Nov 13, 2007
Man fights off tiger with his bicycle
Think you have a tough commute? Spare a thought for 35-year old Balaji Vithoba Kohde of Mangrud, India. On Monday evening, on his pedal home from work, he was attacked by a tigress.
The Times of India called Kohde a “21st century Tarzan.”
Rahul Sorte, a forest ranger, said: “Kohde was caught unawares when the tigress suddenly appeared on the scene. He managed to protect himself with his bicycle.”
Using a heavy steel Indian bicycle as a defence against a fast predator is a good plan. Outrunning a ravenous beast is not the best of ideas, although Raleigh’s African marketing division had different ideas in the 1930s…
Man fights tigress using a bicycle
13 Nov 2007, 0054 hrs IST,Vijay Pinjarkar,TNN
NAGPUR: Ever heard of a man putting up a fight against a tiger.
This 21st century 'Tarzan' put up a brave face by using his bicycle as a shield to save himself from a tigress that attacked him on Monday evening near Mangrud village, 12 km from Sonapur.
According to official sources, the victim, Balaji Vithoba Kohde (35) was on his way to Mangrud from Talodi on his bicycle when he was attacked by the animal at 4.45 pm near a water canal.
"Kohde was caught unawares when the tigress suddenly appeared on the scene. He managed to protect himself with his bicycle. Still, he received minor injuries on his head. He was taken to the nearest primary health centre (PHC) where he was discharged after preliminary treatment," said Rahul Sorte, Talodi range forest officer (RFO) in the Brahmapuri Forest Division. "Kohde is out of danger," he claimed.
Mangrud village falls under the Chimur constituency and villagers are raged over today's attack, it is learnt. They have demanded immediate action from the armed patrolling team of police and forestmen.
Meanwhile, 'operation flush out' to trap or kill the elusive tigress continued on the 13th day. "We immediately rushed to the spot on hearing the news but failed to track the tigress. This is the sixth attack on a human in the past one month," Sorte claimed.
The RFO said that Monday's attack shows that the tigress is very much present in the area and is moving between two ends from Kanhalgaon and Mangrud. "At least 10 villages come under these two ends. On Tuesday, we'll launch a major hunt in Mangrud area. It's better if the animal shifts to the Ghodazari area where the prey base is good," Sorte said.
saludos ceci
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