el sàbado empecè a probar las bayas de goji, cuestan en una herborìsterìa 10 € los 250 grs. son rojas y al comerlas parecen frutos secos, sin sabor, pero son agradables.
Durante esta semana he tomado màs de la dosis recomendada 2 cucharaditas de cafè al dìa y no he notado ningùn efecto en especial. Los fabricantes linwoods lo venden por internet a 7,50 libras esterlinas los 250 grs. que son 8,6 € y no los 10 que me cobraron...
màs info en inglès..
Whole Sun-Dried Goji Berries
A daily 30g serving provides 16% of the RDA of Iron. Goji Berries are a rich source of protein and include all eight essential amino acids that can only be obtained through the diet.
Linwoods Whole Sun-Dried Goji Berries
Linwoods Goji berries – or wolf berries – come from the North West Chinese province of Ningxia, otherwise known as China’s Herbal Medicine Valley. The soil here is ideal for growing Goji Berries as the Yellow River (Huang He) flows down from the Himalayas through this region and deposits rich minerals in the soil as it goes. The result is super fertile flood plains that are found nowhere else in the world. The alkaline soil, unpredictable precipitation and extreme temperature range of this climate ensure that Linwoods Goji Berries are packed with energy rich vitamins and minerals.
Goji Berries contain eight essential amino acids which can only be obtained from our food. These amino-acids are central building blocks of protein and important for the growth and repair of muscles, bones and skin and rejuvenation of new cells. These small, raisin-like berries are a high anti-oxidant and bursting with Vitamin A and C. A daily serving of 30g of goji berries provides 16% RDA of Iron. Together these vitamins and minerals are essential for the maintenance of normal body functions, sustained energy and good health.
Goji berries are a national treasure in China and with one of the longest living populations in the world, you can see why!
The Original Sundried Berry From The Himalayas
USDA Organic
-A berry pure and cherished for it's nutritional benefits-
Originating from the Tibetan plateau, the throne of the Himalayas, Goji Berries are considered to be one of the world's most nutrient rich fruit. For centuries, the Goji Berry has been honored among the Tibetans for its strength building and properties associated with longevity.
-A sacred secret of the East reveled-
Harvested with care by monks for nearly 5,000 years, this sacred fruit has been legendary in Tibetan and Chinese medicine. Virtually unknown to the West, this Berry of pure vitality is rich in anti-ageing agents, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals... facilitating the flow of vitality.
-An everyday healthy part of your diet-
Goji Berries taste delicious in cereals, yogurt, trial mix, and salads. Add them to smoothies, or recipes for muffins, and breads. You can also consume Goji Berries as the monks of the Himalayas do, steeped in tea, added to soup, or simply by themselves.
Net Wt. 8 oz. (227g)
Questions? Visit http://www.HIMALANIA.com
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Wolfberry is also another name for the western snowberry, Symphoricarpos occidentalis.
Lycium barbarum fruits
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Solanales
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Lycium
Lycium barbarum L.
Lycium chinense Mill.
Lycium halimifolium Mill. (syn. for L. barbarum)
Lycium ovatum Loisel. (syn. for L. chinense Mill. var. chinense)
Lycium turbinatum Veill. or Loisel. (syn. for L. barbarum)
Lycium vulgare Dunal (syn. for L. barbarum)
Wolfberry, commercially called goji berry, is the common name for the fruit of two very closely related species: Lycium barbarum (Chinese: 寧夏枸杞; pinyin: Níngxià gǒuqǐ) and L. chinense (Chinese: 枸杞; pinyin: gǒuqǐ), two species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae (which also includes the potato, tomato, eggplant, deadly nightshade, chili pepper, and tobacco). It is native to southeastern Europe and Asia.[1]
It is also known as Chinese wolfberry, mede berry, barbary matrimony vine, bocksdorn, Duke of Argyll's tea tree, Murali (in India),[2] red medlar, or matrimony vine.[3] Unrelated to the plant's geographic origin, the names Tibetan goji and Himalayan goji are in common use in the health food market for products from this plant.
[edit] Medicinal
Marketing literature for wolfberry products including several "goji juices" suggest that wolfberry polysaccharides have extensive biological effects and health benefits, although none of these claims have been supported by peer-reviewed research.
A May 2008 clinical study published by the peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine indicated that parametric data, including body weight, did not show significant differences between subjects receiving Lycium barbarum berry juice and subjects receiving the placebo; the study concluded that subjective measures of health were improved and suggested further research in humans was necessary.[27] This study, however, was subject to a variety of criticisms concerning its experimental design and interpretations.[28]
Published studies have also reported possible medicinal benefits of Lycium barbarum, especially due to its antioxidant properties,[29] including potential benefits against cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases,[30][31] vision-related diseases[32] (such as age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma[33]), having neuroprotective properties[34] or as an anticancer[35] and immunomodulatory agent.[36]
Wolfberry leaves may be used to make tea[37], together with Lycium root bark (called dìgǔpí; 地 骨 皮 in Chinese), for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). A glucopyranoside and phenolic amides isolated from wolfberry root bark have inhibitory activity in vitro against human pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
Micronutrients and phytochemicals
Wolfberries contain many nutrients and phytochemicals[43][unreliable source?] including
11 essential and 22 trace dietary minerals
18 amino acids
6 essential vitamins
8 polysaccharides and 6 monosaccharides
5 unsaturated fatty acids, including the essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid
beta-sitosterol and other phytosterols
5 carotenoids, including beta-carotene and zeaxanthin (below), lutein, lycopene and cryptoxanthin, a xanthophyll
numerous phenolic pigments (phenols) associated with antioxidant properties
Select examples given below are for 100 grams of dried berries. Other nutrient data are presented in two reference texts[43][unreliable source?]
Calcium. Wolfberries contain 112 mg per 100 gram serving, providing about 8-10% of the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI).
Potassium. Wolfberries contain 1,132 mg per 100 grams dried fruit, giving about 24% of the DRI.
Iron. Wolfberries have 9 mg iron per 100 grams (100% DRI).
Zinc. 2 mg per 100 grams dried fruit (18% DRI).
Selenium. 100 grams of dried wolfberries contain 50 micrograms (91% DRI)
Riboflavin (vitamin B2). At 1.3 mg, 100 grams of dried wolfberries provide 100% of DRI.
Vitamin C. Vitamin C content in dried wolfberries has a wide range (from different sources[citation needed]) from 29 mg per 100 grams to as high as 148 mg per 100 grams (respectively, 32% and 163% DRI).
Wolfberries also contain numerous phytochemicals[43][unreliable source?] for which there are no established DRI values. Examples:
Beta-carotene: 7 mg per 100 grams dried fruit.
Zeaxanthin. Reported values for zeaxanthin content in dried wolfberries vary considerably, from 2.4 mg per 100 grams [44] to 82.4 mg per 100 grams [45] to 200 mg per 100 grams[46]. The higher values would make wolfberry one of the richest edible plant sources known for zeaxanthin content.[47] Up to 77% of total carotenoids present in wolfberry exist as zeaxanthin.[48]
Polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are a major constituent of wolfberries, representing up to 31% of pulp weight.
Marketers[which?] of some wolfberry products claim that polysaccharides have specific physiological roles mediated by specialized cell receptors "master" control properties over other bioactive chemicals and cells[citation needed]. Characteristic spectral peaks are claimed to define one berry's geographic origin from another[50].
These assertions are an important marketing message for wolfberry products branded as Tibetan Goji Berries or Himalayan Goji Juice[51]. Such statements, however, have no scientific evidence published under peer-review[citation needed] and are not compliant with regulatory guidelines for marketing natural food products (see below, Marketing claims under scrutiny in Europe, Canada and the United States)]
aquì se vende màs cara 1kg= 44€
1 comentario:
Thank for nice blog. Realy this is very informatics. Himilayan Goji Juice as an alternative health juice. Are Goji berries so beneficial to your health.
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