize their fake-u-mentary.

Shark of Darkness serves as yet another unsurprising disappointment. There is so much real shark science occurring that could be featured, why make something up?

Michelle Wcisel is a Zoologist specialized in predator/prey behaivour and the Scientific Communicator for EDNA Interactive. She has spent the past 4 years studying the behaviour of white sharks and Cape fur seals at Geyser Rock, ‘Shark Alley’, South Africa.


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