sábado, marzo 10, 2012

dean karnazes ultramarathon man

Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Man

Trailing running at altitude is good training.

TIME magazine named him as one of the "Top 100 Most Influential People in the World." Men's Fitness hailed him as one of the fittest men on the planet. An internationally recognized endurance athlete and NY Times bestselling author, Dean Karnazes has pushed his body and mind to inconceivable limits. Among his many accomplishments, he has run 350 continuous miles, foregoing sleep for three nights. He's run across Death Valley in 120 degree temperatures, and he's run a marathon to the South Pole in negative 40 degrees. On ten different occasions he's run a 200-mile relay race solo, racing alongside teams of twelve. Dean has swum the San Francisco Bay, scaled mountains, bike raced for 24-hours straight, and surfed the gigantic waves off the coast of Hawaii and California. His long list of competitive achievements include winning the world's toughest footrace, the Badwater Ultramarathon, running 135 miles nonstop across Death Valley during the middle of summer. He has raced and competed on all seven continents of the planet, twice over.

In 2006 he accomplished the seemingly impossible by running 50 marathons, in all 50 US states, in 50 consecutive days, finishing with the NYC Marathon, which he ran in three hours flat! In 2011 Dean ran 3,000-miles from the coast of California to New York City, averaging 40 to 50-miles per day (one day covering more than 70!). Along the way he stopped at schools to speak to students about the importance of exercise and healthy eating. When passing through Washington DC, he was invited to run through the White House to meet with First Lady Michelle Obama and be honored for his tireless commitment to help get this country back into shape.

Dean and his incredible adventures have been featured on The Today Show, 60 Minutes, The Late Show with David Letterman, CBS News, CNN, ESPN, The Howard Stern Show, NPR's Morning Edition, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, the BBC, and many others. He has appeared on the cover of Runner's World, Outside, and Wired magazine's, and has been featured in TIME, Newsweek, People, GQ, The New York Times, USA TODAY, The Washington Post, Men's Journal, Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, and the London Telegraph, to mention a few.

Yet, it is his unique ability to enthuse athletes of all abilities and backgrounds that truly set Dean apart. Despite his many accomplishments, awards and distinctions, he remains most proud of his ongoing contributions of time and funding to programs aimed at getting children and youth outdoors and active. He has raised millions of dollars for charity and was awarded the prestigious Community Leadership Award by the President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports.

Beyond being a celebrated endurance athlete, philanthropist, and bestselling author, Dean is an accomplished businessman with a notable professional career working for several Fortune 500 companies and startups alike. A graduate of the USF McLaren School of Business & Management, he is uniquely able to demonstrate how the lessons learned from athletics can be applied to business, and he is able to convey, with authenticity, the many insights he has gleaned along the way as a record-setting athlete and professional businessman.

Dean is a sought after speaker who has captivated and inspired audiences across the country with his stories of persistence and perseverance. His dynamic, engaging and rousing presentations focus on going beyond perceived limitations to be the best that you can be. He talks about unlocking an inner strength to achieve extraordinary results. His real-life examples explore the topics of: dealing with adversity, overcoming obstacles, setting and reaching lofty goals, the importance of teamwork, even in solo endeavors, and excelling in a competitive, and often confusing, world. In his presentations, he examines and discusses the essential ingredients necessary for high-achievement and developing the ability to prevail and preserve against staggering odds.

Dean is believable, because his achievements and accomplishments are real. He delivers his message with the insight and candor that only an individual who has lived through such experiences can. Dean's stories of endurance and perseverance are often comical, sometimes tear-jerking, and always thought-provoking and entertaining. His roster of clients include: Nike, Google, Sony, PepsiCo, Wells Fargo, Apple Computer, Merck, Toyota, Starbucks, Accenture, Stanford University, Yale, JP Morgan Chase, Facebook, and a host of others.

DK-Awards Distinctions, Run Across America,3,000 Mile Run from LA to NYC

Youth Fitness Contributor of the Year 4 Deserts Racing Series,Overall Champion, 2008

Olympic TorchbearerBeijing Olympic Games, 2008

4Atacama Crossing, Atacama Desert, Chile,Winner, 2008

Mayor Gavin Newsom's Advisory Committee,San Francisco Physical Activity Council (PAC), 2008

President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports,Community Leadership Award, 2008

Dead President's Ultra Endurance Run,Winner, 2007

Best Outdoor Athlete,ESPN ESPY Award, 2007

Board of Directors,Girls on the Run, San Francisco, 2007

Top 100 Most Influential People in the World,TIME, 2006

Runner of the Year,Competitor Magazine, 2006

50 Marathons, 50 states, 50 straight days,Endurance 50, 2006

Vermont Trail 100-Mile Endurance Run,Winner,

Recipient of the Arkansas Traveler Award,Presented by Governor Mike Huckabee, 2006

Appointed to the California Taskforce on Youth Wellness,Rules Committee of the California State Senate, 2006

Adventure Hall of Fame,Men's Journal, 2005

U.S. Ultrarunning Team,Represented USA at the World Championships, 2005

Top Ten Ultimate Athletes,Outside Magazine, 2004

Badwater Ultramarathon,Winner, 2004

South Pole Marathon,Winner, Running Division (though only person to complete the event in running shoes), 2002

The Relay,Nine-time solo finisher, 199+ miles

Badwater Ultramarathon,Winner, 2004

Outdoor World Championships,Winner, 2000

Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run ,11-time Silver Buckle Holder, 1994-2006

Four-Time President's Club Recipient,GlaxoSmithKline, 1991-1999



http://www.facebook.com/DeanKarnazes .-..-.-..-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.--.

Dean Karnazes, el superhombre.

Se hizo famoso como el hombre ultramaratón y por ser considerado, por revistas especializadas como Men Fitness, “el más saludable del mundo”. Enseguida se lo asocia a Forrest Gump (el personaje que interpretó Tom Hanks), ya que corre, corre y corre.

Este estadounidense (nacido en Los Ángeles, en agosto de 1962), se dedicó hasta los 30 años a trabajar en una empresa farmacéutica como ejecutivo. Tenía éxito económico, pero se sentía miserable. Llegó a pesar, en ese entonces, más de 80 kilos (16 más que ahora).

La noche de festejo de su cumpleaños 30, estando reunido con amigos tomando tequila, su cabeza le hizo un clic revelador, por lo que decidió salir corriendo, literalmente. Esa misma noche corrió casi 50 kilómetros y nunca más se detuvo.

Es así que llamó la atención, en todo el mundo, por correr siete veces (terminó seis) la maratón de Badwater, la cual se basa en correr 220 kilómetros a través del Valle de la Muerte, con temperaturas extremas de 48º C. Además, terminó una maratón en el Polo Sur con 40º C bajo cero e hizo competencias de casi 600 kilómetros.

Dean Karnazes

En 2006, batió un récord: corrió 50 maratones en 50 estados de los Estados Unidos, durante 50 días consecutivos (en total, un recorrido de 2.096 km). Por otro lado, creó la fundación Karno Kids, para luchar contra laobesidadinfantil y larevistaTime lo eligió entre las 100 personalidades más influyentes del mundo.

Comienza cada día a las cuatro de la mañana y corre entre 30 y 40 kilómetros. A media tarde, vuelve a correr unas dos horas; y duerme ¡sólo cuatro! Asegura no necesitar más tiempo de descanso.

Aconseja que cada uno debe tratar de dirigir su propia cabeza, afirmando que “la fuera mental es tan importante como la física”. En definitiva, ¿todo está en la mente? El quiere demostrar hasta dónde llega la capacidad humana y, al parecer, ha superado todas las expectativas con el poder de su convencimiento.

Cuenta que para él, correr es muy simple y cuando lo hace siente su mente libre: “Ahí no importa si eres rico o pobre, cuando corres eres libre y eso es igual para todos”. ¿Su próximo objetivo? Correr una maratón en todo el mundo, una carrera en cada país y en un año (desafío que comenzará en noviembre de 2012). ¿Lo logrará?


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