datos de cecilio benito-inglès
ceci description...
CECI-LIO is 58 years of age. Birthdate: 4/29/1948 ( nobody believes him ! cecil, in a recent test they said that my RealAge® is 42 — !)
He lives in Spain: Madrid ( capital and center of Spain )and Alicante (south east) 50 % time each.
CECI-LIO describes himself as Stunning Looking.
( in Spanish we say that... you do not have grandmother!)
Nationality Spanish
Children. I have 4 Children of my former marriage, from 22 to 30,all universitaries
they do not live with me , 1 of them live with their mother one alone and the two males together.
Speaks English, French, Italian, Spanish
ICQ Number 329078
Personal Attributes
Ethnic Features White/Caucasian
Hair: Gray, Type Short - Straight
Facial Hair None/Clean Shaven
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'7'' (171 Cm.)
Weight: 165 Lbs. (75 Kgs.)
Body style: Athletic Well Built/Muscular
Glasses Only Occasionally to read and sun glasses
Activity: Very Active
Smoking: Non-Smoker
Drinking alcohol : Never
Body art: I don't have any.
Body Art No Tattoos
Jewels No Jewellery
Piercings No Body Piercings
he is not a gambler in casinos..nor lotteries or similars..
I think people view me and my appearance as...: very good !
My favorite item of clothing:
My trusty pair of jeans., A leather motorcycle jacket.,
My Armani suit / My Prada dress, smoking jacket to Charity Balls
A bit about my personal style: depends on situation..!
My disabilities: None
My sexual health status: very good!
Drugs I Don't take Drugs!
Marital status: Divorced more than 15 years ago
Grew up in: La Coruña, Spain and Madrid spain
Education: Doctorate,University and Masters Degree , Forest Engineer and pulp and paper engineer
Studies emphasis: Nature,Marketing, Internet, Human Resources..
Politics: center
Occupation: Management
Annual income: over$100,000
writer of 4 books about rallying, personnel recruitment, production and internet
Lecturer of more than 50 conferences in Spain and in the rest of Europe
Star Taurus
Details About CECI-LIO
Nights Out Twice a Week /Dining Enjoy it
English food No /French cuisine Yes/ Italian food Yes
Indian food Yes /Chinese food Yes /Japanese food Yes
Fast food No ( only with kids!) /KFC Yes/ Pizza No ( sometimes) /MacDonalds No except with the young ones..
Pubs Not Really Keen/ Cinema yes /Clubs No
Concerts Classic Music, Like it a Lot /.-Disco Just OK ( used to be Travolta number 2 some days ago !)
Theatre Enjoy it .-Arts I Enjoy the Arts
Museum Love it.- /Walking in the park Love it
Reading I Love it
Newspapers from Spain El Mundo, El Pais ,Le Monde /
Magazines Computer Magazines Business Magazines Sports
TV Documentary & Films ex: BBC
Watch Sport: Cycling Motorsport Athletics
Plays Sports, Cycling Swimming Sailing, cross country skying etc..
Where will you be in 3 years from now ?
probably in the same place !
What really makes you happy and what makes you sad ?
happy, be with my loved ones!
practice sport, read a good book, see a good film
war and famine in the world
I´m a man for all seasons, active, attractive and full of life,
open mind and sport oriented. Writer and reader with curiosity
for the last novelties. Good with children and sensitive,
romantic and with love for mother nature. Good companion,
friend and lover. Trustfull
Something in Spanish
Persona activa, deportista, ( triatlón,natación, ski de fondo, equitación, vela,
yates, ciclismo de carretera, mountain bike, jogging, submarinismo,
motociclismo, automovilismo...) ,sana, no fumo, abstemio,
independiente económicamente, sociable, formación universitaria ,
Ingeniero,MBA, profesor, empresario, consultor, escritor, amante de
la naturaleza y de ti, del mar y los animales, incluso los racionales,
con sentido del humor, atractivo y buena persona.
My favorite kind of television shows: Movie Channels, Sports, Sci-Fi, News, Sit-coms, MTV or VH1, Documentary/Learning
My television viewing habits: I have several shows that I'm dedicated to watching each week.
My all time favorite TV show: BBC documentary , you learn !
My favorite kind of movies: Sci-Fi, Documentary, Comedy, Action, Romance/Love Stories, Cult Classics
How often do I go to the movies?: Once or twice a month.
My all-time favorite movie: the game, all good :...actors, screenplay, history
My favorite kind of music: Rock 'n Roll, Classic Rock, Country and Western, Classical, Pop/Top 40, Opera/Show Tunes, R&B/Soul, Muzak
I like music because: It's relaxing and It is inspiring
My favorite singer/band: beatles, they have everything!
My first album/CD was: the kinks, yes I have it yet !
My favorite types of books: Sci-Fi, Fiction, Non Fiction, Self-Help, Travel, Best Sellers
When do you I read?: At night before I go to bed.
My favorite author or book: julio verne , sci-fi classic
Personality Traits
My personality is: Outgoing, Funny a, Intelligent, Sarcastic, Glass half full
The virtues that mean the most to me: Friendliness, Self-control,
Mercy, Honesty, Tolerance, Patience, Devotion
The animal that best describes my personality: Dog, Eagle
Important qualities I look for in a mate: intelligence! why not ?
A celebrity with a similar sense of humor: Woody Allen, no explain needed!
Hobbies & Interest
Activities I like: Healthy living, Business news, Cooking,
Computer programming, Auto repair, Gardening, Surfing the Internet,
Reading, Writing novels/books, Vegetarian eating, Photography, Vegetarian cooking
How I like to spend my free time indoors: reading, listening music
Sports & Outdoors
Sports and activities I'm interested/active in? : Triathlon, Running, Snorkeling/Scuba diving,
Cycling, Sailing, Canoeing, Equestrian, Swimming, Skiing/Snowboarding, Travelling,Tennis
Extreme sports , Taking cruises, Camping, Hiking, Mountain biking
A great sporting or outdoor adventure would be...:
1.-mountain biking through wild region
2.- hiking to machu pichu
3.-sailing greek islands
4.- Extrem Triathlon in Hawaii
Dreams & Goals
My dream house: Rustic cabin out in the woods, Cozy cottage in the country
If I was a car, I would be...: The fastest, hottest sports car on the road, a red honda like mine
for instance..!
and I'd be a Motoguzzi motorcycle.
If I was given a million dollars, I would...: invest , travel, buy a yatch, and pay my bills!
If I was granted 3 wishes...: health , love with you and money !
What "power" would I like to have: The ability to see into the future
How I would spend my retirement: Travelling cross country in a mobile home,
Exploring the 7 Wonders of the World, Sailing the seven seas, At home with
7 good books, !
Work & Living Environment
My pace of your life: Organized
How much time does my job take up: I work part-time in my own Internet company
My annual income: More than $100K
A bit about what I do for a living: I enjoy every moment!
How I feel about my fame and fortune: right!
My dining habits: Cook? I'm a master chef
I'm on several hours online a day
How big is my family?: I've a mother , one brother and one sister....and 4 sons!
How close is my family?: We're very close.
A bit about my life growing up...: good education ,
university, MBA, good family.. good acomplishments..
I live in a: House
How I get around: mTB and road bike, Motorcycle Motoguzzi 500cc.Alicante and Yamaha 250 cc Madrid
What role is religion in my life?: Only on special religious holidays.
Do I have any pets?: Dog , german shepherd 5 years old
How do I feel about my career, family and life in general?: Happy
Outlook on Life
What factors are most important to me when looking for someone?: Education
I bounce back from a bad day by...: A long soak in the tub or a frantic ride in my mountain bike !
My favorite season: Summer but I like all seasons
What things in life are the most important to me?: health , love and money !
5 years from now, I see myself...: same that now but with you !
Personality & Activities
My personality traits:
Adventurous, Artistic, Earthy, Easygoing, High Energy, Humorous,
Intellectual, Liberal, Musical, Nurturing, Practical, Procrastinator,
Romantic, Sensitive, Spontaneous, Talkative, Witty,
My favorite activities:
Adventure Travel, triathlon, Camping, Cooking, Dancing, Hiking, Listening to Music,
Motorcycling, Sailing, Surfing the Web, Traveling, Weekend Trips, Writing,
Cuisine, Music & Reading
My favorite cuisines:
Chinese, East-European, French, Italian, Japanese,
Mediterranean, Sushi, Vegetarian,
My favorite music:
Blues, Classic Rock n' Roll, Classical, Country, Folk,
Modern Rock 'n Roll, New Age, Reggae, Soul, everything except rap !
I like to read:
Fiction, Magazines, Newspapers, Non-Fiction, Trade Journals,
Leisure and Physical Activities
I like going out to:
Ballroom Dances, Bookstores, Concerts, Movies, Parks, Museums
Restaurants, Shopping Malls, Sports Events, The Beach,The mountains
My favorite physical activities:
Triathlon,Bicycling, Boating, Jogging, Rollerskating, Scuba Diving,
Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Walking,
Dating Preference
I like to do: Dinner at a fancy restaurant, slow dancing and a moonlit walk on the beach.
How planned I prefer a date to be: There should be plans, but if they change at the last minute, I won't panic.
What activities I enjoy on a date: Trying a new restaurant, Going out for a drink
Some of my views on dating etiquette: I am a gentleman, I open the doors and I pay !
Some of my expectations on a first date.: fun and mutual knowledge!
I'd just like to Add....
I am active, attractive and good person..
How truthful have I been in this profile:
These are webs about me , my activities, my clubs and my hobbies..
resort in Alicante
another short personal page with some photos..
my marketing club, sorry only in Spanish
my mountain bike club,in Madrid, bilingual first page
my road bike club in Alicante, club only in spanish but with an interesting
weather page (tiempo)
RXT Extrem Triathlon