miércoles, junio 08, 2016

Masacre en kalamazoo Michigan 5 ciclistas asesinados 4 graves, el conductor borracho huyò pero le pillaron

Carrera en el Altet
Buenas tardes! Ayer os anunciamos la fecha de celebración y hoy es para nosotros un auténtico honor presentaros el cartel de nuestra prueba. Hemos querido homenajear a la atleta altetana Laura Sola Tarí que tan bien representa a nuestra pedanía a nivel nacional. Esperamos que os guste a falta de ir completándolo con los patrocinadores y colaboradores. — con Francisco Martín Díaz.



Rubén ruzafa informa del calendario que seguirà
11 Junio / June 11
Zarauzko Triatloia Basque Coun-Tri

25 Junio / June 25
XTERRA Switzerland

3 Julio / July 3

20 Agosto / August 20
XTERRA Germany

23 Octubre / October 23
Xterra World Championships, Maui,HI

19 Noviembre / November 19
2016 ITU Cross Triathlon World Championships


Masacre en kalamazoo Michigan 5 ciclistas asesinados 4 graves, el conductor borracho huyò pero le pillaron

5 bicyclists death crash in Kalamazoo

algunas vìctimas

y sus bicis

y el asesino

la camioneta

State police crime lab investigate the evidence from the scene where five cyclists were killed and four were injured Tuesday, June 7, in a hit-and-run crash. A 50-year-old man driving a pickup truck along the 5500 block of North Westnedge Avenue near Kalamazoo drove into a 9-person group of cyclists. He was arrested after police found him a short distance away from the disabled vehicle.
Mark Bugnaski | MLive.com
on June 07, 2016 at 11:14 PM, updated June 08, 2016 at 4:39 PM

KALAMAZOO COUNTY, MI -- Five cyclists were killed and four were injured Tuesday, June 7, in a hit-and-run crash with a pickup truck near Kalamazoo.The adult cyclists were struck from behind while riding along the 5500 block of North Westnedge Avenue in Cooper Township.The 50-year-old man driving the pickup truck was arrested after police found him a short distance away from the disabled vehicle.Police were looking for the truck at the time of the crash due to calls to three different police agencies from citizens concerned about the man's erratic driving. The calls began about 26 minutes before the collision in the city of Kalamazoo and Kalamazoo Township.

The surviving bicyclists suffered serious injuries, Kalamazoo County Prosecutor Jeff Getting said during a press conference Tuesday night. They are being treated at Bronson Methodist Hospital and Borgess Medical Center.Police are working to notify the families of the five victims who died at the scene.This post will continue to be updated with further developments:



Promulgar la ley Emilia para los conductores borrachos o drogados en España, firma la peticiòn ahora!


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