martes, agosto 23, 2016

Las abuelas ya no son lo que eran...Intentan robar a señora de 77 años en un cajero y le da una paliza a uno




Tres jóvenes tratan de robar a una mujer de 77 años y ella estampa a uno contra la pared
La anciana Winifred Peel iba a sacar dinero en Liverpool cuando tres jóvenes rumanos le atacaron para hacerse con su dinero. Ninguno se esperó la reacción de la mujer que les dio una lección. Los tres delincuentes han sido detenidos.

Winifred Peel, de 77 años de Bromborough, Liverpool, se disponía a sacar 200 libras en un cajero cuando tres jóvenes, de origen rumano, se acercaron a ella con la intención de hacerse con el dinero. El robo se efectuó, pero ninguno se esperó la reacción de la mujer quien asegura, en declaraciones al 'Daily Mail', que solo pensaba: "Tú no vas a quedarte mi dinero, joven".

A pesar de parecer inofensiva, los tres delincuentes se toparon con la mujer menos indicada. Winifred Steel agarró a uno de ellos por el cuello y le golpeó hasta tres veces contra la pared. No se esperaron que Peel acudiera cuatro veces por semana al gimnasio a correr en la cinta y a levantar pesas.

Los tres ladrones salieron corriendo con el dinero, pero una semana después fueron identificados y detenidos por la policía. El mayor de ellos, Stoica, de 19 años, ha sido condenado a dos años en un reformatorio, Geblescu, de 18 años, a 18 mese y Dimitru, también de 18, a 2 meses de reformatorio.

Winifred Peel se mostró contenta con la detención, pero aseguró que después de lo sucedido se sentía insegura y estuvo un tiempo sin salir a la calle. "Nunca me había sucedido algo así, pero nunca entregaría nada sin luchar", añadió. Por su parte, el banco le devolvió el dinero e, incluso, le envió flores.

Pensioner, 77, smashed mugger’s head into cash machine when he tried to rob her
Richard Hartley-ParkinsonRichard Hartley-Parkinson for 17 Aug 2016 9:27 am

Don’t mess with Winifred Peel, ever.
She might be 77, but she’s got a lot of fight in her.
Recently she was approached by three men who tried to mug her of £200 outside a bank in Bromborough, Wirral. But she wasn’t having any of it.
She managed to grab one of the attackers and fought back, banging his head against the cash machine three times.
Piper Dumitru, Florin Geblescu and Felix Stoica, from Manchester, have all been jailed after pleading guilty to robbery.
Prosecutor William Beardmore told Liverpool Crown Court that they drove to the village to find ‘easy targets’.
Piper Dumitru, 18, of Longden Road in Longsight, Manchester locked up for 8 months for trying to rob a 77 year old pensioner in Bromborough. She fought back and rammed one of her attackers' heads into a cash machine.
Piper Dumitru has been jailed for eight months (Picture: Police)
Once they saw Winifred put her pin number in they struck.
Mr Beardmore said: ‘The complainant became aware of somebody standing to her right. He pushed against her, causing her to rock to one side, and she recognised him as a male she had seen exiting Barclays Bank earlier.
‘He said “it’s not working”. She then became aware of a second male she also recognised from having left Barclays Bank.
‘He leaned over her and pressed the button to withdraw £200, and at that point she realised she was being robbed. She took hold of the second male by the collar and banged his head against the cash machine three times to try and stop him.’
They ran off but police tracked them down and police worked out that it was Stoica who had been grabbed by Ms Peel.
Florin Geblescu, 18, of Victoria Road in Levenshulme, Manchester locked up for 18 months for trying to rob a 77 year old pensioner in Bromborough. She fought back and rammed one of her attackers' heads into a cash machine.
Florin Geblescu was jailed for 18 months (Picture: Police handout)
A statement from Ms Peel said: ‘They did not care about how this would affect me. I would definitely say this has changed my life, I will never have the confidence I once did.’
Judge Norman Wright said: ‘You targeted a vulnerable victim, a lady who was 77 years of age. Notwithstanding her age, she resisted, there was a struggle before you made good your escape.’
The court heard Stoica had numerous previous convictions for robbery while the other two had no record.
Defence teams for the men described them as ‘having made a terrible mistake’ and told the court they were each struggling financially.
Stoica, 19, of Levenshulme, was sentenced two years in a young offenders’ institution; Geblescu, 18, also of Levenshulme, to 18 months; and Dumitru, 18, of Longsight, to eight months.

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