domingo, agosto 16, 2015

nuevas formas de robo de bicis /LED-laden candado de leds y cinta reflectante / bidòn sin portabidòn para la bici

robo de bici massi al descuido
Ayer me robaron esta bici casi en la puerta de casa en Pozuelo de Alarcón, el método que usaron me hace sentir como un imbécil pero os lo describo para que no piquéis como yo!

Se me acercó un chico en bici mientras yo rodaba con la mía y empezamos a hablar sobre bicis y demás (él llevaba una ROSE de ciclocross negro mate, por si también es robada) paramos pq me iba a dar un flayer de una marcha cicloturista y mientras estábamos parados hablando llegó un “amigo” suyo, este sin bici. Mientras estábamos de cháchara el que llevaba bici dijo –Oye voy a por la publi ahora bajo. Y mientras seguí hablando con el otro, al rato de hablar que si peso, que si ruedas que si… me pidió probarla y como que me pareció raro, pero seguimos hablando y no sé cómo me dejé embaucar la segunda vez! Me volvió a pedir si se la dejaba probar y esta vez se la dejé, 30 segundos después vi como mi bici desaparecía calle abajo. Al ver como se iba me di cuenta de que en un citroen xara plateado estaban esperando a que pasara y le siguieron como una bala justo al pasar, giraron de calle y cuando yo llegué ya no había nadie allí…

omar casado


robo con maleta
Esta tarde unos ladrones han saltado a mi casa para robarme una maleta evoc color rojo con las letras en blanco, dentro estaba mi bicicleta de montaña, una Orbea alma m team color rojo y negro con las letras en blanco, dentro de la maleta también había muchas herramientas, cubiertas, repuestos, bidones... A cada lado de la maleta estaban dos ruedas dt swiss y apoyadas en ella unas ruedas prototype
La pérdida es muy grande...
Por favor si alguien sabe algo que no dude en decírmelo y compartan la noticia para que se entere más gente..
Seria muy importante recuperarlo..
Aquí os dejo una fotografía de la maleta con la bici poco antes de que me la robasen..

HNF Heisenberg develops premium electric mountain bike with BMW i tech


kirov 2 camiones 2 ciclistas y mucha suerte


Wenn der Mutterinstinkt mal Pause macht

Wenn der Mutterinstinkt mal Pause machtDiese russischen Mütter lassen ihr Kind vielleicht nur einen Moment aus den Augen. Andere unterschätzen den Strassenverkehr. Zum Glück passiert nichts Schlimmes.

Posted by 20 Minuten on Jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015


Mount Fanjing by Skyview

Located in Tongren City, Guizhou Province, Mount Fanjing (梵净山)is one of the five Chinese Buddhist mountains. The other four are Mount Wutai (五台山)in Shanxi Province, Mount Putuo (普陀山)in Zhejiang Province, Mount Emei (峨眉山)in Sichuan Province, and Mount Jiuhua (九华山). Here is an aerial video of Mount Fanjing produced by a famous studio, Skyview. #VideofromChina

Posted by Discover China on Miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015


Wearable LED bicycle lock doubles as a safety strip

Billed as a world’s first, the LED-laden Vivid Lock can be worn across the body as a safety strip to alert drivers to the cyclist’s presence at night. The padded, lightweight strip is also adorned with a high visibility reflective band.What makes the Vivid Lock stand out is its 60 LED lights – white in the front and red in the back – which feature nine adjustable modes, flash speeds and power conservation options. The light modes are regulated by a waterproof mini controller that is attached to the LED strip.

The mini controller requires two AA batteries that provide over 70 hours battery life on steady light mode.On the security side, it features a customizable 4 digit combination lock with two 6 mm fiber core steel cables integrated into the padded strap to prevent theft or bolt cutter attack.

The Vivid Lock is made from durable, water resistant 1000D nylon, clear PVC and the LED strips are waterproof, with plans for four different color options.The designers are relying on a Kickstarter campaign to fund the release of the Vivid Lock and if all goes to plan, intend to have the product manufactured and shipped to customers by January 2016. Pledges start at US$72.

Source: Kickstarter


New cycling water bottle does away with the cage
By Ben Coxworth - July 20, 2015
Fabric's Cageless system is designed to reduce weight, clutter and expense (Credit: Fabric)

Although most cyclists probably don't give much thought to their water bottle or bottle cage, the fact is that like just about anything else, those components can be lightened and simplified. That's just what British cycling design company Fabric has done, with its new Cageless water bottle.

The idea behind the product is pretty simple. Instead of a separate cage and bottle, Cageless consists of a BPA-free 600-mL bottle with built-in retaining clips, and a couple of plastic studs that mount on the bike's existing cage bosses. The clips on the bottle engage those studs, so there's no empty cage left sitting on the frame when the bottle isn't being used.
According to Fabric, there are several advantages to the system. First of all, with the studs weighing just 1.5 g each, it's lighter than a cage. It's also less costly than a decent bottle-and-cage combo, leaves the frame less cluttered-looking, it allows bottles to be mounted in tighter spaces, and it reportedly holds the bottle in place more securely.

Additionally, for riders such as time trialists who train with a bottle but compete without one, there's no having to remove the cage before races.It is worth noting that users do have to stick with Fabric's own system-specific bottles, and they have to put the bottle back in a specific orientation relative to the studs. Bearing those limitations in mind, the 600ml Water Bottle/Cageless will be available starting in September, priced at US$20. A 750-mL bottle should be on the market by the end of the year.

The Koala Bottle also eliminates the need for a cage – it uses magnets – although it does still incorporate a frame-mounted cradle.

Source: Fabric via BikeRadar

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