body glide (for back of neck)
Pam, to spray on legs (to ease removal of wetsuit)
triathlon jersey
cycling/triathlon shorts
swim cap
heart rate monitor watch
heart rate monitor strap
tire pump (pump tires up day before, adding a few psi to compensate for overnight pressure loss)
chain lube (apply day before)
Profile Aerodrink bottle (or Jetstream)
2 water bottles
6 gels
cycling shoes
race belt w/ race number
sunglasses (optional)
gloves (optional)
seat pack with 2 tubes, patchkit, tire irons, multi-tool, and CO2 inflation system
running shoes
gel belt with 2 gels and flasks of water and Gatorade/Carbo-Pro
otra lista
q Chain lube
q Comfortable clothes/ shoes for after race
q Directions to race
q Entry confirmation letter or e-mail
q Extra towel
q Floor pump
q Race number
q Race packet
q Wallet/ID/cash
q Wrist watch
q Teddy bear
q Pillows
q Claritin
q Alleve
q Bagels
q Clif bar
q Gatorade
q Get Gatorade bottles from freezer
q Shoes
q Socks
q Speedo
q Sweats
q Timing chip
q Underwear
Bike Prep
q Aerodrink/straw
q Bar-end plugs
q Bento box (electrolyte capsules, gels)
q Check tire pressure
q Fill Aerodrink
q Floor pump
q Frame pump
q Water bottles
q Pump tires
q Race number on bike
q Saddlebag (patch kit, tubes, multitool, cash, emergency info, wipes,
tire levers)
q Advil
q Body glide
q Bodymarking
q Sunscreen
q Timing chip
q Tums
q Two gels
q Gatorade
q Heart rate monitor
q Anti-fog solution
q Body glide
q Goggles
q Sunglasses labeled/on table
q Swim cap
q Swimsuit
q Wetsuit
Swim to Bike
q Coolmax undershirt
q Cycling gloves
q Cycling shirt
q Cycling shoes
q Cycling shorts
q Emergency info
q Energy bar
q Energy gel
q Helmet
q Race number on jersey/helmet
q Socks
q Towel
q Wind jacket
Bike Special Needs
q Energy bar
q Energy drink powder
q Energy gels
q Raisins
q Spare tube
q Sunscreen
q Glass wipes
Bike to Run
q Ben Gay
q Hand wipes
q Glass wipes
q Cash
q Elastic laces or lace locks
q Electrolyte capsules
q Emergency info
q Energy bar
q Energy gels
q Gatorade powder
q Hat or visor
q Fleece
q Race number belt/number
q Reflective tape
q Regular glasses
q SS shirt
q Shoes/orthotics
q Shorts
q Socks
q Tights
q Underwear
q Water bottle/belt
q Wind shell
Run special needs
q Caffeinated gels
q Electrolyte capsules
q Energy drink powder
q LS Shirt
q Energy bar
q Biofreeze
q Insect repellant
q Pepto
q Potato chips
q Pretzels
q Raisins
q Tums
--Harold Buck
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