sábado, julio 04, 2015

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Bike Washing Machine

Suspendido el Triatlón de Maderuelo
La organización del I Tristeelman Maderuelo Hoces del Riaza y la Federación de Triatlón de Castilla y León lamentan tener que comunicar la suspensión de la prueba con un escaso margen de tiempo previo debido a la denegación de la autorización de la disputa de la misma por parte de la Junta de Castilla y León.

Aunque los permisos habían sido solicitados con los plazos pertinentes y pese a que la cita tenía el apoyo institucional necesario, desde la Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico de Segovia se ha denegado el permiso argumentando la falta de disponibilidad de efectivos de miembros de la Guardia Civil para dicho día, cuya confirmación oficial ha sido recibida esta misma mañana en la Federación Territorial.

Desde la Federación somos plenamente conscientes de los contratiempos que supone esta resolución para los deportistas a los cuales nos debemos, y aunque será imposible restituir los perjuicios, queremos pedir públicamente disculpas a todos los afectados, algo que nos comprometemos a realizar de forma individual y telefónica con todos los inscritos, con el fin de dar respuesta, informar y explicar cualquier duda sobre la cancelación de la misma.

Aunque todavía no ha sido posible contactar con todos los deportistas de forma personal, seguiremos haciéndolo durante toda la jornada.

Food collapse unfolding in Greece: Grocery store shelves to be stripped bare... supermarkets raided... home gardens now the new 'secret weapon' against starvation

(NaturalNews) Over the years, I've consistently and repeatedly urged people to grow their own food, and I've explained over and over again why you need a home-grown self-reliant food supply when the food collapse arrives.

That moment has now arrived for the citizens of Greece. With cash disappearing, grocery store shelves are on the verge of being stripped bare across the country, and some citizens are beginning to raid grocery stores in desperately thefts to acquire enough food to prevent their own starvation.

"A halt to international payments from Greek bank accounts is ...threatening supplies of vital goods like food and clothing into the debt-crippled country," reports Reuters. [1]

That story, which is already 24 hours old by the time you read this, says that grocery shortages are just around the corner, and that the only thing keeping some groceries in stock is the fact that nobody can acquire enough cash to buy them!

Cash, of course, is also disappearing across Greece as the debt-based cash injections grind to a halt.

Some Greeks are already dumpster diving for food, and one citizen told The Telegraph, "Sometimes I'll find scrap metal that I can sell, although if I see something that looks reasonably safe to eat, I'll take it. Other times you might find paper, cans, and bottles that you can get money for if you take them back to the shops for recycling."

In Athens, one group of so-called "anti-establishment groups" raided a grocery store, stole the goods and fled on foot. [2] This is just the first of many such raids we'll see on grocery stores in the coming days, of course.

Growing your own food called a "secret weapon" against nationwide food collapse

In the midst of this food collapse, the Associated Press has suddenly awakened to the very same idea Natural News readers have practiced for years, calling home gardening a "secret weapon" in the fight to avoid starvation. [4]

The AP article quotes Greek citizen Ilias Mathes, who grows vegetables alongside raising chickens and goats. "I have my lettuce, my onions, I have my hens, my birds, I will manage," he tells AP. "We will manage for a period of time, I don't know, two months, maybe three months..."

During those few months, other Greek citizens who don't have home gardens may be starving, rioting in the streets, and bartering anything they can get their hands on for food.

City dwellers, in particular, usually don't grow their own food, relying on factory food companies to keep the grocery store shelves fully stocked. But when the cash disappears, even grocery stores aren't able to purchase inventory to sell. Scared urban dwellers quickly panic because they have no knowledge of how to grow their own food (i.e. they are entirely dependent on the system).

Learn how to grow your own food for pennies

Anticipating all this, I created the Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow System last year, and I posted DIY videos online of how you can make your own. See www.FoodRising.org

I'm currently working on several key improvements to the system, by the way, including an aggressive simplification of parts that attempts to eliminate the float valve altogether.

I'm also scaling up the grow systems to be able to grow larger volumes of food with the same minimal effort. Once these plans are complete, I'll be posting them on FoodRising.org and giving them away to the world for FREE.

Subscribe to the email newsletter at FoodRising.org to be kept informed of these announcements.

One day soon, you will thank yourself that you paid attention to the importance of growing your own food at home. Just as the citizens of Greece are now learning, finding yourself with no cash, no food and no options is now a very real possibility. Because remember: Whatever unfolds in Greece today will arrive in America tomorrow...

Although I strongly encourage you to build your own food systems from scratch, if you wish to purchase pre-made systems I've designed, you can find them now at http://www.SupplySource.com



A breakthrough in self-reliant food production.
Grows food without using electricity or soil.
Self-water system requires very little attention after planting seeds.
Comes with everything you need except sunlight, water and seeds.
Requires no weeding.
Eliminates bending over; grows food on top of benches or tables.
Easily expandable to multiple grow containers using a single water reservoir.
Uses just 1/20 the water of traditional soil irrigation methods.
Contains no complex moving parts: no motors, no pumps, no gears.
Designed around simple replacement parts that can be easily found in third-world nations, post-disaster scenarios or survival situations.
Grows better-than-organic lettuce and other crops for about 10 cents' worth of plant food.
Produces food with up to 500% more mineral nutrition than store-bought fresh produce.
Key components are based on the 3D printable parts freely downloadable from FoodRising.org and printed on 3D printers.


Power failures have NO EFFECT on the Mini-Farm Grow Box, unlike with hydroponics or aquaponics which rely on electricity to keep your plants (and fish!) alive.
The entire system is EMP-proof because it contains no electronic components whatsoever, making it the ultimate "survival food grow system" for preppers.
Works everywhere there's sunlight. Automatically practical almost everywhere.
Seeds are planted directly into the grow medium, so there's no transplanting required. Grow Boxes can be easily transported so you can start them indoors, then move them outdoors when desired.

Grow lights are not part of the Grow Box system, but it is fully compatible with Hydrofarm brand grow light systems.
The Mini-Farm Grow Box was designed around easily-scavenged parts such as paper clips, pencil erasers, garden hose rubber washers and discarded vitamin bottles. Using 3D printable parts designed by the Health Ranger, these parts can be easily assembled into grow systems to produce food without electricity. This means the grow system works in third-world countries, post nuclear war scenarios, grid-down scenarios, off-grid living and more. This is the system that even Mad Max could use to grow nutritious food after a catastrophic collapse.
The 3D printable parts can be created using print filament made partially out of recycled water bottles and milk jugs. This means you can now transform landfill into food grow systems. Turning "trash" into "food" is truly revolutionary!


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