viernes, julio 17, 2015

Diccionario Ironman inglès -alemàn


Build a Solar Cooker From Old CDs
Lloyd Alter May 5, 2009

This is such a great idea. Take one old satellite dish and a pile of AOL CDs or whatever old software you have filling your drawers. Bolt the CDs to the mesh of the dish. Voila: a solar stove capable of 800 degrees F.

These pictures show a temperature of 400 degrees. This is adequate for my uses. In an earlier experiment I had CD's covering every available square inch of the surface of the dish. It produced over 800 degrees. More that I needed for cooking. Do not try to retrieve anything from the focal area without a leather glove on. If that didn't come to mind right away then you maybe shouldn't try this.


latent heat storage to both extend cooking times, create hotter temperatures, and reduce the problem of intermittent sun. Based on technology developed by MIT professor David Wilson, the concept is expected to generate cooking temperatures of 450F, and offer up to 25 hours of cooking time.


Jean Mildon logra el primer Cuádruple Backfilp en #BMX de la historia, genial e inspirador video :D >>>Para ver más videos dale (Y) a Moscaroom Extremo

Posted by Moscaroom Extremo on Martes, 14 de julio de 2015


Kona presenta novedades importantes en XC y Trail. No os perdáis las nuevas Kona Hei Hei, Honzo y Kahuna. Os mostramos un VideoExpress que nos llega desde Austria y un artículo completo de novedades.Ver más en ->

Posted by MTBPro # La publicación digital de mountain bike on Jueves, 16 de julio de 2015


Race specific terms
IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship – IRONMAN 70.3 Weltmeisterschaft
Race briefing – Rennbesprechung
Transition area – Wechselzone
Awards ceremony – Siegerehrung
BIB number – Startnummer
Aid station – Labestation
Where is the Bike Check-in? – Wo ist der Bike Check-In?
Wetsuit – Neoprenanzug
Where can I find the showers? – Wo geht es zu den Duschen?
Free swimming/practice swim – freies Schwimmen
First aid – Erste hilfe
Athlete wristband – Athleten armband
Waiver – Haftungsfreisteller
Bike – Rad
Swim goggles – Schwimmbrille
Race course – Rennstrecke
Turning point – Wendepunkt
Street – Straße
Age-group – Altersklasse
Event schedule – Event-Zeitplan
Carbs - Kohlenhydrathe
Other terms
Yes – Ja
No – Nein
Please – Bitte
Thank you – Danke
You are welcome – Gern geschehen
Excuse me – Entschuldigen Sie bitte
Can you help me please – Können Sie mir bitte helfen
Cell phone/mobile – Handy
Hospital – Krankenhaus
Food – Essen
Where is the ….? – Wo ist das …..?

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