weiss cannondale , eneko en su nueva bh lynx

lance armstrong

eneko llanos
brobasin from Team Jamis on Vimeo.
Caveman and Lance Armstrong at XTERRA USA Champs
Here is some really cool footage of Lance and I duking it out up the 1st long climb at XTERRA USA Champs in Ogden Utah. The buzz Armstrongs’ participation at XTERRA created was amazing, and never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined trading punches with the 7x Tour winner up n climb on knobbly tired bikes. Even though Nico, Dan and Josiah (and the altitude!) worked me over, I’ll show the kids this video footage some day and say: “Your daddy used to be GOOD”
video xterra
WHAT IS XTERRA: The world’s premier off-road triathlon, combining a 1.5-kilometer (1-mile) rough water swim, a 29.5-kilometer (18.3-miles) mountain bike and a 9.8-kilometer (6.1-miles) trail run best described as a tropical roller-coaster ride through pineapple fields and forests.
WHO RACES IN MAUI: A capacity field of 675 athletes from 28 countries and 42 U.S. states including professionals and amateurs.
WHEN: The XTERRA World Championship starts at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 23, 2011.
WHERE: The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA
Amazing Men's Pro Field Assembled in Maui
jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011
Sunday's World Championship could provide the most intriguing men's pro race in XTERRA history.
By all accounts there are at least a dozen favorites - guys that could nail it on raceday and walk away on top. Most certainly, you start with Conrad "the Caveman" Stoltz, the defending champ and only pro to have four world titles. At least, that's where Lance Armstrong starts:
Lance Armstrong"I’m not a gambler, but I wouldn’t bet against Conrad Stoltz. He understands this game and he's won this race four times and this is his job. This is what he wants to do and this is his passion, so I’d put my money on him," said the 7-time Tour de France champ.
Of course, there is no shortage of fans putting their money on Armstrong, and perhaps deservedly so. In an interview with XTERRA TV yesterday Armstrong noted that since placing 5th at XTERRA Nationals last month he's put a few injuries behind him, has a better idea of how XTERRA works, and has been able to train specific for this race for a month or so now.
"I didn’t have any expectations, really, in Utah. I didn’t know exactly what I was getting into. I certainly hadn’t trained for it. I had been too busy. And at the end of the day, I didn’t really enjoy it because I suffered so much. I thought this is terrible, why do I want to go through this?" said Armstrong. "But I took a few days and thought about it, went home and started training again and said maybe I should at least focus on this. Do some interval work, at least adapt the training to what the race is like. I started getting into that. I didn’t travel for literally a month except for one trip. I think my condition and form will be completely different from what it was in Utah, but then again, Conrad (Stoltz) can say that and Dan Hugo and Josiah Middaugh can say that … all these people understand that this is the world championship and they had a month to prepare and a month to raise their game. Nobody peaked in Ogden; everybody is peaking here. I’ll be happy going out there and giving my best and maybe that’s top 5, maybe that’s top 10, could be better, I don’t know. That’s why we have the race."
Nico Lebrun, the 2005 XTERRA World Champ, showed he was in brilliant condition by winning in Utah last month, and said he was confident for this race because his training schedule is right on and he should be in peak form on Sunday. Still, Lebrun said his favorite would be Josiah Middaugh.
"Josiah is a climber like me and this course has a lot of climbing on the bike and the run so it will suit him well," explained Lebrun.
Middaugh, who has had a string of bad luck with mechanicals and such in the last few big races, has equal respect for Lebrun and echoes his thoughts on the course.
"This course is perfect for my skill sets with all the tough climbs, but with it being brand new who knows who else it will suit perfectly." said Middaugh.
A lot of guys think it will be the perfect introductory race for 2008 Olympic gold medalist Jan Frodeno - who has some big-time surf-swim experience in his arsenal. Then there's Michi Weiss, who has been close and in the top 3 the last three years. Who could count out Eneko Llanos, a three-time World Champ here in Maui. Of course, everyone who raced in Europe this year will tell you Olivier Marceau is the guy to beat, and he's come so close so many times maybe it is.
Then there's Dan Hugo, who simply crushed the Nationals course and has had ample time in Hawaii to get his focus straight for Sunday. And Tim DeBoom, don't let the 14th place finish in Utah fool you, he's a great swimmer and with some speed work will be in a better position to push the leaders.
All those guys, and Mike Vine, Richard Ussher, Chris Legh, Marcel Zamora, and Ivan Rana not even mentioned yet. Incredible field, unknown course, beautiful venue, it all promises to culminate in a magical Sunday.
2011 Pro Men (alpha by country)
Australia - Ben Allen, Chris Legh. Austria - Michael Weiss. Belgium - Jim Thijs Brazil - Felipe Moletta, Cid Santos, Marco Silva Junior, Frederico Zacharias. Canada - Kelly Guest, Mike Vine. Czech Republic - Jan Kubicek. England - Sam Gardner. France - Pierre Facomprez, Nicolas Lebrun. Germany - Ronny Dietz, Jan Frodeno. Italy - Simone Calamai, Denis Giovannetti, Antonello Pallotta. Japan - Yu Yumoto. New Zealand - Richard Ussher. South Africa - Dan Hugo, Conrad Stoltz, Raynard Tissink. Spain - Victor del Corral Morales, Eneko Llanos, Ivan Rana, Marcel Zamora. Switzerland - Olivier Marceau. United Kingdom - Llewellyn Holmes, Cedric Lassonde, Richard Stannard, Graham Wadsworth. USA - Jimmy Archer, Lance Armstrong, Brian Astell, Tim DeBoom, Jason Michalak, Josiah Middaugh, Branden Rakita, Will Ross, Cody Waite, Adam Wirth, Brad Zoller
2011 Pro Women (alpha by country)
Australia - Erin Densham. Austria - Carina Wasle. Brazil - Carla Prada, Manuela Vilaseca. Canada - Brandi Heisterman, Danelle Kabush, Melanie McQuaid, Tanis Tomlin. Czech Republic - Helena Erbenova. England - Julie Dibens. France - Sabrina Enaux, Marion Lorblanchet. Hungry - Brigitta Poor. Italy - Elisabetta Curridori. Mexico - Fabiola Corona. New Zealand - Catherine Dunn, Karen Hanlen. Saipan - Mieko Carey. Scotland - Lesley Paterson. Switzerland - Renata Bucher. USA - Caroline Colonna, Kelley Cullen, Emma Garrard, Jessica Noyola, Brandyn Roark, Suzie Snyder, Sara Tarkington
2010 Hawaiian Airlines Double Pro Results
Name Hometown Division Ironman XTERRA Total Men's pros
Eneko Llanos Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain MPro 8:22:02 2:40:44 11:02:46
Viernes, 21 octubre 2011
Conrad Stoltz, organizador de la prueba, considera una bendición la presencia de Lance
“Con Armstrong en Maui hay más cámaras que árboles en el recorrido del Mundial Xterra”
O. V.
El huracán Armstrong está arrasando Maui. Tradicionalmente la pequeña isla que acoge el Mundial Xterra, la última gran competición del año, suele ser un oásis de calma pero la llegada del heptacampeón del Tour ha traído consigo una revolución mediática.
Conrad Stoltz, organizador de la prueba en los últimos 16 años, está alucinado y agradece la pres[Img #4197]encia del estadounidense en la competición. De hecho, la considera una auténtica bendición ya que su presencia atrae a los patrocinadores de una manera decisiva: “
Está claro que es mucho más fácil hacer atractiva la prueba con alguien como Lance y eso hay que agradecerlo”.
"No creo que se puede medir el valor que trae Lance pero es increíble lo que mueve. Este fin de semana en el recorrido se pueden ver más cámaras que árboles. Es alucinante”, asegura Stoltz.
Esta es el segundo triatlón de Armstrong desde hace 23 años y el más importante desde hace esas más de dos décadas y la expectación sobre cómo puede responder es máxima. El propio Lance reconoce que en su estreno en Utah “no entré demasiado y sufrí pero a Maui llego mejor preparado”.
"Tener a Lance es increíble y lo que aporta a este deporte es realmente genial, va mucho más allá de la mera publicidad. E triatlón necesita gente como él", dijo Stoltz. El organizador de Maui ve a un Armstrong “impredecible. No soy apostador pero apostaría algo por él lo tengo claro
“Le ví en su primera prueba en Utah y lo que más mérito tiene es que acabó sin haberlo preparado demasiado. Lo hizo de una manera notable si se considera que no ha hecho un triatlón en 23 años. Creo que él cometió algunos errores pequeños que se van a arreglar aquí y lo va a hacer mejor en esta carrera", asegura Stoltz
Armstrong struggled throughout the run and came in 23rd.
Armstrong exited the swim 10 seconds behind the leaders, rode into first then was passed by Weiss before T2 before fading to 23rd on the run.

1.-michi weiss australia
2.-dan hugo south africa
3.-eneko llanos españa
4.-Josiah Middaugh USA
5.-ivan raña españa
23.-lance armstrong
Plc Name Division Fem Swim Bike Run Overall
1 Michael Weiss #2 Pro :23:34 1:19:32 :43:54 2:27:00
2 Dan Hugo #22 Pro :21:42 1:23:24 :42:27 2:27:33
3 Eneko Llanos #5 Pro :21:54 1:23:43 :42:49 2:28:26
4 Josiah Middaugh #19 Pro :24:20 1:21:03 :43:51 2:29:14
5 Ivan Rana #32 Pro :20:27 1:26:38 :42:26 2:29:31
6 Olivier Marceau #3 Pro :22:28 1:23:11 :44:01 2:29:40
7 Ronny Dietz #9 Pro :22:33 1:22:56 :44:18 2:29:47
8 Richard Ussher #6 Pro :23:35 1:23:36 :42:43 2:29:54
9 Jan Kubicek #10 Pro :24:28 1:24:22 :42:04 2:30:54
10 Christopher Legh #28 Pro :23:43 1:25:56 :41:31 2:31:10
11 Sam Gardner #12 Pro :25:18 1:22:39 :45:18 2:33:15
12 Jan Frodeno #24 Pro :20:24 1:27:29 :45:27 2:33:20
13 Alexander Haas #303 20 - 24 :23:38 1:24:46 :45:13 2:33:37
14 Nicolas Lebrun #4 Pro :24:29 1:23:57 :45:31 2:33:57
15 Mike Vine #7 Pro :24:06 1:27:02 :42:55 2:34:03
16 Tim Deboom #29 Pro :22:02 1:29:44 :42:37 2:34:23
17 Marvin Gruget #297 :21:54 1:24:12 :49:16 2:35:22
18 Kelly Guest #31 Pro :23:40 1:26:08 :45:50 2:35:38
19 Jim Thijs #8 Pro :23:42 : : 2:11:41 2:36:33
20 Branden Rakita #11 Pro :22:26 1:27:40 :46:32 2:36:38
21 Alejandro Santamaria #33 Pro :24:19 1:31:25 :40:58 2:36:42
22 Ryan Ignatz #338 30 - 34 :25:35 1:28:01 :43:17 2:36:53
23 Lance Armstrong #25 Pro :20:59 1:23:20 :52:40 2:36:59
24 Graham Wadsworth #35 Pro :26:26 1:26:55 :45:21 2:38:42
25 Llewellyn Holmes #40 Pro :24:44 1:27:00 :47:17 2:39:01
26 Felipe Moletta #17 Pro :23:33 1:25:20 :50:17 2:39:10
27 Antonello Pallotta #38 Pro :25:20 1:28:12 :45:44 2:39:16
28 Calvin Zaryski #686 40 - 44 :26:02 1:29:09 :44:17 2:39:28
29 Brad Zoller #16 Pro :22:35 1:30:25 :46:42 2:39:42
30 Tim Van Daele #640 30 - 34 :23:37 1:28:24 :47:54 2:39:55
31 Thomas Vonach #655 35 - 39 :24:26 1:31:33 :44:11 2:40:10
32 Michael Szymoniuk #615 30 - 34 :25:23 1:28:12 :47:04 2:40:39
33 Richard Stannard #27 Pro :20:22 1:31:36 :49:01 2:40:59
34 Jason Michalak #39 Pro :24:23 1:30:59 :46:36 2:41:58
35 Brian Astell #43 Pro :25:57 1:31:11 :45:06 2:42:14
36 Ben Allen #23 Pro :20:29 1:33:01 :49:09 2:42:39
37 Marcel Zamora Perez #34 Pro :22:49 1:31:19 :48:37 2:42:45
best swimmer
Richard Stannard #27 Pro :20:22
best biker
Michael Weiss #2 1:19:32
best runner
Jim Thijs #8 40:51
crònica en español
crònica en inglès
Austria’s Michael Weiss, Scotland’s Lesley Paterson Crowned 2011 Xterra World Champions
Updated: Oct 24th 2011 1:24 PM UTC by Julia Polloreno
Weiss and Paterson both earned their first Xterra world champion titles today, complementing solid swim and bike efforts with a fast run to secure the wins in the most competitive pro fields ever assembled. Pre-race favorites and former world champions Conrad Stoltz and Melanie McQuaid both had a disappointing day, with Stoltz dropping out due to his asthma and McQuaid collapsing in exhaustion just before the finish line. Another major highlight of today’s race was Lance Armstrong’s participation. After racing among the leaders on the swim and bike, he was overcome by faster runners and finished 23rd.
The high surf that was forecasted for today’s race never materialized, and the capacity field of 650 racers enjoyed relatively calm waters for the 2-lap, 1.5K swim at D.T. Flemings beach in front of the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua here in Maui. First men out of the water were Richard Stannard from Great Britain, German Olympic champion Jan Frodeno, Aussie Ben Allen and Spain’s Ivan Raña—all ITU racers. Lance Armstrong was also among the first men out of the water, and he was third leaving transition. On the women’s side, 2008 Olympian Erin Densham of Australia was the first out of the water with a healthy lead over Melanie McQuaid getting on the bike.
At mile 6 on the bike course, which was a 30K tour of the slopes of the western Maui mountainside, Armstrong led the race, followed less than a minute back by Olivier Marceau, then Raña, Frodeno, Dan Hugo, Weiss and Eneko Llanos. Stoltz was 1:45 back. On the women’s side, by mile 6 Melanie had overtaken Erin Densham, who was in second, followed by France’s Marion Lorblanchet, Renata Bucher of Switzerland and Paterson. But by mile 17, Weiss had opened up a 20-second gap over Armstrong, who was followed by Hugo, Stoltz, American Josiah Middaugh and Llanos. Melanie was riding alone at the front, but Lesley Paterson was gaining ground, riding in second place. Melanie entered T2 with a small lead over Lesley.
Weiss started the 6.1-mile run around Kapalua with nearly a 2 minute lead over the next competitor, Dan Hugo. Eneko Llanos was just behind Hugo, and Middaugh was running in 3rd at mile 2. Lance Armstrong rounded out the top 5 in the early miles. In the women’s race, McQuaid was still leading, but Paterson, known for her running strength—especially on downhills and technical terrain—and Lornblanchet were closing in. Weiss held his lead through the finish, with Hugo thirty seconds behind for second and Llanos running into third.
“I can’t believe it, my wildest dream came true,” Weiss said after the race. “I have to celebrate big time tonight! I think I deserve it after a second place and two thirds. Congrats to all the competitors—you’re all Xterra warriors.”
Armstrong ultimately finished 23rd after suffering a crash at the end of the bike.
“When they already have you on the ropes in the swim, then the first part of the bike seems to be even harder,” said Armstrong. “And it’s hard just because you’re transitioning from upper body work to lower body work, I was already in the red so it took me longer to get into a groove on the bike. That course starts hard and stays hard.”
Paterson passed McQuaid on the stretch of beach sand leading to the uphill finish to claim the win.
“After the [fast] swim I thought, ‘I don’t believe this,’ and then I got to transition and saw that my tire was flat,” Paterson explained. “I thought that was it—that my race was over. Then I thought, ‘No, I’m not going to let myself do that. I’ve come all this way and I’ve trained really hard.’ So I fixed it, and I think it just gave me the aggression I needed.”
Lornblanchet also passed McQuaid in the final stretch, and McQuaid had to be assisted by the medical team after collapsing just before the finish line. Helena Erbenova of the Czech Republic rounded out the top 3 women.

Michi Weiss Wins Xterra Off-Road Triathlon World Championships!
Cannondale is proud to announce a second World Championship title in as many weeks.
Two weeks ago, the one-and-only Chrissie Wellington won the Ironman World Championships for the 4th time, in spectacular fashion. Not to be outdone, former Olympic Mountain Biker, Michael Weiss made a new addition to his palmares: World Champion. Weiss bested the competition in a total time of 2:27:00 at the notoriously challenging Xterra Off-Road Triathlon World Championships yesterday, held each year in Maui, HI.
Weiss rode his new Cannondale Flash Carbon 29er to victory; a win defined by a race-best bike split of 1:19:32, a minute and a half faster than his nearest pursuers, which included the legendary Lance Armstrong.
“I came close the last three years, finishing 2nd, 3rd and then 3rd again. I’m extremely happy to finally win here,” said Weiss. “This is a dream come true for me. I totally killed it on the bike. It's really where I made a difference. The Flash Carbon 29er is so comfortable with the SAVE technology, and so light. It was really the perfect setup. I wish I could have done better in Kona, but everything happens for a reason. Now, I'll come back and do Ironman Arizona on November 20th and then it's back to Bethel to work with the fine people of Cannondale.”
A heartfelt congratulations to Michael Weiss on his first World Championship title!
Armstrong impresiona en su regreso al triatlón
Con 40 años cumplidos y apenas unos meses después de dejar el ciclismo profesional, Lance Armstrong ha vuelto al triatlón, el deporte que practicó y dominó de adolescente, para medirse a las figuras del momento. Una caída le apartó el domingo de los puestos de honor en el Mundial de Xterra.
JOSU GARAI. MADRID 24/10/11 - 22:00.
Después de liderar la prueba en el sector de mountain bike, una caída y después un 'pájara' de antología hicieron que Lance Armstrong perdiera todas sus opciones en el Campeonato del Mundo de triatlón Xterra, en el que al final se tuvo que conformar con la vigésimo tercera posición.
Lance salió del agua en el quinto lugar, a poco más de medio minuto del primero, y se puso en cabeza de la prueba en el sector de bicicleta de montaña, pero el austriaco Michael Weiss, un antiguo 'biker' que fue olímpico en Atenas 2004, le dio alcance antes de llegar al tercer bloque: la carrera a pie. Armstrong, además, sufrió una dura caída cuando era segundo y, aunque llevaba casco, quedó algunos instantes conmocionado.
Finalmente, en la carrera a pie se desfondó, quizá como consecuencia de la caída, y perdió todas sus opciones, aunque dio muestras de la calidad que atesora y por momentos incluso llegó a recordar al 'Wonder Boy' (niño fantástico) que, cuando tenía 16 y 17 años, antes de dedicarse al ciclismo, arrasaba en el circuito estadounidense e incluso plantaba cara a los míticos Mark Allen y Scott Tinley.
Eneko Llanos acabó tercero tras una tran remontada e Iván Raña fue quinto
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