jueves, agosto 18, 2016

Ruzafa gana Xterra Alemania y lidera campeonato/ Nubings ahorra 300 € en la factura de la luz


Xterra Germany Sábado 20 entre 12:00 y 17:00 en Zittau


Cano Cuevas, Juan Andres C.D. SAPIENS HUMAN RUNNER m ESP AK35-39
Cirera, Marc C.N.Reus Ploms m ESP AK30-34
De Ros Wallace, Nicolas TriLife m ESP AK40-44
Fidalgo Lopez, Anibal MEDINA COMPETICION m ESP AK35-39
Garcia Gonzalez, Eva BIKE TIME TRI w ESP AK35-39
Orozco Bernal, Gonzalo David BiciKultura m ESP PRO
Ruzafa Cueto, Ruben Triatlón Colegio Añoreta Novaschool m ESP PRO
Serrano Salgado, Roger Independent m ESP PRO
Vaquero Florez, Sixto DEPORAMA SORIANO m ESP AK18-19



Ruzafa, Flipo win XTERRA European Championship

August 20, 2016/in All, All Triathlon, Race Reports /by XTERRA

Zittau, Germany (August 20, 2016) – Three-time XTERRA World Champion Ruben Ruzafa from Spain and Michelle Flipo from Mexico captured the XTERRA European Championship elite titles today in Zittau, Germany.

It’s the fourth win in a row for Ruzafa on the Euro Tour this year and the second straight for Flipo.

XTERRA World Tour managing director Dave Nicholas was on-site to take in all the action and brings us this report…

The weatherman was almost wrong. Instead of a postcard perfect day, we started with clouds and sprinkles of rain. But try as it did – by start time it was warm, a bit of a breeze and close to perfect conditions. With a water temp of 22.5C there were no wetsuits for anyone. Pro men and women got a healthy start of 3-minutes on age group men with another gap of 3-minutes to age group women. After a bit, XTERRA lite took off.

To no surprise German Christian Otto came out of the first 750m lap with Hannes Wolpert next to him. Roger Serrano, Steven Bayliss and Sam Osborne followed with a pack consisting of Karl Shaw, Mauricio Mendez and Brice Daubord on their heels.

For the women it was no contest with Michelle Flipo way out in front nearly two minutes ahead of points leader Brigitta Poor. Renata Bucher was quick along with Carina Wasle and young French woman Morgane Riou. Myriam Guillot-Boisset was back 3’50” and many time champion Helena Erbenova was over 4 minutes back from Flipo and 2 minutes from the other women with a lot of age groupers to pass.

Headed around the lake and going into the trails it was Stephan Bayliss in front of Otto with Sam Gardner already coming forward and Roger Serrano on his tail. About 10 seconds back Mauricio made a big pass under the main road tunnel followed closely by Brice Daubord, Karl Shaw and Hannes Wolpert. Just a few meters’ back was another bunch headed by Francois Carloni with Veit Honle, Bradley Weiss, Maxime Chane, Ruben Ruzafa, Nico Fernandez, Arthur Serrieres and more. Yes, it was early in the race but these men were fighting hard at the 3K mark. Poor Kris Coddens was way back having suffered in the swim. “I really don’t like non wetsuit swims” he said “I’m thin and really get cold and have a bad time thawing out.”

Michelle bike 1web

At that mark Flipo was fighting with the men pros and had over a minute on Brigitta but Renata looked good, Carina was quick passing some men on a short hill and Morgane was back a few minutes with Louise Fox. Myriam Guillam-Boisset was now at 3’30” and Helena still over 4’ from the leader.

By the 10K mark things had spread a bit but the fights were still happening. At this point the trails start to really climb and get steep. First a rocky, rooty section that almost nobody can ride and then a semi paved climb of a few hundred meters to the Hochwald – this neat tower at the top of the mountain. Ruben had asserted himself in first with Carloni and Bradley Weiss on his wheel. Osborne had dropped back when he followed Brad Weiss but could not react quick enough to miss a big rock.

“Bradley jumped it but I was so close I hit it hard and just went straight over the bars” the Kiwi smiled.

Karl Shaw was strong in 4th with Roger Serrano and Mauricio next. Then a pack with Veit Honle leading Malte Ploppert and Brice Daubord. The quick swimmers, Otto and Bayliss had dropped back a bit but were still well placed.

Ruben chose to walk the steepest part and Carloni rode by him. Bradley kept his pace and Osborne rode about 90% of the hill and caught the lead 3. Francois’ lead did not last long as Ruben went hard on the downhill and started to gap the rest.

Flipo was still in command but now only 40” up on Brigitta. Renata was caught by Carina at about 1-minute back. It was a long wait for Myriam and Morgane to come up the hill and when Erbenova went by she was still about 4’ behind.

There is a notorious, technical rocky downhill at about 29K. It is fierce but short and the really good guys pay almost no attention to it simply letting the suspension and tires take the beating. It is really amazing how fast they go through this section. Ruben came by alone with 1’20” on Carloni, Weiss and Osborne. Bradley had done the lion’s share of work pulling the group. Carloni admitted he did not work with the group a lot.

Ruben downhillWeb

“I was very tired and sick after Italy and did not even know if I could race. So I decide to not go 100% and let Weiss do the work. Thank you Bradley!”

Back about 4 min and out of the hunt were Daubord, Mendez, young Maxime Chane’, Arthur Serrieres and Veit Honle.

Near the end of the bike Bradley and Sam attacked and Francois could not stay with them. Coming out of T2 Ruben had nearly 2 minutes on the field. Osborne attacked immediately out of transition and gapped Weiss. Sam was flying on the trails and at one point got under 30” from the Spanish leader.

“I wanted to catch him or get sight of him but just blew up,” said Osborne with his head down. “But I survived and am really happy with second.”

Bradley had a lonely run but a solid third all the way. Mauricio and Daubord came out with Carloni but there was little doubt Francois would stay with possibly the two fastest male runners we have. Serrieres had dropped back a bit with Honle in 8th and first German competitor and Czech Honza Kubick coming off a very fast bike in 9th.

Osborne somehow held on to second just 40 seconds off Ruben and immediately collapsed. He recovered quick enough and was last seen at the after party with a beer, chatting with Roger Serrano and Brad Weiss and waiting for the feature band.

“I knew the other girls might be stronger on the bike so I rode hard the whole way” said Michelle Flipo. “I did not save anything for the run and I was really tired and hurting.”

What she did not know and what we did not expect was French woman Myriam Guillot-Boisset was having the ride of her life and put in the fastest bike time. Then she proceeded to run the quickest of all the women and pulled within 22 seconds of the winner. Another K and we may have had a different result. Brigitta Poor had a solid day with a good swim, bike and run to finish 3rd ahead of a fast closing Helena Erbenova who once clear of traffic had a great run to finish less than 50” out of 3rd. Carina came home 5th, Renata 6th, Morgane 7th all within a few minutes of each other.

The day played out as expected with the exception the fighting was so close and tight. “just before the big climb I looked back and there had to be 15 guys all in a row” said Roger Serrano. “I never saw so many guys fighting so close”.

Mauricio and Brice Daubord fought the run all the way with the Frenchman finishing just 5 seconds ahead of our young Mexican. “He was so fast” Mau said “I ran hard but just could not catch him. I would get close but he was too strong for me today.”

Not hard to believe as Mauricio had done 3 weeks in a row at Italy (he won) Poland (2d) and Sweden (1st) and then came directly to Germany.

Arthur Serrieres is steadily improving and came in front of the French veteran and great rider Francois Carloni with Veit Honle 8th, Honza Kubicek 9th and Peter Lehmann 10th.

The day ended with some great bands playing, the sky clear and the big yellow moon back to say hello. Germany is simply a great race and a great organization. The athletes know it and they return every year. Full marks to Benno and his “family” of crew. I’m not sure but the best party may have been in the Helpers compound.

One to go and the possibilities abound. We’ll have more on who needs to do what to win or place high in the final standings next week. Bring on Denmark.

Find pictures, videos, and more stories from the XTERRA European Championship at:
https://www.facebook.com/XTERRA.Germany // https://www.facebook.com/xterraeurope

Pos Name, NAT Time Points

1 Ruben Ruzafa, ESP 2:32:27 100
2 Sam Osborne, NZL 2:33:09 90
3 Bradley Weiss, RSA 2:34:43 82
4 Brice Daubord, FRA 2:35:21 75
5 Mauricio Mendez, MEX 2:35:26 69
19 29 m Orozco Bernal, Gonzalo David ES biciKultura 02:44:05

25 6 m Serrano Salgado, Roger ES Independent 02:47:32


age groups
1 214 m van der Mast, Wouter BE 02:43:46
2 326 m Eberl, Filip CZ X-Team BaNo K. Vary 02:48:43
3 227 m Radeck, Stephan DE GHOST Racing Team / SV Bayreuth / SAYSKY 02:49:20

18 218 m Notario Fernandez, Javier ES BIKE TIME TRI 02:58:02
22 298 m Cano Cuevas, Juan Andres ES C.D. SAPIENS HUMAN RUNNER 02:59:18
32 275 m Cirera, Marc ES C.N.Reus Ploms 03:03:24
53 219 w Garcia Gonzalez, Eva ES BIKE TIME TRI 03:13:38
66 253 m Fidalgo Lopez, Anibal ES MEDINA COMPETICION 03:17:13
80 276 w Picas, Aina ES C.N.Reus Ploms 03:22:49



Pos Name, NAT Time Points

1 Michelle Flipo, FRA 2:54:47 100
2 Myriam Guillot-Boisset, FRA 2:55:09 90
3 Brigitta Poór, HUN 2:58:03 82
4 Helena Erbenova, CZE 2:58:51 75



Rubén Ruzafa gana el XTerra de Alemania

El triatleta rinconero prolonga su racha de éxitos cara a dos retos clave a final de la temporada

EUGENIO CABEZAS | @eugeniocabezas
20 agosto 2016

El triatleta rinconero Rubén Ruzafa se ha impuesto en el XTerra de Alemania con un tiempo de 2h.32:37, por delante del australiano Sam Osborne (2h.33:09), mientras que el sudafricano Bradley Weiss fue tercero (2h.34:43). La prueba se disputó en la localidad germana de Zittau, y supuso el comienzo de la segunda parte de la temporada para el triatleta malagueño, con vistas a las dos citas más importantes del año, los Mundiales XTerra (el 23 de octubre en Hawái) y el de la federación internacional ITU (el 19 de noviembre, en Australia).

Ruzafa mantiene así su racha triunfal, pues venía de proclamarse campeón de Europa XTerra en Suiza en junio y de ganar las pruebas de este circuito mundial en Isla de Reunión, Portugal y Francia, y de ser segundo en la de Grecia. En su palmarés cuenta con dos títulos mundial de ITU (2014 Y 2015) y tres XTerra (2008, 2013 Y 2014).

El deportista volvió a sustentar una victoria esta vez en tierras germanas, en el tramo intermedio de bicicleta de montaña, sobre 38 kilómetros, en el que es el mejor especialista. Además los cuarenta participantes tuvieron que afrontar 1.500 metros de natación y nueve kilómetros de carrera a pie.

Tres físicos gallegos descubren como bajar la factura de la luz.
La patente de la «start-up» Nubings logra ahorros de más de 300 euros al año en pisos de tamaño medio

9 M. SÍO
REDACCIÓN / LA VOZ 18/08/2016 05:00
Un pequeño y sencillo gadget, que cuesta 67 euros (IVA incluido) es capaz de conseguir un ahorro mínimo de 300 euros al año en la factura de la luz que paga una vivienda media (de entre 75 y 90 metros cuadrados).Estará a la venta a finales de septiembre y sus inventores son tres doctores en Física, José Rodríguez González, Pablo Otero Pérez y Enrique Comesaña Figueroa (los dos primeros de Santiago y el tercero de Vigo), que han unido su talento en la start-up Nubings, con sede en la capital de Galicia.La web de la empresa ya ha comenzado a recibir reservas.
«Estamos teniendo una buena respuesta. Ya hemos seleccionado un grupo de clientes para que, a cambio de un descuento, nos permitan hacer un seguimiento del sistema, y nos cuenten sus impresiones. Es una forma de tener feedback», afirma José Rodríguez. Explica que el interés por Nubings llega también desde la propias compañías eléctricas. «Estamos en contacto con varias. Les interesa ofrecer este producto de mejora de la eficiencia energética a sus clientes. Es un buen gancho comercial con el que acaban facturando más», asegura el físico. Consultoría de megavatios¿Cómo funciona esta patente? Se basa en el análisis en tiempo real del gasto de electrodomésticos e iluminación, mediante sensores que envían (a través de la conexión a Internet de la vivienda), los datos de consumo a un software propio que gestiona a información, y desglosa los resultados individuales por tipo de electrodoméstico y los perfiles de consumo.Con toda esa información, Nubings estudia dónde puede estar el potencial de ahorro, y ofrece una consultoría personalizada, según los hábitos de consumo.«Por un lado, se comprueba si la potencia contratada es la idónea o si es superior a la necesaria, algo bastante habitual, con lo cual se estaría tirando el dinero», explica José Rodríguez.
El paso siguiente se centra en la discriminación horaria. Según las horas en las que se produzca el mayor consumo en el hogar, la empresa analiza si compensa cambiar la tarifa ordinaria por la que cubre la franja de 22.00 a 12.00 horas. «Podría suponer la mitad de gasto», dice.A modo de ejemplo de hasta donde puede llegar la eficiencia energética con este sistema, José Rodríguez pone el ejemplo de una vivienda unifamiliar, en la que se ha instalado de forma experimental, con el resultado de una reducción del consumo de un 45 %, equivalente a un ahorro de 500 euros al año.Toda la tecnología se fabrica en Galicia. La start-up, impulsada por la aceleradora de empresas Via Galicia, prevé abrir una nueva ronda de financiación para ganar capacidad de producción y empezar a exportar.


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