lunes, noviembre 18, 2013


Adolfo Almarza: Be Determined

As a sports commentator, I see many athletes, from professional to grassroots riders, fighting their own personal battles to the finish line. More often than not, those battles are temporary and can be usually be fixed with replacing a component on a bike or taking pain medication for an injury. For Chilean rider Adolfo Almarza, the daily challenge of being a double amputee professional downhill racer is greater than most of us will face in our lifetime and it is one of the most inspiring stories in our sport.

My favourite photo from all of Crankworx. This was in the start house for the Garbanzo DH. Rider is Adolfo Almarza of Chile.
Adolfo at the start house for the Garbanzo DH 2013. Photo credit: Scott Robarts

I was so pleased when I saw Adolfo Almarza competing in his second Crankworx in Whistler, Canada this year. At an early age, Adolfo tragically lost both his legs in a road traffic accident but his disability has only made him stronger and he's now riding faster and going bigger than many able-bodied riders.

bigquotes If I can, you can too. I invite you to be determined - Adolfo Almarza

During Crankworx this year, Adolfo proved to be an instant hit with the crowds. When co-commentator Brad Jay and I announced Adolfo was on track during one of the races, the crowd turned their gaze up towards Whistler Mountain to watch this truly inspirational athlete tear down the track and cheer him on across the finish line. Competing in the Pro category during the week-long event, Adolfo raced the Garbanzo DH and Air DH where he secured impressive times in both races.

Riding a bike is a helluva lot harder when you re relying on prosthetic legs to get down the track. Adolfo Almarza taking the high left line through In Deep .
Riding a bike is a helluva lot harder when you're relying on prosthetic legs to get down the track. Adolfo Almarza taking the high left line through In Deep. Photo credit: Colin Meagher

At the Crankworx Whip Off World Championships, Adolfo styled it up alongside freeriders and downhillers. Hitting up Crabapple Hits, he left a trail of dropped jaws in the crowd below and behind him. By the end of the week, Adolfo's achievements had made him a true Whistler legend and a true inspiration to us all.

see the video in the link

ahora vas y te quejas...


My 3 Cents on Cancer: Jack Andraka at TEDxSanJoseCAWomen
Jack is a fifteen year old freshman in high school. He developed a paper sensor that could detect pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer in five minutes for as little as 3 cents. He conducted his research at John Hopkins University. This research could change the face of cancer and promote early detection. He has been selected as the Intel 2012 ISEF winner and has won awards at multiple national and international math competitions. Jack is on the national junior whitewater kayaking team and enjoys playing with his dog and folding origami.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Con 16 años descubre un sensor que detecta el cáncer en 5 minutos
MADRID, 15 Nov. (CHANCE) -

Con tan sólo 16 años, un estudiante estadounidense de secundaria ha logrado inventar un sensor para detectar el cáncer en tan sólo cinco minutos. Un descubrimiento que puede cambiar la vida de muchísimas personas.

Todo comenzó con la pérdida de un ser querido a causa de esta terrible enfermedad cuando Jack Andraka tenía 13 años. Una terrible experiencia que le empujó a investigar sobre el cáncer a través de herramientas sencillas en Internet. Y tres años después, descubrió una manera "rápida, simple y efectiva" de detectar esta enfermedad mortal, que gracias a este invento, podrá neutralizarse.

Con información que obtuvo de Google y Wikipedia, Jack estudió las 8 mil proteínas que se encuentran en la sangre, hasta entender que una de ellas, la mesotelina, se dispara en etapas tempranas, en las personas que enferman de cáncer de páncreas.

"Detecta una de las miles de proteínas (la mesotelina) que hay en la sangre de los enfermos de cáncer. La mecánica fue utilizar anticuerpos y entretejerlos en una red de nanotubos de carbono, de modo que se obtiene un marcador que únicamente reacciona ante dicha proteína" explicó al presentarse en el Festival de las Mentes Brillantes.

Así logró su invento. Un sensor de papel, que cuesta 3 centavos, y que es capaz de detectar en cinco minutos tres tipos de cáncer: el de páncreas, el de ovario y el de pulmón. Pero lo más sorprendente de todo es que ha sido 26 mil veces más barato siendo 168 veces más rápido. Además, este método es 400 veces más sensible que los actuales y no es invasivo.

Pero su mejor punto a favor es que "se puede detectar el cáncer en las etapas más tempranas, cuando alguien tiene casi 100 por ciento de probabilidades de sobrevivir, y hasta el momento es más de 90 por ciento exacto para detectar el cáncer" dijo.

"Y va a ser lo mismo para cáncer ovario y de pulmón" añadía "y cambiando el anticuerpo, este mismo invento puede utilizar una proteína diferente para detectar Alzheimer, otras formas de cáncer o VIH".

Pero no fue nada fácil de conseguir. De 200 solicitudes que envió a laboratorios, todos se negaron a continuar con sus investigaciones, excepto uno. Finalmente logró que la Universidad Johns Hopkins ayudará a su desarrollo. Es un descubrimiento que podría afectar a la millonaria industria del cáncer.

Su invento está en etapa de tramitación de patentes, algo que puede demorar varios años, pero el día que se apruebe puede resultar toda una revolución para la ciencia médica.

Además, durante la conferencia, el joven apuntó que la ciencia no debería ser un lujo, y que debería ser un derecho humano fundamental, "el derecho de acceso a la información debe ser de todos, no sólo de los que pueden pagar" afirmó.

Un descubrimiento que le ha llevado a ganar el premio Gordon E. Moore de la Feria Internacional de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Intel y el Premio Smithsoniano al Ingenio Estadounidense y es el orador más joven de la Real Sociedad de Medicina en Estados Unidos. Sin duda más que merecido.


Schlumpf Innovations Gearing Systems

Swiss manufacturer Schlumpf Innovations produces two-speed, planetary gear-driven crank/bottom bracket systems. With a Schlumpf Speed Drive, Mountain Drive, or High Speed Drive, you can expand the gear range of a single-speed, fixed-gear, or internal gear hub-equipped bike while maintaining a clean look.

With Schlumpf's gearing systems, two gear ratios are available without the chain moving between gears, and there's no front derailleur, shifter, or cables to maintain or clutter up your bike. You simply shift with a quick heel movement against the push-button axle in the center of the crank arm. The gearing systems use a clutch plate design that won't slip under power and they require very little maintenance.

Cycle Monkey offers all three of Schlumpf's gearings systems: Speed Drive (1.65 overdrive ratio), Mountain Drive (2.5 reduction ratio), and High Speed Drive (2.5 overdrive ratio) in all the various configurations. We also have a longer axle version that is compatible with the 54mm chainline of the Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14. Crank arms are available in black or silver in a variety of lengths.

Schlumpf Speed Drive

The Schlumpf Speed Drive is ideal for town bikes: single speeds, fixed gears, internal gear hub bikes, or bikes with only a single, rear, derailleur. The close 1.65 overdrive ratio means shifts can be made more often and more comfortably. This is also the best Schlumpf model to combine with a Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14 for those applications in which the gear range of the SPEEDHUB 500/14 is not enough. It's also great for small-wheeled bikes to get a larger gear ratio without a huge physical chainring.

Key specifications and features of the Schlumpf Speed Drive include:

1.65 overdrive ratio (similar to a front derailleur shift)
Small physical chainring and larger effective chainring size in overdrive
Close range well suited for use with single speeds, fixed gears, internal gear hubs, and rear derailleurs
Splined chainrings available in 27-40T
110mm BCD spider also available for standard chainrings
110mm BCD spider version can be used with two chainrings
Optional trouser guard available
Offers 868% gear range when combined with Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14
Schlumpf Mountain Drive

The Schlumpf Mountain Drive is the best choice when you are looking for the lowest possible gear ratio. The wide 2.5 reduction ratio can offer an effective chainring size that is lower than any available chainring (depending on physical chainring selection). It also has the highest running efficiency of Schlumpf's offerings, making it the best choice for HPV's or other land-speed vehicles. It is not recommended for use with the Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14 due to conflicts with Rohloff's minimum gear ratio requirement.

Key specifications and features of the Schlumpf Mountain Drive include:

2.5 reduction ratio
Large physical chainring and smaller effective chainring size in reduction mode
Offers lowest gear ratio option of Schlumpf gearing systems
Highest running efficiency of Schlumpf gearing systems
Possibility of an effective chainring size that is smaller than any available chainring
110mm and 130mm BCD spiders available for standard chainrings
110mm and 130mm BCD spiders can be used with two chainrings
Optional steel spider for heavy duty use on tandems and cargo bikes
Best when combined with a gear hub or rear cassette offering at least 250% range
Schlumpf High Speed Drive

The Schlumpf High Speed Drive is the best choice when you want to maximize your overall gear ratio and keep a small physical chainring. It is great for small-wheeled bikes to get larger gear ratios without a huge physical chainring. It is a popular choice for recumbents and trikes, usually combined with an intenal gear hub in the rear. It can also be combined with a Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14 for an extremely wide gear range.

Key specifications and features of the Schlumpf High Speed Drive include:

2.5 overdrive ratio
Small physical chainring and larger effective chainring size in overdrive mode
27T sprocket/ trouser guard comes standard (67.5T equivalent gear in overdrive)
30 & 34T splined chainrings available (75 & 85 equivalent gears in overdrive)
130mm BCD spider available for standard chainrings
Best when combined with a gear hub or rear cassette offering at least 250% range
Offers 1315% gear range when combined with Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14
Please contact us to learn more about Schlumpf and the best gearing system for your bike and riding conditions.

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