domingo, junio 21, 2015

Hawaii campeonato del mundo Xterra 2015 , el ceci inscrito

2014 XTERRA World Championship Highlights from XTERRA TV on Vimeo.


Aprovechando que ya tengo la autorizaciòn de viaje a estados unidos , la Esta pagada el año pasado (12 us $) con validez para dos años y en un rapto de locura me he inscrito en el campeonato del mundo Xterra 2015 en Maui hawaii el 1 de noviembre.
Otras ventajas son que ya conozco la zona , los alojamientos, los transportes y el recorrido y tengo parte de las compras hechas, como el traje trampa Xterra para la nataciòn . Èsta vez voy a llevar mi bici, con lo que deberè agenciarme una maleta rìgida y estoy pensando en si cambiarle el desarrollo , ej poner un plato pequeño algo màs pequeño para superar las duras pendientes de Maui.
He comprado la inscripciòn y la licencia usa de triatlòn que vale 12 Us $.

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Congratulations on entering the 2015 XTERRA World Championship to be held in Kapalua, Maui on November 1st.

Please note our World Championship Refund Policy: Cancellations must be received in writing via e-mail to All requests must be received on or before August 31, 2015 to be eligible for a partial refund of US$125.00.

Sorry, no refunds will be issued for requests made after August 31, 2015. Transfers or deferrals will not be given.

2015 Waitlist Entries

2015 at-large waitlist entries will be filled as they were received beginning in August 2015. You will be notified via email if you spot has been filled with instructions

Your entry fee includes one complimentary entry to Friday’s “Night of Champions” and Sunday’s Awards Dinner.

Please visit for packet pickup dates, times, course and other event information.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or call 1-877-751-8880 toll free or 1-310-601-0322.

Aloha and see you in October!


Live More

The Green Takeover

You Just Planted a Tree!

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree and its partner ReforestACTION, has planted a tree in Peru for you.

This activity supports rainforest conservation, soil protection, and better health and nutrition for local communities.
Join the Green Takeover and plant another tree free. Click here and use the code XTERRAME.


Special rates for competitors, friends and family are offered at the host hotel Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua and at the five Outrigger condominium properties on Maui in the Kapalua-Kaanapali area including The Kapalua Villas right next to the Ritz. For more information and reservations, visit:

The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua

Make your reservations today.

Kapalua Villas and Outrigger Maui Condominium Collection

Special condominium rates for XTERRA athletes will be offered for this year's race.

Claim Your Digital Qualifier Badge

Share your accomplishment across your social networks with this 2015 XTERRA World Championship Qualifier Badge.

resultados 2014

1 Ruzafa, Ruben 1 Pro Malaga, Esp :20:51 14 :02:01 1:26:53 1 :00:50 0:39:21 4 02:29:56 1
2 Middaugh, Josiah 4 Pro Vail, CO :22:35 36 :01:53 1:27:43 2 :01:02 0:37:58 1 02:31:11 2
3 Allen, Ben 3 Pro North Wollongong, Aus :20:01 3 :01:42 1:30:53 3 :00:56 0:41:18 10 02:34:50 3

65 - 69

1 David Rakita #947 :29:20 02:27:41 01:13:38 4:10:39
2 Bruce Wacker #950 :32:27 02:32:09 01:07:38 4:12:14
3 Alan Moore #945 :32:40 02:43:26 01:31:29 4:47:35
4 Charlie Redmond #948 :42:51 02:59:01 01:22:21 5:04:13
5 Cecilio Benito #944 :47:56 03:07:32 01:15:21 5:10:49
6 Richard Wall #951 :46:11 03:00:37 01:43:24 5:30:12

en 2013
65 - 69

1 Bruce Wacker #691 :29:18 02:41:39 01:18:06 4:29:03
2 Laurence Goddard #689 :27:02 03:07:29 01:16:17 4:50:48
3 Richard Wall #692 :39:03 03:04:28 01:37:41 5:21:12
4 Terry Hutchins #690 :38:04 03:20:59 01:22:52 5:21:55
5 Masashi Ando #688 :38:38 03:48:34 01:40:08 6:07:20

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