viernes, noviembre 07, 2008

seis grados de separaciòn

Estamos todos conectados en sòlo 6 pasos


we are all connected in only six steps!

Microsoft studied records of 30 billion electronic conversations among 180 million
people in various countries, according to the Washington Post. This was 'the first
time a planetary-scale social network has been available,' they observed.
The database covered all the Microsoft Messenger instant-messaging network
in June 2006, equivalent to roughly half the world's instant-messaging traffic
at that time.

Eric Horvitz and fellow researcher Jure Leskovec considered two people to be
acquaintances if they had sent one another a message. They looked at the minimum
chain lengths it would take to connect 180 billion different pairs of users in
the database. They found that the average length was 6.6 hops, and that 78 per
cent of the pairs could be connected in seven steps or fewer. But some were
separated by as many as 29 steps.

Six Degrees of Separation


kevin bacon organization for charity
Six Degrees Homepage
Be a celebrity for your causeBe a Celebrity for Your Cause
About Six Degrees

You've probably heard of the Six Degrees concept. Any one person (including me, Kevin Bacon)
is connected to any other person through six or fewer relationships, because it's a small world. is about using this idea to accomplish something good. It's social networking with
a social conscience. Through this web site, you can support your favorite charities by donating
or creating fundraising badges — as well as check out the favorite causes of other people,
including celebrities. was started with the nonprofit Network for Good in January 2007, more than
10 years after the game, "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" made the rounds of college campuses and
lived on to be a shorthand term for the small world phenomenon. Current Six Degrees partners are:

* Network for Good, the nonprofit organization that hosts this web site and helps people
support all of their favorite charities online.
* Hanes, Parade Magazine and the Case Foundation who have provided matching grants to the
charitable causes you care about most.

I want to thank those partners — and especially, I want to thank you, for making a difference
in the world.

All the best,
en español

todos estamos relacionados con cualquier otra persona del planeta por no más de
seis grados de separación y Microsoft acaba de demostrar que es cierto, aunque
no son seis grados sino casi siete.

Un estudio de Microsoft recogido este lunes por la prensa de EE UU corrobora que
dos individuos cualesquiera están conectados entre sí por no más de 6,6 grados
de separación, es decir, que son necesarios siete o menos intermediarios para relacionarlos.

Para demostrar que a nadie le separan más de siete pasos de George Clooney o
Angelina Jolie, el gigante del software ha utilizado 30.000 conversaciones
electrónicas de 180 millones de usuarios de su servicio de mensajería instantánea Messenger.

Interconexiones entre los seres humanos

El estudio, que usó datos de 2006, partió de la base que dos personas se conocían
si habían intercambiado al menos un mensaje de texto. Los investigadores descubrieron
que cualquier par de usuarios estaba interconectado por una media de 6,6 eslabones,
aunque en algunos casos eran necesarios hasta 29 para relacionar a dos personas.

"Esta es la primera vez que una red social a escala planetaria ha logrado validar la
teoría de los seis grados de separación", señalaron Eric Horvitz y Jure Leskovec,
responsables del estudio, al diario 'The Washington Post'.

Desde la década de los sesenta, diferentes investigadores han indagado en las
interconexiones entre los seres humanos, intentando demostrar que, en realidad,
la cadena entre un campesino en Camboya y un multimillonario estadounidense,
por ejemplo, es más corta de lo que parece. Curiosamente, casi todos los estudios
llegaron a un número de interconexiones en torno al seis.

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