viernes, marzo 09, 2012

FRS, armstrong secret?

How much further could you go? How much faster? You've tried caffeine, supplements, and energy drinks, but you want another option. You want new science. You want FRS. Try FRS for 14 days - Free.

Go to Take Your Workouts to the Next Level!


-FRS Energy

-FRS Energy Drink

-FRS Energy Free Trial

FRS Healthy Energy Drink Review

FRS is a new kind of supplement for health and energy. Typical energy supplements and energy drinks rely on high doses of caffeine, Guarana, Taurine, and sugar to boost energy, and may add vitamins for health. FRS is different. At the core of the patented FRS formula is an antioxidant called Quercetin. Not only does Quercetin support the immune system like other antioxidants, but its clinically proven to boost energy. When taken regularly people report increased and sustained energy without the jitteriness of caffeine or other stimulants. Quercetin energy feels different than stimulant energy because Quercetin energy works in a completely different way.

How do you get FRS Energy Drink? Right now, you can get a free trial on our site, The free trial will turn into an auto-shipment plan, if you do not cancel within the allowed time period, just as a warning, but I doubt you'll want to cancel!

Frs Energy Drink Commercial

The advantage FRS Healthy Energy® has over other energy drinks is simple. Instead of using lots of caffeine and sugar to give your body a lift, FRS activates your body's own energy-producing mechanisms, so you can stay at your best longer without fear of crashing. In other words, you get the energy you need to turn possibility into reality, whether you're shooting for a championship or just trying to make it through your workout.

FRS is fueled by quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in foods like blueberries, red apples and grapes. Quercetin works by naturally triggering the body's ability to produce more real energy. The more energy your body creates, the longer you're able to push. And the longer you can push, the farther you'll go.A single 11.5-ounce serving of FRS contains a healthy amount of quercetin, but to get the equivalent you'd have to be willing - and able - to eat 40 apples in a sitting. And good luck working out after that.

FRS was developed as a fatigue-fighting health drink by a team of scientists, including Dr. Mitsunori Ono, PhD. It was then tested and refined by Dr. Ono and Dr. Lan Bo Chen, PhD., who at the time, were both researchers at Harvard University.

Unlocking the Science of Quercetin

Quercetin is one of nature's most powerful and abundant antioxidants, found in fruits and vegetables like red apples, grapes and berries. It has been shown in clinical studies to deliver sustained energy, help promote improved fitness and support overall health.Emerging scientific research suggests that quercetin mimics the effects of exercise by enhancing the production of the body's mitochondria, the energy-producing units in cells. Traditionally, exercise training has been the only practical way to increase the amount of mitochondria in cells, and in turn, increase endurance exercise capacity.

Quercetin has also been credited with a wide range of other benefits, including immune-system support, and is being widely studied by the scientific community.All quercetin isn't the same, though. FRS uses only QU995™, the purest quercetin available, and combines it with a patented mix of vitamins, antioxidants and metabolic enhancers to support absorption.



What Natural Supplements Raise Serotonin? Mar 6, 2011 | By Wendy Melton

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter located in the brain, blood platelets, and the lining of the digestive tract. It improves mood and helps to promote sleep and relaxation. It is also what makes us feel full or "satisfied" after we eat. Serotonin levels are thought to be a factor in many types of mental illness, such as depression and bipolar disorders. Maintaining appropriate levels can be accomplished by adding supplements to the diet.


Tryptophan is a known precursor to the manufacturing of serotonin. It is an amino acid and can be found in turkey, grains and legumes. Tryptophan, when broken down into 5-hydroxytryptophan, easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and can cause drowsiness, as well as a calming effect.


Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish oils, salmon, flaxseed oil and primrose oil. They help in the transmission of nerve pulses and can enhance brain function. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter and directly benefits by the actions of the omega-3s. St. John's Wort

St. John's wort works much the same way as Paxil, enhancing the activity and functioning of neurotransmitters like serotonin. It increases the strength of nerve impulses and helps to move the pulses along the nerve pathways.


S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is formed in the body when methionine and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) are combined. It works closely with other amino acids and B vitamins to improve brain function. It also helps protect the body from diseases such as cancer, heart disease and an assortment of neurological disorders.

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