viernes, febrero 10, 2017

Ladròn de 14 cannondales ,pillado infraganti ya està en la calle /BLUEGOGO, Red pùblica de bicis sin aparcamiento. San Francisco se opone



Ladròn de 14 cannondales ,pillado infraganti ya està en la calle !!
Roba una furgoneta y de un camiòn se lleva 14 cannondales en su embalaje original. No tiene carnet, le mandan parar, pero huye y cuando le pillan se resiste al arresto.Tiene 10 òrdenes de busca y captura y al dìa siguiente le sueltan !!!

La empresa Bluegogo ofrece bicicletas de alquiler sin estaciones (localizables por GPS), vinculadas a smartphones, por iniciativa privada (sin costes para el erario público).
Quiere poner 20.000 bicicletas en funcionamiento en San Francisco en las próximas semanas, pero las autoridades de la ciudad quieren frenar sus planes.En Alicante, en la última Mesa de la Bicicleta, preguntamos si estaban valorando este tipo de opciones y nos respondieron que no las conocían (perdonad la broma, pero "les sonó a chino"). Preguntamos a Fernando Marcos, Concejal de Movilidad, sobre los planes para instaurar un sistema de bici pública y hablaron de las intenciones de hacerlo en la presente legislatura, pero señaló que se trata de un proyecto caro para el que no cuentan con presupuesto. También comentó que hay empresas que están presentado sus propuestas al ayuntamiento, pero siempre con financiación pública.

Vowing to 'disrupt the disruptors,' S.F. Supes crack down on Chinese bike startup Bluegogo
Jan 18, 2017, 2:21pm PST Updated Jan 18, 2017, 5:36pm PST

Chinese bike-sharing startup Bluegogo plans to bring some 20,000 of its “smart” bikes to San Francisco streets in coming weeks, but San Francisco officials are trying to slam the brakes on the plan.Bluegogo’s bikes do not require a dock, unlike other area bike-sharing services like Citi Bike and Bay Area Bike Share. Bluegogo bikers with a subscription use their smartphones to unlock a bike wherever they find one and drop them it off anywhere.Chinese bike-sharing company produces "smart" bikes that do not require docks. Users can unlock bikes using their smartphone app and pick up or drop off anywhere.


Supervisors Aaron Peskin and Mark Farrell today said at a press conference that Bluegogo’s dock-free GPS-enabled bikes do not have the permits needed to roam the city. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition support a crackdown on the company.The hubbub comes in the wake of the city's backlash against Uber's experiment of unleashing driverless cars on the road last month. But while that posed a potential public safety risk, the bicycle-sharing scheme seems to have outraged public officials based mostly on its arrogance.

“Every single time, these arrogant tech companies ask later for forgiveness, or ask later for permission. This is the first time where San Francisco has gotten ahead of the curve,” Peskin said.Peskin said he is drafting legislation for stricter local law preventing unpermitted use of “public realm as a distribution platform for private bike share corporations and other unregulated ‘sharing economy’ schemes.”Calling the bike-sharing service a “public nuisance,” Peskin vowed to destroy or even sell the bikes if they clog up city streets. The supervisor referenced cases in China where damaged bikes have been thrown into piles and turned into dumping grounds around the cities.Peskin last week also pushed the City Attorney’s office to investigate the legality of Bluegogo’s business in San Francisco, citing police code that prohibits unauthorized blockages of public sidewalks. Department of Public Works also has codes against dumping that blocks traffic.

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