Simple et minimaliste, B2 O est un vélo respectueux de
l’environnement. Son cadre et sa fourche, entièrement réalisés à partir de
fibre de bambou, valorisent les grandes qualités de résistance de ce matériau
naturel dont la croissance est rapide.
Les collages ainsi que les finitions sont réalisées avec des
produits bio.
Le freinage est assuré par rétro pédalage et le passage des huit
vitesses se fait au moyeu, ce qui renforce la notion d’épure et de minimalisme
du dessin.

Le projet T2 O propose un mode de déplacement alternatif et doux. Cette étude s’inscrit dans les projets de recherche que l’agence Fritsch-Durisotti mène régulièrement sur les thèmes de l’évolution de nos comportements et d’un développement durable. Entre vélo et trottinette, ce produit propose une structure entièrement en bambou, preuve de la pertinence des fibres naturelles dans des domaines où on ne les attend pas. Propulsé par un moteur électrique, la phase d’accélération est aidée par l’utilisateur comme sur une patinette. Sa vitesse de croisière est de 35 km/h environ pour une autonomie de 40 km.
Matières utilisées : Bambou, liège, acier, aluminium, caoutchouc
Dimensions : L : 180cm-l : 60cm-H : 120cm

Dutch industrial designer Jan Gunneweg is certainly unique in the design of the wheels. They feature a wooden spoke that is integrated into the rim and balanced by traditional steel spokes on the opposing half. It is hard to tell if the wooden spoke is glued around a standard hub, or if the hub shell is made from two pieces that sleeve through a hole in the wood and are fastened with screws (visible on the flanges). Regardless of how it is constructed, I would be curious about how it rides. Read more at TreeHugger or at Fast Co Design.
There's a lot of wooden bikes out there, ranging from the glue-it-yourself, no-metal kind, to award-winning, high-end designer bikes. But this near all-wooden bike, handmade by Dutch industrial designer Jan Gunneweg, must be one of the most beautiful wooden specimens we've seen to date.
Made out of solid walnut and weighing under 35 pounds, the bike's unique cachet is all in the wheels, which each sport a thick wooden spoke. Drawing attention away from the metal support spokes, the wooden spokes create the impression that there is a continuous line from front wheel, through the frame and all the way to the rear wheel.
As Gunneweg tells Co.Design, the spokes "symbolize the legs of man," adding that "balancing the wheels was pretty challenging because of the width of the wooden spoke."
Another nice detail are the groovy wooden rims on both wheels:
Though it may seem paradoxical, wood and bamboo may actually be more sustainable as materials for bike design, due to the energy-intensity of steel and aluminium. Plus, the nature of wood and bamboo lends more easily to the do-it-yourself ethic, which may explain the recent explosion of handmade bamboo bicycles in places like Brooklyn, and even far off locales like Ghana, Africa.
Gunneweg, whose obsession is wood, has previously designed two wooden bikes before this version, and says that this latest model delivers a smoother ride. The bike will be available for sale later this month; for more details, visit his website.

Bike made of birchwood, carbon and aluminium
• made from 34 layers of birchwood
• finishing: 3 layers of epoxy with 5 transparent layers of varnish
• carbon seatstays and front fork
• Campagnolo parts as shown
• weight: 9.5 kg
• man-hours: 160
• frame characteristics: the frame is stiffer than a carbon frame and more comfortable than an aluminium frame
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