Trampa ciclista en fuente de la teja valdemoro madrid
Viéndolo algunos dirán un puntazo!
June 16, 2014 by Kristin Butcher
Tick. Tick. Tick. It’s the second hour of a conference call that will only result in more conference calls. The second hand on the clock tortures you with its dawdling pace. Somewhere between the words “truth-tested” and “corporate pow-wow,” your thoughts drift away from the cubicle-gray surroundings into a daydream filled with gentle ticks of spinning hubs and air whooshing just past your ears. “If only,” you wonder, “I got paid to ride my bike.”
Those who dream about a bike-based day job might be surprised to know that making a living (or, at least, some semblance of one) riding isn’t limited to elite pro racers and street-hardened messengers. Here are five jobs where the office chair is a saddle:
Skills instructor
Pro rider and Beti AllRide Clinic lead instructor Lindsey Voreis built a career creating confidence in others. Being a full-time instructor comes with a serious travel schedule, which is why the back of Lindsey's sprinter van has a bed big enough for both her and her dog. In addition to attending numerous events, Lindsey teaches around 40 mountain bike clinics each year and spent 250 days on the bike last year. Combining a passion for teaching with a love of riding comes with a lot of side benefits. “The people, the trails, the bikes, the camaraderie, the power between people riding together and helping each other. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced,” says Lindsey.
Professional Ride Guide
Guides for big operations like Western Spirit and Big Mountain Bike Adventures offer so much more than knowledgeable wheels to follow. They take care of logistics, set up camp and cook tasty backcountry meals. They know the best places to stop for lunch and where to find the panoramic view you’ll still be talking about decades later. They fix bikes and people, too. While the job title is “ride guide,” they are really the purveyors of adventure.
Events Crews
Our two-person teams spread the love of bicycling by attending fun and inclusive events, sharing advocacy knowledge and experiencing the riding challenges and successes first hand in communities across the country. You probably won’t see “itinerant bicycling advocate” at the local career fair, but if you’re one of the lucky few who land this job, you’ll get to spend half the year spinning your wheels on roads from the plains to the mountains.
Bike Industry Lackey
Sure, you’ll still spend your fair share of time staring at spreadsheets and sitting on conference calls, but there is much to be said for working with people who don’t look at you screwy for spending more on your bike than your car and who understand you’re attending a meeting in spandex because you forgot your pants at home (note: they’ll still make fun of you, but they’ll understand).
No, really. In bicycle-friendly Boulder, CO, Pedal to Properties lets buyers check out new neighborhoods in the best way possible—by bike. But being a Boulder-based realtor isn’t the only way to combine what you do with what you love. Handymen, IT support and even bike mechanics are making house calls on wheels and enjoying the benefits that come when the company car is a bike.
Bicycle Security Guards
Places like zoos, amusement parks and airports employ security personnel on bikes to cover large areas quickly. Training and background checks may be required, but you get a shiny badge and the ability to clock in, grab a bike and ride on.
Un irlandés acaba un triatlón tras esquivar ocho veces la muerte
Mattew Hawksley es la viva imagen de que existen los milagros. Este irlandés pasará a la historia por su obcecación por esquivar la muerte. Una muerte que se ha presentado a sus puertas en ocho ocasiones de distintas maneras y a la que ha engañado en esas ocho ocasiones. Tanto la ha burlado que el pasado fin de semana en Sligo (Irlanda) ha sido capaz de acabar un triatlón que no parecía estar escrito en su destino.
Mattew, además, repitió el escenario donde hace tres años comenzó su calvario cuando se partió el cuello. Tenía 23 años y comenzaba un camino lleno de desgracias. Los médicos le ‘condenaron’ a una parálisis permanente, pasó cinco semanas en coma, luego todo se complicó con una neumonía
Tras regresar a su casa le golpeó un cáncer testicular y le tuvieron que extirpar el testículo derecho. A pesar de este cúmulo de infortunio nunca se frenó y peleó por volver a ser un deportista.
Volvió a nadar pero tuvo otra desgracia, ya que sufrió un paro cardiaco. Tuvo la suerte de que en la playa donde nadaba se encontraba una enfermera que le salvó la vida, ya que en el intervalo de 30 minutos tuvo cuatro infartos, se le llenaron los pulmones de agua y todo indicaba que había llegado su final…pero nada puede con el bravo Mattew.
A pesar de toda esta larga lista de graves problemas, a este británico se le pudo ver este pasado fin de semana con su neopreno y con una condición física impensable cuando se miran sus desgracias en los últimos tres años.
“Estoy emocionado, he llorado y me siento orgulloso de haber participado en el mismo triatlón donde hace tres años empezaron todos mis problemas”
Fuente: Dailymail
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