martes, mayo 05, 2015

Usa casco, no seas cabezòn

TV Planet Mtb programa 2. Ruta: Tracks del Ter. Técnica: mejora la técnica de curva en XC. Evento: Desafío MTB Alcarria (Sacedón). Mecánica: cuidado y consejos para el barro. Test de producto: Head X-Rubi III. Cuerpo y mente: ejercicios con fitball para Core. Club invitado: Madroño Sanferbike.


OJo ciclista
Esta imagen de un casco aplastado tras un accidente de tráfico se ha compartido más de 34 millones de veces en redes sociales.

Una imagen impactante, una historia que da escalofríos… y un auténtico fenómeno en las redes sociales. Ben Hobb, un ciclista de Devon (Inglaterra), sufrió el pasado 19 de marzo un aparatoso accidente de tráfico circulando por carretera: fue arrollado por una furgoneta, lo que le causó múltiples heridas y una importante lesión de columna. La foto de su casco hecho pedazos empezó a correr como la pólvora por la Red, convirtiéndose en un auténtico fenómeno viral. Actualmente, la imagen ha sido compartido por más de 34 millones de personas.

Hobb, de 46 años, se ha mostrado sorprendido ante la repercusión que ha tenido la fotografía. “Estoy muy agradecido por ello”, ha declarado a The Daily Mail. “He visto que se está compartiendo por todo el condado, y eso está muy bien. Hay gente que dice que el casco no sirve para determinado tipo de impactos, pero la realidad es que en mi caso me ha salvado la vida: el accidente me provocó una herida en la parte superior de la cabeza, por lo que el casco hizo perfectamente su trabajo”.

Ríos de tinta

Mark Walker, trabajador de ambulancia, fue uno de los primeros en compartir la imagen, tras recibirla de manos de un compañero de profesión. A los pocos días, hizo un seguimiento de la misma y comprobó que la habían compartido más de 34 millones de veces. “Es una imagen muy poderosa”, ha declarado Walker. “Pone de manifiesto la importancia de usar siempre el casco en carretera”.

La viralidad de la fotografía, así como los miles de comentarios que ha generado en las redes, vuelve a poner de manifiesto que el uso del casco genera un debate encendido.


Cyclist's shocking image of his mangled helmet after he escaped death when he was hit by recycling van on his way to work is shared more than 34 MILLION times
This image of a cyclist's mangled helmet went viral across social media
Rider Ben Hobbs, 46, was struck down cycling to work by a recycling van
He was left with a broken spine, ribs, sternum and a serious head injury
Mr Hobbs is now using the photo as a stark warning on road safety


PUBLISHED: 12:01 GMT, 1 May 2015 | UPDATED: 14:09 GMT, 1 May 2015

A cyclist who narrowly escaped death when he was hit by a recycling van has released a shocking image of his mangled helmet that has been shared over 34 million times.Experienced rider Ben Hobbs, 46, was struck down by a recycling van when he was cycling to work one morning.The large van smashed into the father-of-two and knocked him from his bike before he suffered a broken spine, broken ribs, broken sternum and a head injury.

The picture of Ben Hobbs' mangled helmet which saved his life has been shared 34million times

Now Mr Hobbs is encouraging others to share the hard-hitting image as a stark warning to cyclists who don't wear protective gear.He said: 'It's quite surprising that the image has had such an impact. It has been shared around the county and I'm really grateful for that.'I've heard cyclists say that helmets are not the be all and end all because they only cover certain places but the helmet certainly worked for me.'

Mr Hobbs, who has two children, Eden, 13, and Reece, 9, was rushed to Torbay Hospital A&E, in Devon, after a van driver cut across his path and hit him off his bike.He said: 'I don't know what speed I was going at when the driver cut across in front of me but I didn't have time to stop.'I was on my way to work and it was about 9am when the accident happened. There were a few people who stopped to help and a fantastic first aider who had to stop me from trying to get up.

'People kept telling me that I was in a mess but I didn't know what was going on. I kept trying to get up and I didn't know I had a serious spinal injury.'I don't remember much but the first thing I can clearly remember is being in the ambulance. In the hospital I still didn't accept that it had happened to me and kept trying to get out of bed in the night.'By day three a nurse sat down with me and said you've broken your back and you need to stay in bed.'Mr Hobbs, who lives with wife Tammy, is still recovering from the incident on March 19 where he was just moments from death.

He said: 'My head injury was right on the top of my head. The helmet has done the job for me.

'I'm a good rider and I'm confident. Nothing like this has happened to me before and I've been riding since I was four or five.'I ride about 6,000 miles a year in Devon and commute to work everyday which is about 13 miles. I had just finished doing a complete overhaul of my bike and it was in 100 per cent condition.

'You've got no control of what will happen when you are on the roads. As a cyclist I make a balanced decision and go by the theory that you need to expect the unexpected. You don't know what people are going to do.'Mark Walker, a first responder for South Western Ambulance Service, shared the photo on his Facebook page after he was sent it by a colleague.

He then tracked its progress across social media to discover it had been shared 34million times.Mr Walker said: 'He is a lucky man. If it had been his head that had hit the van he wouldn't be here today. He was wearing the helmet in the correct position and it took the pressure of the impact.'This is a powerful image and that shows the importance of wearing a helmet when cycling on the road.'

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