viernes, marzo 09, 2012

how to build a bamboo bike/calfee/construcciòn de casa

Bamboo Bike Building, Day 1

Jigging the frame, double-checking measurements, tacking culms in place with a glue gun. Shot with a Nikon D90 & intervalometer. Images sequenced in QuickTime Pro.

Bamboo Bike Building, Day 2

Cutting culms and lashing lugs. I didn't record the process of foaming & shaping the gets kinda boring. Shot with a Nikon D90 & intervalometer. Images sequenced in QuickTime Pro.

Bamboo Bike Building, Day 3

Sanding & epoxying headset lug. West System 105 epoxy, uncoated Sisal twine, West System low-density filler & Rit blue liquid dye.

Bamboo Bike Building, Day 4

Lots of rasping, followed by some epoxying.



BAMBOO: a natural composite material longitudinally reinforced by strong fibers.

LIGHT: In wood the strongest fibres are packed in the centre of the trunk, however in bamboo the stems are full of cavities and the strongest fibres are distributed most densely in the outer surface region.

STIFF: As a consequence the most stable fibre structures in bamboo are most dense in regions of greatest longitudinal stress. Wood bends relatively easily but bamboo does not.

STRONG: Extremely strong wood fibres can resist up to 5kN/cm2 and steel can resist at most 37kN/cm2 whereas the outer fibres of slim bamboo tubes have tensile strengths of up to 40kN/cm2

Bamboo is therefore an ideal material for bike construction where stiffness and strength to weight ratios are important.

QUIET LUXURIOUS RIDE: The vibration damping characteristics of bamboo make this bike a dream to ride. It is much more comfortable than a carbon fibre frame.

PERFORMANCE ADVANTAGE: This is not just a cool bike. It is appropriate for racing and for everyday use. The vibration damping is a performance advantage on longer rides, reducing fatigue and shock associated with carbon frames.

NATURAL DAMPING: The composite nature of bamboo gives it an enviable advantage over carbon for absorbing road shocks and vibrations. By absorbing shock, yet remaining incredibly stiff, the rider experiences a rare combination - a forgiving, performance frame.

Each frame is built to order by Calfee Design USA and every frame is a unique. Bamboo tubes are selected for the weight of the rider.

OXYGEN: Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth, generating more oxygen than the equivalent stand of trees.

NATURAL RESOURCE: There are about 500 species of bamboo and hundreds of sub-species throughout the world. Within a year, plants reach full height, and over the next 6-8 years, plants gain hardness and strength as they lignify. It is an enduring natural resource that can be selectively harvested annually.

ECO FRIENDLY: Steel, aluminium and titanium frames all require high levels of energy to produce, from extraction to extrusion, before being suitable for bicycle manufacture. Carbon fibre also requires a lot of energy to produce in its controlled oxidation, carbonisation and graphitisation. The graphitisation process in particular is highly energy intensive, requiring temperatures of ~2600°C for high strength fibres or ~3000°C for high modulus (elastic) fibres.

HEMP JOINTS: Hemp is a natural alternative to carbon fibre and is available as an option on Calfee bamboo bike frames. The eco-credentials of hemp are already recognised in the clothing and construction industries.

Frames [Frame Only]......Price in € (approx.)

Bamboo Pro / Tri ...... 2500 Bamboo Custom ..........2975



Curso de técnicas construtivas com bambu (1/4)

Curso de técnicas construtivas com bambu (2/4)

Curso de técnicas construtivas com bambu (3/4)

Curso de técnicas construtivas com bambu (4/4)

O 1º curso de tecnologias com bambu realizado pela Ecoprojeto tem como finalidade difundir o conhecimento técnico necessário para a execução de estruturas de pequeno e médio porte em bambu. O curso é voltado para pessoas que já tiveram experiência ou não em obras com bambu. A Chácara Permacultural Duas Corais será inaugurada e batizada oficialmente com o início dos trabalhos do curso e pretende ser um espaço aberto ao público para a prática de ecotecnologias.

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