ceci-lio explica sus actividades deportivas y coloca en èste blog los temas que le preocupan o gustan tales como mùsica de calidad de cualquier tipo,deportes, triatlòn y duatlòn,fùtbol, fòrmula 1 , bicicletas y sus accesorios,ecologìa, flora, fauna, informàtica y en general cosas curiosas
xterra campeonato del mundo 2018 Maui Hawaii , en el centro de la foto Bàrbara Edelson ,que luego acabarìa campeona de Xterra, grupo de edad 60 + por 8ª vez , pero antes fuè arrollada por èsa ola y perdiò las gafas y el gorro ademàs de que fuè seriamente golpeada y magullada
con ceci entrenando el recorrido ciclista en 2015
otra vista
por aquì hay que pasar bàrbara al fondo
bàrbara llega antes de hacernos el selfie
bàrbara antes de ser atropellada por una ola de màs de 4m
bàrbara pierde las gafas y el gorro y està aturdida por el golpe . Fuè sacada del agua por otra participante
la bici en 2018 , llevaba lloviendo 15 dìas seguidos en Maui y el recorrido estaba superresbaladizo y con barro
la bici en 2015
las piernas de bàrbara en 2018 al terminar. , hay que observar la gran herida que tiene en su pierna izquierda
el maillot de campeona del mundo 2016
el diploma de campeona del mundo
en el podio de èste año grupos de edad 60 + masculinos y femeninos
la cara que se te queda al terminar
All’s well that ends well. I honestly cannot believe that I forged ahead yesterday @XTERRA Worlds after the swim experience - huge waves and 3 unsuccessful attempts to get to the shore. Here's the skinny: tehe gun went off, we all did approx. 2k of rough water ocean swimming, then... the surf became HUGE! MONSTEROUS! SCARY! I was brutally pummeled by 10' waves three different times! I'm here to talk about it :) I only know what happened to me, but I think some had it the same, some worse, some ... were carried away on stretchers. I owe my focus to the finish to high levels of adrenaline and love of the sport...and to Dick Garrard’s (photo credit) warmth and compassion while medical people pulled me over immediately upon stepping foot onto the beach/they stopped me from running to bike, took some vitals while I begged them to release me! (God Bless them..!). I’m really not 100% today: swollen eye, badly bruised maybe cracked ribs, not sure about my back until I get home.
Thanks to Dick’s photos I can see for myself just how large the waves were! All was fine in the swim even though it felt like stormy seas way out there - it was so much fun and totally doable!! It was at the swim exit that I was pummeled initially very hard, then when I surfaced there was another wall, that’s when I tried to go under (shown in photo) - with no luck. The second pummel was enough, the third was huge - my head crashed to the sand, my left eye closed the rest of the day, I also lost my orange cap and nice brand new XTERRA Wetsuits goggles- that’s when someone pulled me with her to shore. Seriously grateful for a lot right now....
Hospitalizados tres miembros de una familia al ser arrollados cuando iban en bici en Palma
Una pareja con cuatro niños circulaban por la Porta de Sant Antoni cuando fueron atropellados
28.10.2018 | 10:50 |xavier peris |Sucesos
Un matrimonio y una de sus hijas tuvieron que ser hospitalizados el pasado sábado en Palma después de ser arrollados por un coche cuando circulaban en bicicleta en grupo por el carril bici de la Porta de Sant Antoni, en Palma. El turismo atropelló al padre, que llevaba a un bebé en una sillita trasera, y a otra bicicleta en la que iba una niña. La madre no resultó alcanzada, pero fue trasladada a un centro médico ya que está embarazada y sufrió una crisis nerviosa.
El accidente ocurrió el viernes sobre las siete de la tarde, en el carril bici que transcurre por la Porta de Sant Antoni, a la altura de la calle Mateu Enric Lladó. La familia iba en cinco bicicletas –los padres, él con un bebé en la sillita, y tres niños–. La conductora del coche explicó que llevaba un vehículo de sustitución porque el suyo está en el taller, y había confundido el pedal del freno por el acelerador. Cuando se cruzó con elgrupo de ciclistas la conductora perdió el control del vehículo y atropelló a dos de ellos –el padre y una de las niñas–, que cayeron al suelo.
El bebé salió ileso, pero padre e hija resultaron heridos. La madre, que no fue alcanzada, tuvo que ser hospitalizada para ser examinada, ya que está embarazada y sufrió una crisis nerviosa.
rubèn es el primero en dejar la bici pero ron akerson hizo una transiciòn super ràpida y està a solo 1 minuto de rubèn al final perdiò 3 posiciones en la carrera
La prueba comenzaba a las 21:00 hora española con los 1.500 metros de natación donde Sam Osborne ha sido el primero en salir junto con
Rubén Ruzafa ha cruzado la meta en cuarta posición Mauricio Méndez y Roger Serrano que salían unos pocos segundos después. Ruben Ruzafa y Akerson salía a casi un minuto del neozelandés
Una vez sobre la bicicleta , Rubén Ruzafa fue remontando posiciones para alcanzar el liderato sobre el kilómetro 5 de carrera, cosa que ha hecho en las ultimas ediciones en la que ha participado. Poco a poco el malagueño fue aumentando su ventaja para llegar a la T2 con cerca de 1 minuto sobre Rom Akerson , 2:30 sobre Sam Osborne y 3:20 sobre el ganador el del año pasado Bradley Weiss. Roger Serrano terminó el segmento en décimo puesto a 12 minutos de Ruzafa.
En los 10 kilometros de Trail Running, Ruzafa iba perdiendo tiempo respecto a sus perseguidores para que sobrepasado el kilómetro 3 del segmento Rom Akerson alcanzara el liderato para no dejarlo hasta el final dando la sorpresa y consiguiendo el título mundial con un tiempo de 2:52:42 . El segundo clasificado ha sido Bradley Weiss (2:53:17) con el mejor parcial de carrera a pie seguido por Sam Osborne (2:54:38) ocupando la tercera posición final. Rubén Ruzafa entraba en meta en cuarta posición con un tiempo de 2:55:35. Roger Serrano era undécimo https://www.triatlonnoticias.com/noticia/triatlon/ruben-ruzafa-cuarto-campeonato-mundo-xterra-2018
Sorpresón en el XTERRA Maui con el triunfo del costaricense Rom Akerson. Lesley Paterson arrasa en mujeres.
Un día de viento, sol y con muchas olas en el agua y sobre todo mucho barro, daba la bienvenida al Cto del Mundo de XTERRA en Maui
Roger Serrano tomaba la cabeza de la prueba en el segmento de natación al paso por la primera vuelta, pero era pasado en la segunda por el neozelandés Sam Osborne que sale primero de los 1500 m con un tiempo de 20:48, siendo además el primero en subirse sobre las dos ruedas con el mexicano Maurizio Méndez y el propio Roger a 5 sg y el grupo de favoritos liderado por Rom Akerson, con Ruzafa y Weiss dentro a 50 sg.
El segmento del MTB comenzaba con tramos muy resbaladizos por el barro, Maurizio Méndez y Sam Osborne lideran la prueba en los primeros 3 kilómetros pero pronto Bradley Weiss y Rubén Ruzafa se colocan a menos de 30 sg.
Rubén Ruzafa toma el liderato en el km 5 y se va solo a la T2 metiendo tiempo sobre todo al principio. Al paso por el km 10, Ruzafa tiene una ventaja de 1:15 sobre Sam Osborne, Maurizio Méndez, Sam Osborne, Bradley Weiss y el costaricense Rom Akerson.
Conforme avanzaba el recorrido el barro hacía estragos y Rubén Ruzafa sacaba petroleo a un ritmo espectacular de 1 hora 41:07. A más de 2 minutos pasaban Akerson, Osborne y Weiis en el km 20.
El tramo final deja a Ruzafa líder en solitario en la T2 con un tiempo de carrera de 2:04:40. A continuación a 55sg entra la revelación del día Rom Akerson quien a sus 34 años, se baja segundo con Osborne tercero a 2:35. El campeón de 2018 Bradley Weiss llega en el puesto 4 a 3:18 y Josiah Middaugh en el top5 a 3:50. Roger Serrano se baja el 10 a 12 minutos.
El tramo final de carrera a pie vuelve a ser el talón de aquiles para Rubén Ruzafa que es pasado por un Akerson encendido a los 3,5 km. Por detrás Bradley Weiss también pasa a Ruzafa y con el mejor parcial a pie de 44:36 se hace con el segundo puesto a 35 sg, Sam Osborne también pasa a Ruzafa copando el podio a 1:56 mientras que Rubén se tiene que conformar con el 4º puesto y Josiah Middaugh el quinto. El tiempo final de Rom fue de 2:52:42. Roger Serrano finalmente fue el 11
En categoría femenina la cosa estuvo más clara con Lesley Paterson ganando la prueba contundentemente. Paterson se colocó lider en el km 6 del MTB tras haber cedido 3:25 en el agua respecto a Michello Flipo de México.
Posteriormente la americana llegó a la T2 con más de 8 minutos sobre la húngara Brigitta Poor y de 9 sobre su compatriota Suzie Snyer.
La carrera a pie fue un trámite para Paterson que ganó la prueba con un tiempo de 3:29:08 y 10:48 de ventaja sobre Michelle Flipo que hacía la gran remontada a pie. El bronce fue para la neozelandesa Lizzie Orchard también remontando mucho a pie con el mejor tiempo de 54:50.
The 23rd annual XTERRA World Championship is presented by Paul Mitchell and the Maui Visitors Bureau. Other partners include Suunto, the Hawaii Tourism Authority, Gatorade Endurance, OOFOS, Kapalua Resorts, the Maui Motorcyle Company, and The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua.
October 28, 2018 (Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii) – Rom Akerson from Costa Rica and Lesley Paterson from Scotland captured the 23rd annual XTERRA World Championship off-road triathlon elite titles on a sunny but muddy day in Kapalua, Maui.
It’s the first XTERRA World title for Akerson and the third for Paterson, who last won in 2011 and 2012. Both earned $20,000 for their respective victories, their share of the $100,000 elite purse.
More than 700 endurance athletes from 44 countries and 39 U.S. states competed in the event, which started with a one-mile rough water swim at D.T. Fleming Beach, continued with a muddy 18.5-mile mountain bike ride that traversed the West Maui Mountains, and finished with a 6.5-mile trail run through forest trails and beach sand.
There was more than 4,000 feet of combined climbing on the technical bike and run courses, which were muddy and slippery due to recent rain-storms on Maui’s northwest coast.
In the men’s elite race New Zealand’s Sam Osborne and Spain’s Roger Serrano were first out of the water, with last year’s winner Brad Weiss, 3x winner Ruben Ruzafa, and Akerson about one-minute behind.
Ruzafa posted the fastest bike split for the sixth straight year to take the lead early on the bike, but Akerson was just 40-seconds behind him by the time they got to the bike-to-run transition.
At mile two of the run, Akerson passed Ruzafa and never looked back, taking the tape in 2:52:41, just 35-seconds ahead of Weiss, who posted the fastest run to finish second.
I can’t even believe it,” said Akerson after the race, full of emotion with tears of joy in his eyes. “I opened it up today and just felt great. My Pura Vida spirit came out. During the run when I got the lead and I knew it was going to happen I wanted to cry but I had to tell myself to keep going, that I couldn’t cry if I hadn’t won it yet.”
To start the day, Roger Serrano led the M-style swim course through the big waves but was passed on the second lap of the swim by Osborne, who had the fastest swim split of the day in 20:48.
Mauricio Mendez also put in a solid performance in the water and made his way into second place by the time he rode his bike out of transition. Maxim Chane, Lukas Kocar, Francisco “Paco” Serrano, Brad Weiss, Ruben Ruzafa, and Rom Akerson were almost a minute behind the leaders.
Weiss was clearly disappointed with his swim. “I’ve been swimming well all year and was disappointed today,” said Weiss. “That’s where I lost the race, ironically, because last year, I said that’s where I won it. This year I came out of the water 50 seconds down and last year, I was in the lead straight onto the bike. Losing a minute is just too much in this game.”
At mile two and a half on the bike, less than 30 seconds separated the top nine men. Mendez led Osborne, Chane, Kocar, Weiss and Ruzafa. Akerson was in eighth place. By mile six, Ruzafa had powered into a one-minute, ten-second lead ahead of Osborne and Weiss, who were riding together, with Akerson riding strong less than 90-seconds behind Ruzafa in fourth.
Mendez was happy with his swim but was disappointed with his performance on the bike.
“I think that was a good swim for me,” said the 2016 World Champ. “We played in the waves a bit and you needed to be smart getting in and out of the water because the waves either took you forward or sent you back. On the bike, I’ve been trying to focus on 70.3 and I missed out on mountain bike skills, which were important for this muddy race. I fell a lot of times, especially in the last part of the bike.”
While Mendez is known for being one of the fastest runners in the sport, he couldn’t run fast enough to make up for his performance on the bike. For the sixth year in a row, Ruzafa posted the fastest bike split on the day and headed out on to the run with the lead. The first two years he did that, in 2013 and 2014, he won, but then Middaugh caught him in 2015, Mendez in 2016, Weiss last year, and Akerson this year.
“I felt good early on the bike but towards the end of it I started to get tired through the switchbacks and didn’t have enough energy left for that big climb on the run,” said Ruzafa.
Perhaps the biggest surprise was how well Akerson rode. He had third-best bike split of the day behind only Ruzafa and Middaugh. And the timing of his performance couldn’t have been better, as Akerson has overcome a fair bit of adversity recently.
“I lost my car in a river at the same time I moved to the city, so for the last three months I lived on my bike,” said Akerson. “I rode all over the city, to the supermarket, to training, to the track. I just focused. It was like, everything was taken away from me and I decided, this is how it’s going to be, just me and my bike. And here I am.”
At about mile 16 on the bike Osborne and Weiss stopped to clean mud from their gears, and Akerson rode around them and continued to climb.
“I had to stop and clean off the mud and I told myself to have faith, that others were going to have to stop too,” said Osborne. “But at one point when I stopped, the pack rode away. I caught back up, but it added a whole new dynamic to the day. Rom made a move when I stopped to clean mud from my drive train, and that was a well-timed move. I don’t know how he put in such a large gap, but we didn’t see him after that.”
By the time the riders were heading into transition, the order had changed. Ruben still maintained about a minute lead over Akerson, two and a half minutes on Osborne and over three minutes on Weiss, who was frustrated, but tried to stay positive. Josiah Middaugh was almost four minutes behind Ruzafa, and Mendez dropped back and was more than five and a half minutes behind the leader.
The run course came down to who could handle the slop. Akerson had a fantastic run, which vaulted him into the lead by mile two of the run, when he passed Ruzafa.
“When I caught Ruben, I was going hard and decided I needed to slow down so I wouldn’t blow up,” said Akerson. “But then I thought no. I’m going to go as hard as I can and dig as deep as I can and if I blow up I blow up, but I’m going to give it a shot.”
Weiss credited his girlfriend with convincing him to screw in mountain bike spikes into his racing flats, resulting in the fastest run split of the day by one-minute and 40 seconds. Middaugh had a strong run but he was still almost three minutes slower than Weiss in his hardcore footwear.
Osborne, who finished third, said a podium at the World Championship is nothing to frown upon and he's happy to have finished the race "completely knackered with nothing left in the tank."
"Today showed the depth of the field. Nobody was the clear cut favorite, and there were a lot of guys who were contenders and that just shows the quality of the sport," he added. "It's not a good swimmer or good biker that wins, it's the best XTERRA triathlete on the day."
For Akerson, who went through all kinds of challenge over the past couple years, the win was big.
“After so many years of competing, I thought that this year may be my last year,” he said. “Maybe I’ll have to give it up. But now, this title means that I can probably keep doing what I love.”
2015 XTERRA World Champ Josiah Middaugh, at 40-years-old and competing in his 18th consecutive World Championship race, rounded out the top five. Middaugh was also the top American finisher for the eighth straight year (11th time in his career), despite coming out of the water nearly four minutes behind the leaders.
Top 15 Elite Men
Rom Akerson
Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Bradley Weiss
Stellenbosch, South Africa
Sam Osborne
Rotorua, New Zealand
Ruben Ruzafa
Malaga, Spain
Josiah Middaugh
Eagle-Vail, Colorado, USA
Mauricio Mendez
Mexico City, Mexico
Karsten Madsen
Kitchener, Canada
Maxim Chane
Falicon, France
Francois Carloni
Frejus, France
Roger Serrano
Castellfollit Del Boix, Spain
Also: Olly Shaw, Pierrick Page, Ryan Petry, Jens Emil Nielsen, Anthony Pannier
The women’s race belonged to Paterson, who had the fastest bike and run times, coupled with one of the better swims of her career. She attributed her success to consistency of training, which has been lacking during the past five years while she struggled with Lyme Disease and injuries.
“I’ve done a lot of hard work over the summer and a lot of strength training and time at the gym,” said Paterson after the wreath of ti leaves was placed on her head. “Instead of being frustrated with the conditions, I was so grateful and happy to be out there. I may have dropped a few f-bombs here and there, but I kept it pretty chill.”
Flipo, who had won four out of the five XTERRA races she had entered before this one, swam with the men and had the fastest women’s swim split of the day with a time of 21:43, about three minutes ahead of three-time XTERRA World Champ Melanie McQuaid. Suzie Snyder was only six seconds behind McQuaid, and Brigitta Poor, Carina Wasle, Paterson, Penny Slater, Allison Baca, and Lizzie Orchard were within 20 seconds of Poor.
Flipo kept her lead on the mountain bike, but by mile two and a half, her lead was down to about a minute and a half over Paterson. By the six-mile mark, Paterson had moved into first place, with an almost two-minute lead on Brigitta Poor and more than two minutes on Flipo. Snyder moved into fourth place, followed closely by Lizzie Orchard and Carina Wasle.
“I had a great swim today and was really happy with it,” said Paterson. “When I got on the bike, I got into the lead pretty quick and tried to stay patient with the conditions.”
Still, Paterson never got comfortable with her position in the race. During the mountain bike course, she was aware that Poor, a strong mountain biker, was behind her.
“When I passed Brigitta, she was breathing hard and I felt good,” said Paterson. “My run is super strong right now but you’ve got to stay focused the whole time. You never know if you’ve got the win until you’ve crossed the line. That’s something I’ve learned.”
On the bike, Snyder moved up into fourth place after a disappointing swim.
“I’m not sure what happened today,” said Snyder, “The ocean pushed me backwards which usually doesn’t happen to me. On the second lap of the swim I made up some time and then passed a few girls on the mountain bike.”
Snyder and Orchard played a game of cat and mouse for fourth and fifth position on the muddy mountain bike course but Poor was still in third despite her mechanical difficulties. Carina Wasle also suffered from mechanical issues which dropped her further down in the pack where she finished the day in sixth place.
By the time the athletes came into transition, Paterson was leading Michelle Flipo by more than six minutes. Poor was about 90 seconds behind Flipo and Snyder was almost 90 seconds behind her. Orchard was next, about 10 minutes behind Paterson.
Paterson continued to dominate the run, passing some of the elite men as she made her way over the mud and the hills. By the time she cruised across the finish line, she had a more than a 10-minute lead over Flipo, who finished second, making this her best performance at the XTERRA World Championship. In 2016, Flipo finished sixth.
“It was a chore just to finish,” admitted Flipo, who has been racing on the ITU circuit this year in an effort to qualify for the Mexican Olympic Team. “It was such a challenge and I’m glad it’s over. The last time I raced here, it was also muddy, and I let it get me down. This year, I tried to keep calm and not get too frustrated.”
On the run, Flipo held onto second place, but Lizzie Orchard and Suzie Snyder both passed by Poor early on the first dirt climb.
“I had a good run,” said Orchard, who used to be a 1500-meter runner. “I passed Brigitta about halfway up the hill, which surprised me. I felt light on my feet today.”
Orchard admitted that she didn’t go all out on the bike and wanted to save something for the run. She hiked her bike a good deal because in some instances, it was faster than trying to ride through the mud.
“This course is really interesting because I feel like sometimes, when you get to the high point, you think that it’s all downhill. But really, you still have more than half the course to go. This year I conserved energy a bit because there are some really steep hills in the last 10K.”
Poor was disappointed by her day. “Unfortunately, my day was very bad. In the swim, I just wanted to stay safe because I don’t like the waves. I pushed hard on the bike but the second part of the ride was really bad. My wheel stopped, I crashed three times, and my gears were stuck. My handlebar turned about halfway through, and I had to ride the whole way like that.”
Poor also crashed at XTERRA Denmark last month and had to ride with her handlebar completely bent.
“Muddy races are not my best and it wasn’t a good day,” said Poor. “I’m disappointed because I wanted a much better position and I know I can do it. Next year, I will be back.”
Karel Dusek and Jindriska Zemanova from the Czech Republic won the overall amateur titles in 3:08:46 and 4:02:03, respectively. Dusek finished 10th overall for the men, while Zemanova was ninth overall for the women.
Dusek, 22, said that he enjoyed the challenge of the race. “Next year, I hope to come back as a pro,” he said.
Last year’s overall amateur champ, Petr Ondrej, finished 16th overall and was the fourth amateur to cross the finish line. “I’m happy with my race today,” he said. “This is a good course for me.”
Sergio Baxter of Spain won the 15-19 age group. He competed with his father, Graham Baxter. Currently, he competes as a junior on the European Triathlon Circuit (ETU).
“It’s been my all-time dream to be a professional triathlete,” he said. “So yeah, if that happened someday, that would be all right.”
As in other years, the podium for the amateur XTERRA World title awards became an international melting pot. Canada’s Calvin Zaryski won for the eighth year, Hawaii’s Bruce Wacker won for the fourth time, and New Zealand’s Gregory Ball (55-59) racked up his third title. France’s Loic Doubey won the title (25-29) for the second year in a row as did Chile’s Francisco Gonzalez (35-39), and France’s Michel Ganon (PC) and Romaric Delepine (40-44).
In the women’s field, Barbara Peterson (60-64) and Lorenn Walker (65-69) of the U.S. claimed their eighth and sixth titles respectively. Canada’s Sheri Foster (45-49), Germany’s Rita Haerteis (50-54), and the U.S.’s Sharon McDowell Larsen (55-59) each won for the second time.
Here's a look at all of today’s winners:
Male Amateur Age Group Champs
Age Group
Sergio Baxter
Totana, Spain
Karel Dusek
Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Loic Doubey (2)
Legna, France
Mathieu Desserprit
St. Pierra, Reunion
Francisco Gonzalez (2)
Santiago, Chile
Romaric Delepine (2)
Zimming, France
Eskild Ebbesen
Bagsv, Denmark
Calvin Zaryski (8)
Calgary, Canada
Gregory Ball (3)
Noosa, New Zealand
Ned Daily
New Hyde Park, NY, USA
Allan Caird
Wanganui, New Zealand
Bruce Wacker (4)
Kailua Kona, HI, USA
Michel Gonon (2)
Villard De Lans, France
Female Amateur Age Group Champs
Age Group
Pauline Vie
Alhandra, Portugal
Alizee Paties
Dijon, France
Gaelle Leduc
Vertou, France
Maria Calleja Aguayo
Madrid, Spain
Jindriska Zemanova
Plzen, Czech Republic
Deanna McCurdy
Littleton, CO, USA
Sheri Foster (2)
Calgary, Canada
Rita Haerteis (2)
Kochel Am See, Germany
Sharon McDowell-Larsen (2)
Colorado Springs, CO
Barbara Peterson (8)
Berkeley, CA, USA
Lorenn Walker (6)
Waialua, HI, USA
Seitter, Bramley win the Double
The Double Award is given to the elite and amateur man and woman with the fastest combined 2018 XTERRA World Championship and Ironman Hawaii Championship time. Germany’s Nico Seitter won the men’s amateur title with a combined time of 12:50:57 (9:09:22 IM + 3:41:35 XTERRA). Australia’s Kate Bramley won the women’s amateur division title with a combined time of 14:56:27 (10:18:32 IM + 4:37:55 XTERRA).