jueves, junio 09, 2016

Pal-Vel helicòptero personal / Barsha rueda bomba de agua

Flying car 'expected on market in 2018' as waiting list opens for future of personal travel
10:58, 8 JUN 2016 UPDATED 10:59, 8 JUN 2016
The PAL-V has bagged a patent in India and opened waitings lists for those wishing to purchase them

Flying car 'expected on market in 2018' as waiting list opens for future of personal travel
10:58, 8 JUN 2016 UPDATED 10:59, 8 JUN 2016
The PAL-V has bagged a patent in India and opened waitings lists for those wishing to purchase them

A flying car will be on the market in two to three years according to its manufacturer - so if you want one, it's time to sign up.

Science fiction has moved a step closer with the launch of the PAL-V, the personal land and air vehicle that can fly and run on roads.PAL-V Europe NV, the Dutch company behind the futuristic gadget, recently bagged a patent for the technology in India and have opened waiting lists for those who wish to purchase one when they are released.

The three-wheeled vehicle is said to have the comfort of a car and the agility of a motorcycle on the road, thanks to its patented, cutting-edge, ‘tilting’ system.But when you want an extra lift, it can be driven to the nearest airfield and take off just like any other aeroplane when its single rotor and propeller unfold.

PAL-VFlying car of the future is hereThe PAL-V hopes to change the future of personal travel as we know it
Robert Dingemanse, chief executive officer, PAL-V Europe NV, says the company has received interests from government institutions, hospitals and the tourism sector.

PAL-VFlying car of the future is hereThe vehicle has 'the comfort of a car and the handling of a motorcycle'
"Companies like the Sahara Group in Mumbai have shown interest in using PAL-V's for tourist mobility and sightseeing applications."Driving and flying with one vehicle opens up a complete new set of applications people until now could only dream of," he told Business Standard.

PAL-VFlying car of the future is hereThe vehicle cruises at below 4,000ft, which means it isn't subject to air traffic controls like larger craft
The company's website explains: "When airborne, the PAL-V ONE usually flies below 4,000 feet, the airspace available for uncontrolled Visual Flight Rules traffic, so there will be no interference from commercial air traffic."
Running on petrol, the craft can reach speeds of up to 112 mph both on land and in the air.

PAL-VFlying car of the future is hereThe manufacturer says that the car will revolutionise commuting
The site adds: "It is quieter than helicopters due to the slower rotation of the main rotor. It takes off and lands with low speed, cannot stall, and is very easy to control.

"The gyroplane technology means that it can be steered and landed safely even if the engine fails, because the rotor keeps auto rotating."

PAL-VFlying car of the future is hereIt's been said that the PAL-V will reach top speeds of 111mph on land and in the air
The expect price in Europe for the vehicle is expected to be around €499,000, or £390,532, with a limited supply being shipped from the Netherlands within the first three to five years.


El invento que podría ser la solución para muchas familias que se dedican a la agricultura en todo el mundo
Con la experiencia de haber nacido en un pueblo dedicado principalmente a la agricultura, Pratap Thapa ha inventado la ‘bomba Barsha’, capaz de regar hasta tres hectáreas sin necesidad de combustible, ecológica y eficiente gracias a la energía hidráulica, recoge La Bioguía.
Thapa, licenciado en Ciencia de la Universidad Técnica de Delft (Países Bajos), diseñó la bomba junto a la empresa holandesa aQysta. El sistema consiste en una rueda hidráulica sencilla de instalar sobre una plataforma flotante en un río del que aprovecha la energía cinética y potencial producida por la corriente para bombear el agua a través de mangueras hasta una altura de unos 25 metros.
Otro de los aspectos más importantes de la bomba Barsha es que, a nivel ambiental, para su funcionamiento no necesita ningún tipo de combustible ni de energía eléctrica, lo que supone un gran ahorro energético y económico.
El ingeniero mecánico de aQysta, Jaime Michavila, estima que esta bomba “puede regar entre 0,5 y 3 hectáreas con 45.000 litros diarios”, aunque estas cifras pueden variar “dependiendo de la potencia del caudal del río y de la altura de bombeo”.

En un plazo 10 años el uso de esta bomba supone ahorrar hasta el 70% del costo total de riego, por lo que se puede recuperar la inversión en ella en un periodo de apenas dos años.
Este invento recibió el primer premio de Climate-KIC en 2014, una iniciativa de la Unión Europea sobre cambio climático que busca la cooperación público-privada de Europa para la innovación orientada a mitigar el cambio climático y adaptarse al mismo. A día de hoy existen 35 bombas Barsha en funcionamiento en distinpos países del mundo, entre ellos Nepal, Indonesia, Turquía, Zambia y España, además de en Latinoamérica.


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