lunes, junio 13, 2016

Twicycle, la bici con 2 ruedas motrices!


Peticiòn que he presentado a ( la ley emilia) para endurecer las penas a los conductores que borrachos yo drogados atropellen a ciclistas y los dejen tirados en la carreteraìticos-promulgar-la-ley-emilia-para-los-conductores-borrachos-o-drogados-en-españa


Benidorm habilita una calle para practicar la natación en la playa de Poniente

La zona balizada está dividida en dos segmentos de 50 metros y permitirá a los nadadores entrenar en aguas abiertas con mayor seguridad

R. PAGÉS / REDACCIÓN 13.06.2016 | 20:04

La Playa de Poniente de Benidorm va a contar este verano con una calle de nado natural, ubicada dentro de la zona de baño y dividida en dos segmentos de 50 metros, el equivalente a dos piscinas olímpicas. La zona se ha balizado con el objetivo de dar una alternativa «más segura» a los deportistas que practican la natación en aguas abiertas, según ha explicado esta mañana la edil de Deportes, Ana Pellicer, durante la presentación de esta iniciativa.

Tras barajarse varias posibles ubicaciones, esta calle se ha instalado frente al Parque de Elche ya que es «la zona más protegida del viento». Además, en este punto los nadadores pueden ser atendidos en caso de necesidad por el socorrista de la plataforma de juegos flotante, que se montará en las inmediaciones en las próximas semanas.

Esta mañana varios nadadores de la ciudad, que forman parte de clubes de natación y de quienes ha partido esta iniciativa, han estrenado esta calle de nado, que estará operativa durante toda la temporada estival.

Pellicer ha indicado que desde las concejalías de Deportes y Playas no se ha dudado en atender esta propuesta porque supone «aprovechar al máximo nuestros recursos naturales» y poner un servicio a disposición de los «muchos deportistas que usan nuestras aguas y nuestras playas para sus entrenamientos o por hobby».

Gabriel Ruiz, uno de los nadadores que ha respaldado esta iniciativa surgida de Miguel Marín, ha señalado que «buscábamos tener un poco más de seguridad frente a los patines, lanchas y motos de agua en verano» y «tener la referencia de las boyas» a la hora de practicar esta disciplina en aguas abiertas.


ahorra presupuesto con 10 pistas

1. Usa solo efectivo
2. Mantén un registro de tus gastos
3. Elige bien dónde haces la compra
4. Come siempre en casa
5. Planifica los gastos imprevistos
6. Muévete andando o en bici
7. No tienes que decir sí a todo
8. Disfruta de los planes gratis
9. Piensa qué podrías comprar en otro lugar
10. Céntrate en lo que puedes controlar

Ahorro y Consumo: Diez trucos para vivir con poco dinero en una ciudad cara (como Madrid o Barcelona). Noticias de Alma, Corazón, Vida



It looks like too much coordination! Riding a bike is hard enough let alone having to use your arms as well…
There is absolutely no special coordination required!

When given to absolute beginners, in our tests ALL were able to use it immediately on the first go.

Because the handlebars are parallel it comes very natural to first time users and no different to riding a normal bike.
Learning to skate, skateboard, ski, waterski etc are all much much harder to learn yet people learn that in matter of hours or minutes. TwiCycle is incredibly easy to use.

A chainring /sprocket right underneath your chin…that’s asking for some serious injuries in an accident!
If you’re falling of the bike at speed, the chainring will be the least of your worries!

Our pictures currently don’t show this but in the video you can see a Chest PAD where the rider is resting his chest on. The pad is in such a position that there is no possible way to get one’s face near the chain or the chainring. (unless of course you’re actually a giraffe in which case you shouldn’t be cycling in the first place)

An optional standard chain guard can also be fitted (like on old school bikes), but this would be completely unnecessary as no part of the body can reach it due to the already installed pad.

A moving chain near your fingers/face? Severed fingers?
It’s not any more dangerous than normal handlebars with all the accessories…and it’s a bike chain, NOT a chain saw.

Also the chain can ONLY turn if the rider is turning it. The moment the rider doesn’t turn the bars, the chain stops turning too… And the time you’re turning the handlebars your fingers can not possibly be anywhere near the chain (unless of course you’re E.T. and even then you’d be lucky)

Wheelchair users have used hand powered three wheel bicycles for years with the chainring right in front of their faces and it’s never been an issue.

But as mentioned in previous answer there is a Chest PAD (not visible in photos but visible in video) which prevents any body part coming in contact with the chain.

Does it have the option to lock the handlebars so you don’t have to use arms?

Yes it does!

There is a Quick Release which when engaged locks the handlebars in place and allows TwiCycle to be used like any normal bike. Simply un-flick the Quick Release and put the arms to work when desired.

Do I always have to use both legs and arms?
You can use only legs… only arms…or any combination of those. The arms drive the front wheel and the legs drive the back wheel completely independent of each other. Also the handlebars can be locked in position turning TwiCycle into a normal bike.

Do the handlebars always turn or can I stop turning them and still keep coasting?

The system currently used on the handlebars is the standard ‘freewheel’ system which means that you can stop pedaling your arms at any time and just coast…

Watch when that chain gets caught in the front wheel!

Watch when the back chain gets caught too!

The front wheel drive mechanism is no different to a normal rear wheel mechanism and this has been tried and tested for a 100 years. The risks are the same as for any other standard bicycle.

Is this meant to make cycling easier? Literally see no point in this?
The point is to exercise your ARMS and upper body which you can’t do with a normal bicycle.

Also great for climbing hills as you can take over with arms once your legs get tired.

Another benefit is extra speed and in a mountain bike version better traction!

TwiCycle is currently one of the very few sports which allow FULL body exercise. There is no muscle on your body that you can’t put to use.

Can I isolate muscle groups, or do I always have to do full body workout?

Yes you can.

The great thing about TwiCycle is that you can actually separate your workout into different muscle groups on different days.

For example:

Mondays: you can use the ‘Pushing’ motion with your arms for half of the turn exercising your chest and triceps only.. The bike keeps coasting so you don’t have to provide power on the remaining ‘pull’ stroke… or you can help out for that half of the stroke with your legs. You can also wind the handlebars BACK to reset for another PUSH only motion using it like a BENCH PRESS machine.

Tuesdays: you can use the PULL motion only for half the turn exercising only your lats and biceps. This would be like using a ROWING machine!

Wednesdays: you can work out your abs, core and lower back. Simply by adopting a standing position, you can use your core to propell the handlebars.

Thursdays: Use your legs only as a normal bicycle.

The low riding position looks like it could do damage to your neck/back?

It is no worse than any other road/race bicycle. Professional athletes have been using bikes with even lower aero positions with no evidence of any side effects.

There is a Chest Pad which the rider rests all of their upper body weight alleviating the stress from the back.

The height of the seat and can be adjusted for a more upright riding position. In the video we used a very high saddle position and long frame.

What’s it like for a daily urban commute? Or is more aimed at exercise and work out?

You can do either. Just like any other bike really. Depending on how hard you push. And if you don’t want to use the arms you can just lock the steering with a flick of the Quick Release and use like any normal bicycle.

Would this be useful for extra traction on a steep uphill/dirt road? Like a 4WD car?

Yes, Just like a 4WD car, TwiCycle is the bike equivalent of that. Having drive on both wheels
increases traction two fold so you no longer have to have the rear wheel just spin and give no drive forcing you to walk the rest of the uphill. The mountain bike version (coming soon) will demonstrate this even further.

Have you considered offsetting the handlebar pedals by 180 degrees?

180 degree offset pedals work well for legs but are not desirable for the arms as it’s not great for steering… The current version with handles parallel is completely stable and feels immediately natural to first time users. As it turns out the pedaling in this current position is more desired as you can actually provide power 360 degrees, but you can also isolate muscle groups if desired.

So on one day you could just use the pushing action for half the circle (then coast or help out with legs) and next day just the pulling action, being able to really target a specific muscle group.

I want one! Where do I buy please?

You must sign up to our mailing list to get one of the limited number of TwiCycles that will go into production initially.

We will be giving the early supporters significant advantages with lower pricing as a thank you for supporting us at the early stages.

We will send you an invite in July/August this year and you’ll be able to preorder your TwiCycle via a crowdfunding campaign.

Currently the only way you get your hands on a TwiCycle is directly through our mailing list.


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