Bloom es un dispositivo creado por Society Creative llc. pensado para ser una herramienta subversiva e inspiracional para las junglas de cemento.
Con Bloom instalado en tu bicicleta vas creando burbujas a medida que pedaleas, con un sistema similar al de los escapes de auto, pero claro, sin los nocivos gases producidos por la combusión interna de los motores.
La inspiración de Bloom llegó gracias a las semillas de Diente de León, las que nos entregan sana diversion cuando soplamos las esferas de “plumitas” para que viajen con el viento. De la misma forma, Bloom disemina semillas dentro de las burbujas de jabón, logradas con ingredientes naturales.
Al pedalear, las semillas que dispersas con tu bicicleta, terminarán por germinar en las mas diversas grietas y rincones en la ciudad, haciendola más verde.
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The Bloom device is meant to be a subversive and inspirational tool for our concrete jungles. Similar to the tuft of a dandelion as the wind carries the seedling, we propose a way of dispersing seedlings with bubbles and bicycling. Seeds are co-mingled with a bubble mixture and upon pedaling to your destination , you release the floating seeds which land in cracks and crevices throughout the city streets. Over time, the seeds grow into flowers and plants to create a green "fringe" to our sidewalks and streets.
Using natural ingredients; vegetable based soap and seeds, combine together to make a dissolving "nugget". The resulting mixture resides in a reservoir inside Blooms aluminum housing. The housing is attached to the lower frame near the rear tire, similar to a exhaust pipe. Upon pedalling, air enters the front of Bloom and spins a pinwheel inside which picks up a small drop of the seed/bubble mixture and blows a bubble carrying a seed out the back as "exhaust".
Our inspiration comes from the tale of Johnny Appleseed, where he would spread seeds everywhere he went planting apple trees for future generations.
look at the video
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